Definitely a good thing for democrats as their wish has always been a United States that is fully dependent on government welfare. Great article, take a read. “A Washington Times report underscores this shift. Last year, "for the first time since the Great Depression, Americans took more aid from the government than they paid in taxes," it has determined. Transfer payments — unemployment, Social Security, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare and other forms of govern...
"Look beyond your rabid right wingnut Ayn Rand sycophant politics of selfishness and greed for a change ." Oh, that is funny and sad for so many reasons. See the kooky left has convinced themselves that anyone against government healthcare is somehow "greedy" and "selfish". I don't think it's greedy at all to not want our country to go into more debt, lose jobs, and the only thing happening is higher taxes. This is very funny coming from people who want to pass healthcare without...
Since the American people have denied the first round of Obamacare, and their subsequent loses afterwards still didn’t reach through to them that people do not want more government control in their HC, that doesn’t stop these morons from trying again. This time it’s their tactic to get insurance companies to raise their premiums so people will demand government actions. “President Obama is making a fresh attempt to rescue his health care overhaul by proposing a measure t...
Martha Coakley has conceded the race to Scott Brown, after Brown continues to have a huge lead in the race. Congrats to Massachusetts for putting someone in the "peoples" seat.
When Obama was elected, and when democrats got majority control, all we heard was how “transparent” they will be. The public will be given 48 hours to review bills before being voted on, and Obama told us that his administration will be “transparent”. Yeah right. Democratic leaders are looking to forgo a formal, public conference to merge the House and Senate's health care overhaul bills, giving Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the White ...
I was very upset at the so-called health care “reform” bill that was shoved through this past weekend. It was done in a real shady manner, in the middle of the night on a weekend so media coverage would be limited, and so that protests would be difficult to mount. That is the pure cowardice of Nancy Pelosi, who in my opinion is the worst politician in history. The bill which barely passed with just a couple of votes, had to be rammed through because they know the American peopl...
Not sure if they actually ate dinner, but the visitor list that was just released looks like the usual Obama cronies. Who is at the top of the list? No other than the thug organizing leader of the SEIU. Lets see who else we have . One thing is clear: Service Employees International Union President Andrew Stern holds sway at the White House, where he’s listed for 22 visits—the top number on the logs. Visitors in the top 10 also include former Clinton White House Chief ...
When I have to pay my taxes next year, this will be repeating over and over.
For you poll lovers. In fact, the 9-point drop in the most recent quarter is the largest Gallup has ever measured for an elected president between the second and third quarters of his term, dating back to 1953. One president who was not elected to his first term -- Harry Truman -- had a 13-point drop between his second and third quarters in office in 1945 and 1946.
I just read this and had to share. Click the link for more, if you can stand it. $350 billion Wall Street bailout extension ( #5 ) $787 billion stimulus ( #64 ) $400 billion, earmark-infested omnibus spending bill ( #96 ) $6 billion to federalize charities and pay volunteers ( #115 ) $109 billion loan to the International Monetary Fund ( #201 ) $3 billion for cash for clunkers ( #270 ) $400 million in corporate welfare to help tourism corporations advertise overseas ( #272...
We have a severe conflict going on in Afghanistan, which Obama appears ready to run from, and today this is discovered . The military general credited with capturing Saddam Hussein and killing the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, says he has spoken with President Obama only once since taking command in Afghanistan. "I’ve talked to the president, since I’ve been here, once on a VTC [video teleconferece]," Gen. Stanley McChrystal told CBS reporter Dav...
How exactly will it be paid for?
Only a liberal can explain their wacky logic. Protesting a “war” they voted for, it’s no problem to shout, scream, and do whatever else the loony left does. However, when people peacefully protest healthcare events, they are labeled as a “mob”, and un-American. And while you hear the liberals whine about someone calling them a Nazi, lets take a look back at the not so distant past. The left is the definition of hypocrites.