"Look beyond your rabid right wingnut Ayn Rand sycophant politics of selfishness and greed for a change."
Oh, that is funny and sad for so many reasons.
See the kooky left has convinced themselves that anyone against government healthcare is somehow "greedy" and "selfish". I don't think it's greedy at all to not want our country to go into more debt, lose jobs, and the only thing happening is higher taxes.
This is very funny coming from people who want to pass healthcare without voting on it, in clear violation of the Constitution. Greed you say? You mean backroom deals with big Pharma and labor unions that are voted on holiday weekends late at night are somehow not selfish? Taking hard-earned money away from hard-working Americans to redistribute to others who are not productive is not selfish and greedy itself?
The liberal mind is so simple that it can barely see beyond "free healthcare". Present them with facts like how it will affect costs, bring down the economy, and other real factors, and they start screaming insults and going into incoherent rants about how the government can save us all.
Of course, democrats don't care about what you think. They think most of you are too stupid to think for yourselves, therefore, need their big government entitlements to take care of you. That may be true for the few Obama supporters left, but not for anyone else who can actually think for themselves.