Island Dog's Articles In Democrat » Page 3
February 20, 2008 by Island Dog
You just have to love when liberals get caught expressing their "real" feelings.  It really tells a lot about their mentality, it's just too bad America doesn't see it. "Let me tell you, for the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country. Not just because Barack is doing well, but I think people are hungry for change." How nice, the leading democrat candidates wife has never been proud of her country.  I would say I'm surprised, but I'm really...
February 15, 2008 by Island Dog
I am.  After years of speculation that Hillary would sweep the democratic nomination I find it highly entertaining that she is getting pounced by Obama.  That is in no way an endorsement of him, he is one of the most liberal candidates, and his background is very much in question.  Hillary isn't doing well in the primaries, her once pledged super delegataes are now rumored to be defecting, and it's just a matter of time before she goes down. The thought of not having over 2...
February 6, 2008 by Island Dog
Since the resident socialist is claiming (as usual) repbulicans are lying about democrats and taxes, lets take a look at some of this. Americans for Tax Reform gave Hillary a rating of 6.7, and Obama a 7.5.   That would be great if it was a 1 to 10 scales, but it was 1 out of 100.  The non-partisan NTU gives both Hillary and Obama an "F" on a "Fiscal Snapshot of Leading Contenders with a Record In Congress". Citizens Against Government Waste rated Hillary at...
February 5, 2008 by Island Dog
I was watching Oprah on the news complaining about how people were giving her grief because she isn't supporting Hillary just because she is a woman.  That got me thinking that this years Presidential election, for the democrats at least, will be based solely upon race and gender.  You are going to have a great majority of people voting for Hillary because of her gender, and a great majority of people will vote for Obama just because of his race. I was also watching part of a focus ...
February 2, 2008 by Island Dog
CharlesCS1 wrote a great article about how the democrats are using "change" as their motto in this years election.  Well here is what "change" means. We are winning in Iraq......democrats want to change that. We are fighting islamic terrorism.....democrats want to change that. We have low taxes.....democrats want to change that. We have low unemployment....democrats want to change that. We are protecting America from islamic terrorism....democrats want to change that. We...
January 31, 2008 by Island Dog
Now I am not a big fan of either of the Clintons, but I have to give him his props after watching him confront a heckler.  In case you can't hear it, the heckler appears to be a Sept. 11 "inside job" kook. Thanks to koop for showing me this.
January 28, 2008 by Island Dog
It seems democrats just can't be happy with the current stimulus package, that they want to add over $150 billion in add-ons to it. This is just a sign of what is to come if democrats take back the Presidency. Senate Democrats will move to add to a $150 billion economic stimulus package rebates for senior citizens living off Social Security and an extension of unemployment benefits, setting up a clash with the White House and House leaders who are pushing a narrower package. As the H...
January 28, 2008 by Island Dog
Today seems like an interesting day on the democrats campaign trail. Hillary comes to Florida to campaign.....I mean visit. A day after losing big in South Carolina, Hillary Clinton jetted into Florida for private events Sunday, raising money and hopes that her campaign is still on track. She arrived in Sarasota taking care to abide by the details of the agreement not to campaign, because events in Sarasota and later in Miami were not open to the public. Tony Rezko ar...
January 18, 2008 by Island Dog
It's amazing that people would actually consider her for President. Among the highlights of the documents released by Judicial Watch:  • A June 18, 1993 internal Memorandum entitled, "A Critique of Our Plan," authored by someone with the initials "P.S.," makes the startling admission that critics of Hillary’s health care reform plan were correct:  "I can think of parallels in wartime, but I have trouble coming up with a precedent in our peacetime history for such broad...
January 9, 2008 by Island Dog
Well since Obama's win and the "polls" (which once again have proved to be useless) predicted that Hillary wouldn't do so well in New Hampshire it was time for deserpate measure.  So at a campaign stop Hillary was asked a question and the "tears" started to appear.  No doubt the media ate this up, and give her all the attention she needed with the added victim mentality that is common among democrats. This obviously worked out for Hillary as she took the New Hampshire primary. ...
January 2, 2008 by Island Dog
I was watching the news this morning and got a glimpse of the Hillary administration of the future. Looks like Hillary will do whatever it takes to get people to vote....for her. Hillary is offering transportation, and get this.....babysitting services for people. I'm sure other democrats (and some republicans) will be doing the same thing, but I just thought it was funny as this is the type of government Hillary will want you to have. Let the government take care of your every need!
October 9, 2007 by Island Dog
I recently wrote about a plan Hillary Clinton was proposing that would give every child born in the U.S. $5000 of taxpayer money.  Well another week and another proposal for another government plan to give people money. "Families could get 401(k) retirement accounts and up to $1,000 inannual matching funds from the government under a plan offered Tuesdayby Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton . Ata cost of $20 billion-$25 billion a year, the plan is Clinton's l...
October 8, 2007 by Island Dog
I had no doubt this was going to happen, and I have to say Hillary is pretty bold to bring this guy on as an advisor.  In case you don't remember Sandy Berger is the former National Security Advisor to President Clinton who stole classified documents regarding terrorism, destroyed them, and then lied about it.  The House Government Reform Committee has revealed that Berger had access to original classified documents related to terrorism, and the National Archive has also stated Berger ...
September 17, 2007 by Island Dog
Well Hillary finally unveiled her new "health care" plan for America if she becomes President. Some excerpts from the full story: The centerpiece of Clinton'splan is the so-called "individual mandate," requiring everyone to havehealth insurance — just as most states require drivers to purchase autoinsurance. Aides said Clinton believesthat an individual mandate is the only way to achieve health care forall. A key component of her plan would be a federal tax subsidy to helpindividual...
September 12, 2007 by Island Dog
You seriously have to wonder what goes through the minds of people like Kucinich who feel it's necessary to travel to a terrorist state, and the proceed to do the usual "Bush bashing" and "lies" rhetoric that is so common among the democratic party.  Now Kucinich has every right to mouth his nonsese in the U.S., that is freedom of speech.  However, what gives him the right to travel to an enemy state and do this?  At what point is someone, especially someone running for Presi...