The next Administration is shaping up
Published on October 8, 2007 By Island Dog In Democrat
I had no doubt this was going to happen, and I have to say Hillary is pretty bold to bring this guy on as an advisor.  In case you don't remember Sandy Berger is the former National Security Advisor to President Clinton who stole classified documents regarding terrorism, destroyed them, and then lied about it.  The House Government Reform Committee has revealed that Berger had access to original classified documents related to terrorism, and the National Archive has also stated Berger could have removed and destroyed documents they might not have know about.

I guess this is just a preview of what the Hillary administration might look like.  First we have Hillary linked to another criminal, Norman Hsu, and now another criminal who stole terrorism documents in order to proect Clinton.  The big problem now is we have such wimps in the Republican part that they will not call Hillary out on this, and we obviously can't rely on the media, who did their best to protect Berger in the first place. 

Being that Hillary does lead the polls, and is without a doubt the front-runner in the democrat party, I would really like to know what the appeal is for Hillary.

on Oct 08, 2007
She's just pre-planning on how to dispose of some paperwork       
on Oct 08, 2007
Sadly American is not ready for a blackman for president, so scratch Obama and who is left in the Dem party that has national appeal? a huge organization? Hillary. period
on Oct 08, 2007
"Sadly America is not ready for a black man as President." Sorry to say this but America is not ready for a woman as President either. You Yanks are going to have to get a lot less "macho" before you'll accept that. Your old "huntin', shootin',fishin' " type of old crows who have the ear of everyone, will see to that. Remember Strom Thurmond? Good old guy, good old hypocrite. People like him are still around . They have influence--God knows why?
on Oct 08, 2007

You Yanks are going to have to get a lot less "macho" before you'll accept that. Your old "huntin', shootin',fishin'

No disrespect, but that is as cliche as you can get.  Hillary will probably be the next president.  but unlike Thatcher, Ghandi, and Meier, she will be a disaster.  Not because of the "Good ole Boy" you mention, but because some here want us to be like the rest of the world when we are not.  So they will pick a dud because she is the only one that can make us like them (it wont work, but myopia and such).

Some dont look for the best person, they look for the best stereotype.  Hillary is that, and worse.