I recently wrote about a plan Hillary Clinton was proposing that would give every child born in the U.S. $5000 of taxpayer money.  Well another week and another proposal for another government plan to give people money.

"Families could get 401(k) retirement accounts and up to $1,000 in annual matching funds from the government under a plan offered Tuesday by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

At a cost of $20 billion-$25 billion a year, the plan is Clinton's largest domestic proposal other than her plan for universal health insurance. The New York senator said it would be paid for by taxing estates worth more than $7 million per couple and would help narrow the gap between the rich and those who don't have enough savings for retirement."

It's still very early in the election season, but Hillary has already managed to come up with several more government programs to "bribe" Americans into voting for her. 

Here is another quote from the Senator:

"They will begin to bring down this inequality that is eating away at our social contract."

So according to Hillary everyone must find a way to be equal, and if you can't do it yourself, then the government (at other Americans expense) should do it for you. 

Socialism is coming.

on Oct 09, 2007
We already have a government funded retirement account. It doesn't work either. It's called social security.
on Oct 09, 2007
Socialism is coming.

Good. I'll become a full time folk singer, since I should make as much doing that as I would make as an IT Tech...without busting my butt nearly as hard!

I wonder if'n I can get the government to force y'all to buy my CD's, too? HMMM....
on Oct 09, 2007
You know, if you made the same not busting your butt and busting your butt as an IT Tech, you wouldn't bust your butt as an IT Tech. That's the problem with socialism, you know - there's no longer the OT or Bonus factor, that makes you work harder.
on Oct 09, 2007

But... but... but....   But isn't privatizing our retirements (as Bush had suggested doing a little bit of in his proposals related to Social Security reform) something that the Democrats want to avoid at all costs?!?!?

on Oct 09, 2007
But... but... but.... But isn't privatizing our retirements (as Bush had suggested doing a little bit of in his proposals related to Social Security reform) something that the Democrats want to avoid at all costs?!?!?

Not if we steal the retirement money from the pockets of the wealthy.

ANY expenditure, no matter how ludicrous, is worth it if we take it from the pockets of those wealthy bastards!

And here I am thinking we WON the Cold War!
on Oct 09, 2007
I was a child...and I was born in the U.S. I wouldn't mind getting 5k. I could just throw it into my stupid college debt.

on Oct 10, 2007

This on is so stupid as to be laughable!  Reagan had a great idea, and implemented it!  Dont give us anything, but allow us to contribute to IRAs on a tax deferred basis!  That is all that is needed, and what we had.

But the DEMOCRAT congress killed that goose. At this rate, by 11/4/08, Hillary will be proposing taxing everyone 150% just to pay for her promises!