As if they already haven’t spent enough money in one month of power, they are already opening the prospects for more of this so-called “stimulus”. “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday she is open to introducing a second stimulus bill, but it's too early to determine the size of such a package and the timing on another major economic measure. “We have to keep the door open to see how it goes,” Pelosi told reporters Tuesday following a House Democratic Steering a...
If you could stand to watch thIe chosen one’s speech last night, it was quite horrifying, at least to anyone who values prosperity and small government. I don’t know what was worse, listening to Obama or watching Pelosi stand up with that loony smile every 5 seconds. In his speech, Obama confirmed what we knew all along, that he is a socialist, and that he is a liar. Obama promised free college to everyone, free healthcare, free energy, and all the other liberal goodness that alm...
This is coming from the same people who accuse the GOP of being "liars" and "smear merchants". From Newsbusters : As I reported earlier ,the scurrilous claim that McCain vice presidential pick Governor SarahPalin faked her pregnancy with a Down's Syndrome child is beginning tospread among the lowest of the nutrooters. Now, the unhinged, smearsite DemocraticUnderground.comhas boosted this lie to their front pages. Naturally, since these hatesites feed into each other, the spurious sourc...
I forced myself to watch the spectacle last night, and I have to admit I was expecting a much better speech. It really wasn't that great as it was a typical liberal speech filled with DNC talking points, and all about what the government should be doing to take over every aspect of your life. So lets analyze some of his speech. "Tonight, more Americans are out of work and more are working harderfor less. More of you have lost your homes and even more are watchingyour home values pl...
All I have to say is this is scary. This man is prepping himself up as some savior, and how many idiots in this country actually believe it. DENVER (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama 's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple. The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has beenset up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadiumwhere the Denver Br...
Hillary made a decent speech last night at the DNC convention, but don’t believe for one second she is really behind Obama. Hillary thought this election would be handed to her, and this unknown, inexperienced Obama comes out and sweeps it from her. Do you think she’s going to sit by and let it go? I don’t. The reality is she is a far better candidate than Obama, and has a much better shot at beating McCain. However, her next chance is only 4 years away, and if she ...
Look out! The Obamessiah once again unscripted and without a teleprompter almost said Clarence Thomas didn't have enough experience for the Supreme Court. Oh, that would have been great. The junior Senator with barely any experience dared to call someone out on their lack of experience? He almost said it.
"a leader that God has blessed us with at this time." - Nancy Pelosi
I have no shame and I am proud to admit I am a Conservative American. However, McCain is obviously not my first choice but I will admit he has a good shot at rolling right over Obama this fall. After watching some of last nights "forum" I really have to wonder what goes through the heads of democrats in this country. If they truly want "change", why nominate a candidate with no experience and a very shady background? I mean seriously, did anybody at the DNC ever take a ...
Finally a good ad from McCain. This video is hilarious!
I caught a little bit of the Bush press conference on energy and the economy yesterday, and I also caught some of the Rush Limbaugh show afterwards. Love him or hate him, he managed to make some valid points on the reality of energy prices and the economy. I also heard the democrats reaction to Bush's speech, and once again confirmed how clueless they really are. One of the biggest arguements from the democrats regarding the economy is "record profits" from the oil companies. ...
Congrats to Hillary for pulling off a win yesterday in the Penn. primary. I hope that Operation Chaos helped, and I really hope you stay in until the convention. Go Hillary! Oh, why do I favor Hillary over Obama? Well at least I know all about Hillary and what she is about, I can't say the same for Obama and that is just worse.
For the last week or so, the media can't seem to get over the so-called "baised" democratic debate between Hillary and Obama. I believe Hillary got hit with software questions, but then again, look at who the moderators were. Was Obama treated unfairly? I don't think so, and really don't care. Obama had a terrible performance in the debate and had a very hard time explaining anything related to his ties to the racist Wright, and the domestic terrorist Ayers. As I have ...
Obama stuck his foot in his mouth the other day, proving once again he is nothing but another elitist liberal who thinks the government should run citizens lives. "It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Yep, us stupid hicks just don't know any better so we "cling" to our guns! We need Obama and the government ...
In case you needed a reminder of how fruity the left is, just take a look at this quote from Nancy Pelosi yesterday. "We've got a planet to save. Nothing less is at stake other than civilization as we know it today," the California Democrat and speaker of the House told reporters Saturday afternoon in assessing the election and the nominating convention taking place here over the week. Wow. So Obama and Biden are going to save the planet and civilization? I knew Obama was the...