I caught a little bit of the Bush press conference on energy and the economy yesterday, and I also caught some of the Rush Limbaugh show afterwards. Love him or hate him, he managed to make some valid points on the reality of energy prices and the economy. I also heard the democrats reaction to Bush's speech, and once again confirmed how clueless they really are.
One of the biggest arguements from the democrats regarding the economy is "record profits" from the oil companies. This is the basic campaign operations from the democrats, make business and corporations out to be the "bad guys", and ignore everything else. They follow this up with using words like "greed" when referring to oil companies.
One of the proposals that Bush supports is a "holiday" on the federal gas tax. Hillary Clinton and John McCain also support this, but Obama does not.
Here is what Chuck Schumer (D) had to say about that:
"We believe there ought to be a gas-tax holiday, but Big Oil ought to pay for it,
Just amazing. So "big oil" should foot the bill for a holiday for gas taxes, what country does Schumber live in? I think he would make a good addition to the administration of Hugo Chavez. This just supports the notion that democrats have no plan to solve energy prices......just blame "big oil" and make them pay for it.
The reality is nobody is going to solve this so-called "crisis" anytime soon. We are not going to stop consuming large amounts of oil, nor are we going to seriously embrace alternative forms of energy no matter who is in charge in Washington. The fact is, we need to start drilling for our own oil, we need to start buildling new, more efficient refineries, and we need to start building nuclear facilities as well. Does anyone want to take a guess on who opposes all of that?
Democrats complained that drilling in ANWAR would take several years to see some kind of affect. Well true, but how many years have democrats been opposing this? How many new refineries have been built in the United States lately, and can anyone tell us why?
When you hear Obama or Hillary telling you that they will solve the gas "crisis", just understand that they won't if they don't grasp the basic realities of energy and oil comsumption.