Hillary made a decent speech last night at the DNC convention, but don’t believe for one second she is really behind Obama. Hillary thought this election would be handed to her, and this unknown, inexperienced Obama comes out and sweeps it from her. Do you think she’s going to sit by and let it go? I don’t. The reality is she is a far better candidate than Obama, and has a much better shot at beating McCain. However, her next chance is only 4 years away, and if she can remain a vocal critic of McCain, she will most likely have a much easier time next time.
This week is Obama’s week no doubt, and I’m sure he will get a bump in polls, but that won’t last no more than a week or so. Obama has been on a downhill path and his pick of Biden as VP only solidifies that. Democrats are already shocked that Obama isn’t ahead by 20 points in the polls because they believe he is “the one”, but once again, democrats don’t always reside in reality. Obama’s racism is showing, his inexperience is showing, and that will all lead to his downfall. Now I have no doubt Hillary will be a big part of a campaign against Obama, but how far they take it is yet to be seen.