Published on February 6, 2008 By Island Dog In Democrat

Since the resident socialist is claiming (as usual) repbulicans are lying about democrats and taxes, lets take a look at some of this.

Now that is just a few minutes of research.  Lets also take into account their massive spending proposals, which many have said will directly or indirectly cause a burden on the "middle class" that the democrats claim to care so much about.  If you think democrats will help your life by overtaxing your employer and small businesses, then you should take another look.


on Feb 06, 2008
No, dude! Democrats are trying to stick it to THE MAN! Fight the power! ::
on Feb 06, 2008

Stop confusing the issue with the facts and truth (unlike the so-called truth you might be referring to...)

(By the way, my compliments to whomever has kept him pent up lately.  Much appreciated and so much less clutter over on the recent articles listing )

on Feb 06, 2008

Since the resident socialist is claiming

I have not seen COl Klink around in awhile.  When did he write about this?