Well Hillary finally unveiled her new "health care" plan for America if she becomes President.
Some excerpts from the full story:
The centerpiece of Clinton's
plan is the so-called "individual mandate," requiring everyone to have
health insurance — just as most states require drivers to purchase auto
Aides said Clinton believes
that an individual mandate is the only way to achieve health care for
all. A key component of her plan would be a federal tax subsidy to help
individuals pay for coverage.
Aides said Clinton will propose several specific measures to pay for her plan, including an end to some of the Bush-era tax cuts for people making more than $250,000 per year. I have to say that is pretty typical of what I expected from Hillary. In order to ensure every American has health care coverage, do it the easy way.....MAKE THEM! Not only that, but make them have health insurance and make a certain class of Americans contribute to it by raising taxes on them.
Hillary won't give too many specifics as of yet, either because she doesn't know them, or she's afraid of the backlash she will receive. Either way, I believe this "plan" will do more harm than good to her campaign.