Island Dog's Articles » Page 309
June 9, 2006 by Island Dog
Tell me again how the democratic party is not based with loons. Las Vegas -- Two years ago, the first bloggers credentialed to cover the Democratic National Convention in Boston were treated as a novelty, guests at the restricted club where mainstream media reporters and politicians hobnob. This weekend, in a sign of how new media is reshaping politics, some of the nation's top Democratic politicians are flocking to the first major offline convention inspired by a political blog, th...
June 8, 2006 by Island Dog
The Democratic Leadership Council, which wrote the playbook for Bill Clinton's successful 1992 run for the presidency, warns that unless Democratic candidates redefine their party and change the way they address voters, they will lose another national election. Democrats have lost the last two presidential elections and Republicans picked up seats in both the House and Senate during the last mid-term election in 2002. "Our policy messages do not resonate with people," said Michael S...
June 8, 2006 by Island Dog
Some Democrats, breaking ranks from their leadership, today said the death of terrorist leader Abu Musab Zarqawi in Iraq was a stunt to divert attention from an unpopular and hopeless war. " This is just to cover Bush's [rear] so he doesn't have to answer" for Iraqi civilians being killed by the U.S. military and his own sagging poll numbers, said Rep. Pete Stark, California Democrat. "Iraq is still a mess -- get out." Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, Ohio Democrat, said Zarqawi was ...
June 8, 2006 by Island Dog
We must pull out now. This war in not winnable and we are only making other people hate us. Look at this carnage. It's Bush's fault. Just imagine if the media reports this as they do Iraq. HARTFORD, Conn. - A man who refused to give up his gold and diamond chain. Two teenagers hanging out on a front porch. Four family members in front of their house planning a cookout. They were among 20 people shot, three fatally, in Connecticut's capital since May 24 in a surge of seeming...
June 8, 2006 by Island Dog
I am watching and reading the coverage of the zarqawi bombing, and I can't believe how pathetic the democrats and rinos are. Well I can believe it, they continually do anything they can to harm America. While the msm coverage today I have seen Republicans, Democrats, and their rino counterparts in action. The Republicans typically are celebrating the killing of zarqawi, but at the same time cautioning that this will not mean the end of terrorism. They are very optomistic about the futur...
June 7, 2006 by Island Dog
Something new from Google.  Take the tour and sign up for an invite.
June 2, 2006 by Island Dog
The revelations came about following an investigation by Melanie Morgan and the Censure Carter Committee - a project of the pro-troop organization, Move America Forward. These developments are in addition to tens of millions of dollars in funding from Arab governments who are appreciative of Carter's anti-Israeli stance and Carter's opposition to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including opposing Operation Iraqi Freedom and opposing the Bush Administration's war on terrorism...
June 1, 2006 by Island Dog
I have been reading the posts here concerning taxes and revenue. I have spent days thinking of a way to solve this "tax crisis" as some here would put it. So with countless hours of research I have come up with the perfect tax system that even the col would love. The Bleeding Heart Liberal Tax Code. In December of each year, every citizen has until the New Year to complete this form. By filling out this special tax form, you agree for the federal government to take out 70% of your ear...
May 31, 2006 by Island Dog
What a bunch of idiots. The left in this country are insane, there's no other explanation. SILVER SPRING, MD – Hundreds of concerned citizens and leaders from across the nation will join Hurricane Katrina survivors Wednesday to call for the resignation of the heads of the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at the NOAA Headquarters just outside of Washington, D.C. During an 11 a.m. demonstration, advocates will demand that NOAA ...
May 30, 2006 by Island Dog
I'm seriously thinking about purchasing one.  Anybody here have own and would like to share their opinions?  I'm also curious how people have theirs setup.  I know some people have been using them with their computer monitor.
May 30, 2006 by Island Dog
NY Times, al-qaeda's daily read. In a bizarre college commencement speech on May 21, New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. urged protection for his reporters and photographers "in war-torn Iraq" so they can bring back stories about a "misbegotten war" and help undermine the Bush Administration's foreign policy. Strangely, he quoted Winston Churchill as saying, "never give in," but Sulzberger urged the U.S. to raise the white flag in Iraq and suggested that George Bush be kicke...
May 29, 2006 by Island Dog
I notice that there is no change in graphics for Memorial Day on Google. They seem to do this for every other event. I guess Memorial Day isn't as important as Halloween. First it's banning conservative sites the criticize islam, now this. I think I'm done with Google.
May 28, 2006 by Island Dog
Something al-murtha doesn't understand is his anti-American rhetoric is what hurts U.S. efforts. Abu Ghraib was as much of a non-story as Bushs service in the National Guard was. The people who perpetuated the Abu Ghraib story and made it more than it was, was the media and some people in Congress. They are the one's who tried to present the arguement that Abu Ghraib was stand operating procedure for the U.S. military. Which in fact it was just a few soldiers and not part of some huge cons...
May 27, 2006 by Island Dog
The democratic voting base. While Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and John Kerry (D-MA) attempt to push a bill through the Senate that would restore voting rights for felons -- including killers, rapists and child predators -- such a law would receive a cold reception by most Americans, according to a just-released poll. A new poll conducted by Zogby Interactive for Associated Television News and The O'Leary Report shows that a clear majority of Americans, including blacks and Hispani...
May 26, 2006 by Island Dog
Jara sang (1000+ posts) Fri May-26-06 04:50 PM Original message So, we are on the eve of yet another nationalist holiday. Is it fascism yet? Before anybody jumps on me for NOT "supporting the troops". I would just like to say that I don't think wars of aggression, bombing and murdering civilians, and imperialist dogma is particularly worthy of a holiday.