In a bizarre college commencement speech on May 21, New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. urged protection for his reporters and photographers "in war-torn Iraq" so they can bring back stories about a "misbegotten war" and help undermine the Bush Administration's foreign policy. Strangely, he quoted Winston Churchill as saying, "never give in," but Sulzberger urged the U.S. to raise the white flag in Iraq and suggested that George Bush be kicked out of office in the same way Richard Nixon was forced to resign. Sulzberger, who also serves as chairman of the Times company, defended the paper's disclosure of national security information that makes it easier for the terrorists to target and kill Americans. And this from a publisher based in New York City, site of Ground Zero on 9/11.
While Sulzberger had no words of praise for the U.S. Armed Forces, he did express concern about losing "our reporters and photographers in war-torn areas such as Iraq…" He called Iraq "a misbegotten war in a foreign land." So, apparently, he wants his personnel protected just so they can help undermine the war effort and force an American withdrawal.
The address, which sounded like something out of the mouth of left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore, comes at a time when major investors are questioning Sulzberger's ability to lead the company into the new media age. Those investors made headlines when they withheld their votes for a slate of Sulzberger-approved directors at the April 18 annual meeting.
In the speech, delivered to the State University of New York at New Palz, where he was honored with a Doctorate of Humane Letters, Sulzberger argued that students should do the right thing when it comes to "small decisions," such as picking up an overturned trash can or helping a stranded motorist. But he said, in effect, that on big matters such as peace, freedom and security for our nation, the U.S. should throw in the towel. He suggested abandoning the war on terrorism and concentrating on more important things like adopting special rights for homosexuals and illegal aliens. |