What a bunch of idiots. The left in this country are insane, there's no other explanation.

SILVER SPRING, MD – Hundreds of concerned citizens and leaders from across the nation will join Hurricane Katrina survivors Wednesday to call for the resignation of the heads of the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at the NOAA Headquarters just outside of Washington, D.C. During an 11 a.m. demonstration, advocates will demand that NOAA stop covering up the growing scientific link between severe hurricanes and global warming while insisting on real solutions to the problem of global warming.

The protest comes at the start of the 2006 Hurricane season, which officials at the NHC predict will be "a hectic, above-normal tropical storm season." Speeches begin at 11 a.m. EDT and protestors will carry dramatic props and photographs of Hurricane Katrina. A 37-hour demonstration will follow, lasting until midnight on June 1st, with picketing during the day and a candlelight vigil by night.

After a record four major hurricanes hit Florida in 2004, the 2005 hurricane season was even more devastating. Of the six most powerful hurricanes ever to hit America in the past 150 years, three occurred within 52 days in 2005. Yet, despite a flurry of peer-reviewed scientific studies linking planetary warming to storms like Katrina, leaders at NOAA and the NHC continue to claim that the recent hurricane devastation is part of a "natural cycle."


on May 31, 2006
This bunch of yahoos has been one-upped:

From the Ecoenquirer.com:

After Hurricane Katrina: Vatican Sued for 'Acts of God'

(Vatican City, Rome) The devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina, America's most expensive natural disaster, has led to much finger pointing concerning who was to blame for the inadequate protection and disaster preparation. Now, add one more organization to the list of those accused of inaction.

A consortium of concerned organizations and individuals, formed by a New Orleans attorney and calling itself 'People Against Natural DisastERs' (PANDER), has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Vatican. PANDER claims that insufficient and inadequate prayers to God for protection is partly to blame for the increasing number of people being killed, injured, and displaced by 'acts of God'

"The insurance industry has long known of the threat to life and property from 'acts of God', as indicated by the wording of millions of insurance policies," explained Jesse Grisham, a New Orleans attorney who formed PANDER. "We are merely taking the next logical step...placing the blame where it belongs. If people of faith had been doing their job -- offering up a sufficient number of high-quality, heart-felt prayers to the 'big guy' to protect people from harm -- we argue that disasters such as Hurricane Katrina would have never happened."