Published on June 1, 2006 By Island Dog In Politics
I have been reading the posts here concerning taxes and revenue. I have spent days thinking of a way to solve this "tax crisis" as some here would put it. So with countless hours of research I have come up with the perfect tax system that even the col would love.

The Bleeding Heart Liberal Tax Code.

In December of each year, every citizen has until the New Year to complete this form. By filling out this special tax form, you agree for the federal government to take out 70% of your earnings for the upcoming year. Why is this optional you ask? Simple. Since liberals believe they have the right to tell us how much certain classes of people should be taxed, we will give them the option to do it for themselves.

If liberals truely believe they should give as much money as they can to the government, let's see if they really mean it. I'm willing to bet most of them wouldn't be too happy when they have to do it.

So, how many of you would opt in for this tax?

on Jun 01, 2006
Depends what the money would be spent on. If it would provide the same level of support as it does in Scandanavia, I don't see why not - I already spend the majority of my money on education, healthcare/insurance and taxes. But if it's just to prop up the ridiculously inefficient US system, no.
on Jun 01, 2006
" If it would provide the same level of support as it does in Scandanavia, I don't see why not - I already spend the majority of my money on education, healthcare/insurance and taxes. But if it's just to prop up the ridiculously inefficient US system, no."

I get so tired of hearing about Scandanavia. If the US had the homogeneous population of a single US state, I'd bet it would be a lot easier to manage, too. I bet we'd all agree more, too. When you are dealing with 300 million people with diverse interests, races, classes and philosophies, and a long history of poverty and social problems, it might not be so easy. You don't have to work hard to overcome stuff when there isn't much to overcome.

Last I heard most Scandanavian countries were plagued by a declining birth rate. Evidently people are too bored to even procreate in heavenly Valhalla. Sorry for the bitterness, but if I had a dime for every time I have heard someone espouse this or that socialist ideal because it works in some small, whitebread Scandanavian country I could buy myself one.

Of course it works there. It's not that difficult to get people to fall into line in the international equivalent of Mayberry.
on Jun 02, 2006
Of course it works there. It's not that difficult to get people to fall into line in the international equivalent of Mayberry.

True. I wouldn't choose to pay a 70% tax rate in America anyway. But that's one place where extremely high taxrates haven't meant the end of the world as we know it. Considering how closely social matters and economics are related I wouldn't be surprised that their cultural homogenity isn't a factor of some sort in their economic strength. It certainly works like that for Japan.

Last I heard most Scandanavian countries were plagued by a declining birth rate.

Every first world country bar the US has a declining birthrate. Italy and Japan have actually had a population in decline for decades. It's the most striking feature of the first world - we have so much for ourselves that we don't need a next generation. That and many (most?) children these days are planned, so fewer are born who aren't expected.
on Jun 02, 2006
Even in Sweden, the top marginal tax rate is only 57%, not 70%. And while the US system is bloated and corrupt, I challenge anyone to find a nation whose government is not so cursed as well.