I have been reading the posts here concerning taxes and revenue. I have spent days thinking of a way to solve this "tax crisis" as some here would put it. So with countless hours of research I have come up with the perfect tax system that even the col would love.
The Bleeding Heart Liberal Tax Code.
In December of each year, every citizen has until the New Year to complete this form. By filling out this special tax form, you agree for the federal government to take out 70% of your earnings for the upcoming year. Why is this optional you ask? Simple. Since liberals believe they have the right to tell us how much certain classes of people should be taxed, we will give them the option to do it for themselves.
If liberals truely believe they should give as much money as they can to the government, let's see if they really mean it. I'm willing to bet most of them wouldn't be too happy when they have to do it.
So, how many of you would opt in for this tax?