Microsoft recently launched on-demand downloads of movies and tv shows throughthe Xbox Live Marketplace, even some in HDTV. The initiallaunch gives close to 50 downloadable movies to rent. Thedownload will stay on the hard drive for two weeks, but will be deletedwithin 24 hours of the movie being watched. Purchases are made using Marketplace points, basically in the samemanner you would buy arcade games, or extra content. Thevalue of the rentals translates into around $3 or $4 ...
Groups on Flickr are a great way for people to share images of a particular subject. I thought this would be a perfect platform for players of the recently released, Sins of a Solar Empire , to get together and post screenshots or images of custom maps they have designed. It's a public group, so anyone can join.
I haven't picked up Rock Band for the Xbox 360 yet, but I have played it at my in-law's house, and it is fun. We took a trip to GameStop this weekend and I spotted this, so I might just have to pickup Rock Band soon.
Not too much comment on, the article speaks for itself. "Today the Florida Supreme Court sanctioned Mr. Thompson after he failed to prove that they shouldn't through his recent "show cause" order. So what does all this law jargon mean exactly? Well the long and short of it is that Thompson will no longer be able to file cases directly to the courts but instead will have to hire another lawyer to do so on his behalf." Link:
Mario Kart Wii is here! Just got back from the midnight launch at my local GameStop. I got there early so me and the GS staff had some fun taking pictures with the IronMan display. I was surprised at the amount of people who were there, and every person seemed to get the game and an extra wheel. Well it's here now, and my wife has just started playing. Looks great so far!
I was finally able to play a build of the upcoming The Political Machine 2008 last night. As a matter of fact, night actually turned into morning. I can't say too much about the game, other than it's a blast to play and is very addictive.
A few weeks ago I wrote about how my Xbox 360 had a "one ring" system error which basically means the GPU has failed. Taking a walk through Best Buy yesterday one of my daughters said, "Daddy, that's what happened to our Xbox". She called me over to the Xbox 360 demo unit and sure enough, the same error as our Xbox had. I just got a small laugh out of seeing that.
I just went and picked up copy of Battlefield: Bad Company. There is a bad storm coming through so I only got to play a bit of the single player. It seemed pretty good, although I am really wanting to go head on into the multiplayer aspect of it.
To start this off let me talk about what I actually played this weekend, then I want to hear about the games you got a chance to play this past weekend. On the PC I’m still playing The Political Machine 2008 . I’m a political junkie and TPM is just a fun game to play, even if you aren’t a big follower of politics. I have been playing just some quick games, but I am starting to make my way through the campaign, which is a challenge, but a fun one. For the Xbox 36...
Well we had a long 4-day weekend, which surprisingly I didn't do too much gaming. On the Xbox 360 I played a few rounds of Battlefield: Bad Company, and a little bit of Guitar Hero III: AeroSmith. I didn't get around to any PC games this weekend as I tried to stay away from the computer for a few days. So, what did you play this weekend?
I was reading an article from Zoomba about games , and one of them on his list is Ghostbusters . This was my favorite movie as a kid, and although I’m always little reserved about games based on movies, this one is looking great.
This weekend we fired up the Wii and played Super Mario Galaxy for a few hours. We haven’t played it in months, so it was fun to get back into it. It’s a great game, and the kids love it, but I think Super Mario Sunshine is my favorite to date. I do like the Wii controls in Galaxy, and I think it makes good use of the Wii-mote and associated controls. On the PC I fired up Anno 1701, which is an older title, but one of my personal favorites. I have an ongoing s...
I had a lot of work to do this weekend, so not much time to play games. However, I did take a little bit of time to give the Spore Creature Creator a shot. My first impression was it is a neat tool that will hopefully compliment the game well. Creating a creature of my very own was really fun, and it seems the possibilities are endless. I was using the trial so my creation possibilities were a bit limited, but from what I have seen, the full version should be great....
If you are fan who is awaiting the arrival of Battlefield Hero's, you might be interested in this. They are giving away a free ringtone of the Battlefield Hero's theme song. It's in .MP3 format for you will need to upload and configure the ringtone itself, but I thought it was a cool thing to give away. Get the free ringtone download here .
I thought it would be fun to take a quick informal poll on how many hours our members devote to playing games. It’s probably hard for some to get an exact count of the hours, but I would be curious of a round-a-bout figure of your time invested per week. I would mine is near the 20-25 hour mark but it’s hard to say for sure. That does include all types of gaming whether it’s on a PC, console, or portable. So what about you?