I just came across this interview with Ironclad’s Blair Fraser with 1up.com about the next installment in the micro-expansions for Sins of a Solar Empire.

"The second micro expansion is really about both diplomacy and the non-military aspects of the game which will bring it more in line with the RT4X sub-genre we've labeled it as. Certainly, multiple paths to victory, especially non military paths, are part of that," Fraser said, adding that the introduction of additional game modes that will make the game more multiplayer-friendly is also a distinct possibility, pointing to the user-made Sins of a Solar Empire DOME mod as an example.”

Check out the article at 1up.com.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Mar 18, 2009


Quoting Annatar11, reply 7Well, some of the speech was going to be a bit more coarse, and they were going to have floating bodies and such when ships blew up. Craig mentioned that in a thread a while back. Besides that, I don't know!
And I think it's been hinted at that the TEC swore a bit more and the Advent were.... rather happy with their blood lust.

Hot, psionic and crazy women made happy at the thought of eviscerating their foes.....

/as long as I'm not one of their foes

on Mar 18, 2009

Blair Fraser
There will be no new playable factions in the next micro-expansion. It doesn't fit the theme and since we are only charging $10 it wouldn't be cost effective on top of everything else that's being added. As I said in the interview, its about diplomacy and non-military options.

I would never expect it to, in fact it was what I was hoping for for expansion 3 but then I have a sneaking suspicion the 3rd expansion will include something beginning with camp and ending in aign.

Either way I'm a devoted follower already.

Although game lore means very little to me I understand it's importance in terms of franchise and appealing to story lovers.

on Mar 18, 2009

Blair Fraser
There will be no new playable factions in the next micro-expansion. It doesn't fit the theme and since we are only charging $10 it wouldn't be cost effective on top of everything else that's being added. As I said in the interview, its about diplomacy and non-military options.


Completely non-military? Did anyone else hear in that phone interview that they would be doing something to make cap ships more customizable? Or did I just make it up in wishfull thinking?

on Mar 18, 2009

That was in reference to the future, not the next micro expansion specifically. Even then, it's not a sure thing.

on Mar 18, 2009

Blair Fraser
That was in reference to the future, not the next micro expansion specifically. Even then, it's not a sure thing.


Well, if you decide to do it, it will be awesome. Any little thing to trick out my cap ships is always welcome.

on Mar 18, 2009

I'll take one Epic Gauss Cannon of Vasari Slaying on my Kol please, thanks.

on Mar 18, 2009

just a tiny bitist of suggestion: I think 4x games like civ iv and gc ii have been mentioned as examples for the direction it could go. I'd like to point out that some of the mods for the former are really cool and maybe those can give an idea also. some elements from rhys and fall or revolutions mods would be what I'd want in civ V and maybe something makes it into sins. sort of like internal dynamics, secession tendencies, new factions/ nations arising midgame.

on Mar 18, 2009

I'll take one Epic Gauss Cannon of Vasari Slaying on my Kol please, thanks.

Weird that you say it that way...suddenly reminded me of the worlds no.1 RPG, D&D.

"Your thief, after prying the chest and cleverly avoiding the poisoned needle trap has discovered that it contained a sword whos mere presence envelops your group with a desire for bloodlust".

-Group backs away expecting something really mean to happen (wouldn't be the first time).

-The group's fighter turns around and points at black robed figure "Raistlin, identify this item".

After a brief word of magic and some "swooshes" with his hands, Raistlin turns around to face his comrades. "Congratulations my friends, we have just acquired an item of considerable power which may prove to be our salvation out of this place".

-WHAT IS IT? yells the group at Raistlin who once again was just trying to build up suspense.

-My friends, we have just uncovered a +4 Vampiric Greatsword of demonoid-slaying.

(2d12 damage, user recovers hp equal to half the damage dealt, 18-20/x3, slashing, 20lbs, two-handed).


HELL YEAH! The good old days


on Mar 19, 2009

20 pounds for a greatsword?!?! You'd have problems finding a sledghammer that heavy.

on Mar 19, 2009

I didn't want to add +5 because that would've been a dead giveaway.. though since I said Epic, it'd have gone up higher

on Mar 19, 2009

20 pounds for a greatsword?!?! You'd have problems finding a sledghammer that heavy.

Sorry but I use kilogrammes not pounds...so I make an attempt at conversion!

Complete fail apparently

on Mar 19, 2009

1kg = 2.2 pounds (lb/lbs)

on Mar 19, 2009


So I weight 132 pounds, not much for 18 years old (1m75)

on Mar 19, 2009

Quoting Annatar11, reply 22

Oh now that's just wrong!

Only if you're not me. Which, I guess you're not. Sucker.

I lol'ed pretty hard on this one.

Well, Entrancement is perfectly valid. I mean, just look at those Advent curves. And you just know they'd realize that in the future clothes are a waste of valuable resources. Oh, this isn't the dirty minds thread?

Mmm, Advent curves...

I second that. Mmm...

on Mar 19, 2009

Personally, I am getting tired of patch after patch and then talks and talks about mini-expansions. I want the new material, but i would almost rather you hold it all back and work on it, perfect it, and then release it all at once as Sins Of A Solar Empire II. Even if it takes until next year to do so.

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