I just came across this interview with Ironclad’s Blair Fraser with 1up.com about the next installment in the micro-expansions for Sins of a Solar Empire.

"The second micro expansion is really about both diplomacy and the non-military aspects of the game which will bring it more in line with the RT4X sub-genre we've labeled it as. Certainly, multiple paths to victory, especially non military paths, are part of that," Fraser said, adding that the introduction of additional game modes that will make the game more multiplayer-friendly is also a distinct possibility, pointing to the user-made Sins of a Solar Empire DOME mod as an example.”

Check out the article at 1up.com.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 16, 2009

Sounds cool, can't wait for more intel.

on Mar 16, 2009

I understand all the concerns with race balance for an RTS, but it just seems a little pointless -- at least thematically -- to be having diplomatic relations with carbon copies of the same 3 races.  It hurts the epic vibe of the whole thing. 

If they want to add the title 4x along with the RTS moniker, then they better understand all the baggage that comes with that.  One of theses bags is definitely more races.  4x games in the past:  GalCivII: 10 races and 8 minor races.  SEV:  15 races and minor races as well.  SOTS: 6 races.  So ideally, I'd like to see minor races as well.  The Rogues and the Pirates help with that, but they could easily take it further.

Sure, I could roleplay and pretend that TEC version 2 is some sort of human offshoot, but I would rather the devs do that for me.  I hope they take a risk -- and I know it's a risk -- and attempt to balance way more than only 3 races.

But I also look forward to the Star Trek and Last Stand mod to fill this gap in the meantime.  I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, but think this was a perfect time to voice my opinion considering the topic.

on Mar 16, 2009


Now? Now? Now?
Check now.

I actually checked.

on Mar 16, 2009

Oh Risk 2210 FTW!!!!!

I'm actually a big fan of 2210.  I'm curious exactly what they could gleam from the diplomacy of 2210.  Hmmm.  I'm guessing that you will have access to managers who help you with certain aspects of the non-combat game.  A Diplomat, an Admiral, A General, etc.  Maybe you can ask them for advice or to handle certain things so you don't have to micromanage them...

Or, they might just be specifically taking things from the Diplomat leader of 2210.  Maybe there are ideas in his deck which they like, such as one card giving the player immunity from being attacked, stuff like that.

on Mar 16, 2009

I actually checked.


on Mar 16, 2009


on Mar 16, 2009

I understand with adding 4x usually means more races. Im fine with more races. I just dont want them radicaly change the lore already created. If IC can add more races that fit within the current lore Im 100% for it!!! I just dont want it fit into that crapy uber race niche. Thats 99% of RTS end up using to add more races.

As for 2210, they might adda unit like the dipolmacy commander that allows certaint abilites.

on Mar 16, 2009

If they want to add the title 4x along with the RTS moniker, then they better understand all the baggage that comes with that. One of theses bags is definitely more races. 4x games in the past: GalCivII: 10 races and 8 minor races. SEV: 15 races and minor races as well. SOTS: 6 races. So ideally, I'd like to see minor races as well. The Rogues and the Pirates help with that, but they could easily take it further

Why must they do it just because someone else did it? The best games are not those that copy the existing ones. The best ones are the ones that innovate. Hence why Sins is sooo good. It takes RTS to a whole new level....

on Mar 16, 2009

Why must they do it just because someone else did it? The best games are not those that copy the existing ones. The best ones are the ones that innovate. Hence why Sins is sooo good. It takes RTS to a whole new level....

If they really want to take it to a whole new level, then a dozen perfectly balanced factions would be quite impressive. 

on Mar 16, 2009

Now to mention the 12 different play styles (at 6 for now) for multiplayer 


on Mar 17, 2009

I really hope they don't make a bunch of new races.  To keep up quality we'd have to wait periods of years, and by then, graphics, gameplay, etc. will be continually upgraded by other developers and this game will be irrelevant. If they sacrifice quality there is no point in playing something terribly balanced, I won't even touch it.  If I wanted terrible balance and therefore gameplay with contrived ill thought lore for the sake of more variety I would download mods.


I think they're doing fine with upgrading the depth of the game/interface/game modes while keeping it balanced tbh

on Mar 17, 2009

I wonder what the new expansion will be called. "Alliance" has already been done. "Unity" is taken as well.

on Mar 17, 2009

"Universal Exchange"???

on Mar 17, 2009

I wonder what the new expansion will be called. "Alliance" has already been done. "Unity" is taken as well.


on Mar 17, 2009

"Infiltration" sounds about right. Diplomacy and espionage go hand in hand.

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