I just came across this interview with Ironclad’s Blair Fraser with 1up.com about the next installment in the micro-expansions for Sins of a Solar Empire.

"The second micro expansion is really about both diplomacy and the non-military aspects of the game which will bring it more in line with the RT4X sub-genre we've labeled it as. Certainly, multiple paths to victory, especially non military paths, are part of that," Fraser said, adding that the introduction of additional game modes that will make the game more multiplayer-friendly is also a distinct possibility, pointing to the user-made Sins of a Solar Empire DOME mod as an example.”

Check out the article at 1up.com.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Mar 19, 2009

Personally, I am getting tired of patch after patch and then talks and talks about mini-expansions. I want the new material, but i would almost rather you hold it all back and work on it, perfect it, and then release it all at once as Sins Of A Solar Empire II. Even if it takes until next year to do so.

WHAT! you want them to be another EA clone...come on!

Even if they do pofine it to the max, odds are bugs will still appear (not to mention balance issues) in the "Sins of a Solar Empire II" but since you're asking them to w8 well means those issues will only be fixed in Sins No.3...and so on!

And you'll never get a game thats actually 100% funtionnal (or at least as functional as possible).


+what does it take to patch...like 5 mins max! Just put impulse in background. Go check your emails, youll be back itll be ready for play.

Personnaly, I find the patches just another sign that the devs are trying to make this as perfect as possible .

Embrace and cherish it! Not many companies care about their customers as much +_+!

on Mar 20, 2009

Personally, I am getting tired of patch after patch and then talks and talks about mini-expansions. I want the new material, but i would almost rather you hold it all back and work on it, perfect it, and then release it all at once as Sins Of A Solar Empire II. Even if it takes until next year to do so.


on Mar 24, 2009

can't wait for the next expansions, though I am loving me some SINS Entrenchment right now.

on Mar 24, 2009

Blair Fraser

Quoting icen9ne,
reply 25
Ya Haree78, the "lore" comments perplex me.  Sins doesn't even have a campaign yet.  The only lore we've got came from a short cinematic (more like picture-matic) with some voice over.  Hopefully, there's a lot more to come.

Manual + website lore + forum releases + original sins trailer + opening cinematic + in-game descriptions. There's a fair bit of lore out there and if you piece it all together the picture is much more comprehensive.

Just saw the original trailer, low res awsomeness

How long did it take u guys to make the second gameplay trailer?

on Mar 24, 2009

I liked the news about more diplomatic options and non-military victory conditions. I can't wait to hear more about this micro-expansion.

on Apr 04, 2009

They might be taking the minor race from GalCiv.  They can thrive, but not expand.

The other would be a stronger attrition based.  You can expand through the emeny the same way but faster I guess.

And I found this.

"Here's the good news: Ironclad is deep-sixing the current diplomacy system in favor of a deeper, more functional one. There's other minor changes as well, such as the inclusion of new terms of victory -- but peaceable relations seem to be the name of the game in expansion part deux."

I will say this.  You haven't disapointed me Blair, keep up the good work, I'll pre-order the second expansion the minute it's released on Impulse.   I don't know why I waited w/ the last one.

on Apr 06, 2009

I agree with you (although I didn't wait to purchase the last expansion...I had the pre-order done the second it went on sale)...and I'll do the same on the 2nd exp.


Keep up the good work.

on Apr 06, 2009

Waiting for this expansions is going to be so painful.


I just recently gobbled up Entrenchment and now I can't stop playing the game! It totally rejuvenated the experience for me. I used my spawned copy for my friend, and now we plan LAN nonstop.


Good to see Mr. Fraiser already talking about the new features. How long do I have to wait for more details? Pictures? Preorder?...time is going to crawl by! I know you guys are working hard on it.


Great job IC!

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