I just came across this interview with Ironclad’s Blair Fraser with 1up.com about the next installment in the micro-expansions for Sins of a Solar Empire.

"The second micro expansion is really about both diplomacy and the non-military aspects of the game which will bring it more in line with the RT4X sub-genre we've labeled it as. Certainly, multiple paths to victory, especially non military paths, are part of that," Fraser said, adding that the introduction of additional game modes that will make the game more multiplayer-friendly is also a distinct possibility, pointing to the user-made Sins of a Solar Empire DOME mod as an example.”

Check out the article at 1up.com.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 16, 2009

Wonder how those would work in multiplayer..


Sounds interesting. But I kidna lost interest in sins with the whole siege frigate fisco.

on Mar 16, 2009

A little shy on specifics, but surely stirs up interest even more. Even a hint of spies!

Blair, give us the beta earlier! It can run for 3 months this time, we won't mind. Promise.

on Mar 16, 2009

A little shy on specifics, but surely stirs up interest even more. Even a hint of spies!

Blair, give us the beta earlier! It can run for 3 months this time, we won't mind. Promise.

I second this.

on Mar 16, 2009

A little shy on specifics, but surely stirs up interest even more. Even a hint of spies!

Blair, give us the beta earlier! It can run for 3 months this time, we won't mind. Promise.

I third this as well. I really enjoyed beta testing. It made me hunger for more.

on Mar 16, 2009

I love the game, any upgrade will be welcomed.



on Mar 16, 2009

What DID sins do to stir up the ESRB?   I haven't heard anything about that.

on Mar 16, 2009

Well, some of the speech was going to be a bit more coarse, and they were going to have floating bodies and such when ships blew up. Craig mentioned that in a thread a while back. Besides that, I don't know!

on Mar 16, 2009

Awesome interview!


This part is genius:

"The second micro expansion is really about both diplomacy and the non-military aspects of the game which will bring it more in line with the RT4X sub-genre we've labeled it as. Certainly, multiple paths to victory, especially non military paths, are part of that," Fraser said, adding that the introduction of additional game modes that will make the game more multiplayer-friendly is also a distinct possibility, pointing to the user-made Sins of a Solar Empire DOME mod as an example."


Hope IC is going to introduce this - specially that part in regards to MP!



on Mar 16, 2009

"Don't despair though, because Fraser says that Ironclad wants to release a few special things that "have nothing to do with patches, upgrades, or expansions." He added that there was content taken out for reasons such as the ESRB that he would love to release without "stirring up trouble." For our part, we're absolutely dying to know what Sins of a Solar Empire could have possibly done to stir up the ESRB. "

Am I the only one who found this to be a VERY interesting comment???  I would absolutely love to know what these items were!!!


EDIT: posted this before I noticed the earlier responses...oops.

on Mar 16, 2009

SINS of a Solar Empire can't have too many SINS in it, now can it? Looking forward to the next expansion. Espionage, improved empire management, and replacement to the current mission based diplomacy is more than welcomed.

on Mar 16, 2009

great news! and earlier than I expected. I'd have thought we'd get more info by end of march.

it's definately what I had been longing for since the game's release and from I posted, I'm obviously delighted to also see the alternative victory paths apparently in. and the planet capturing ... well, it would be nice.

about the beta I'd agree. now, I'm can't tell about what the ai could do seriously wrong, but my take is: give us a beta as soon as you have everything in place and working without the most serious of bugs. never mind the ai using it. have it be a brain dead ai for all we care. after all, why program the ai to something that might change anyway. we saw that the entrechment beta introduced some considerable changes over its course. so ... maybe an earlier, slightly rougher beta would help in making the balancing and evolution branches more parallel instead of one having to go before the other and then back again. and of course we'd we more food earlier.

I see you have by now also adapted the 'when it's done' attitude. it's probably the best you can do. after all, what did murphy say: whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

on Mar 16, 2009

That's one way to get people to test these things in MP. If you remember in the Sins beta, the AI couldn't tie its own shoe, so everyone was playing MP (well, all few dozen of us active ones )

on Mar 16, 2009

Im sorry if i dont sound grateful or anythng, and any adds to the game is good. but i was really hoping to see a new even more powerful race added. something in line with not one race can stand along against this newer even more powerful evil race.  Im not about diplomacy when i play i like the head on brute force of battle.  Plus adding newer planet types would be a welcome site too, I know there are mods but its becomes a real pain in the ass either waiting on someone to convert the old to new and having to do it yourself. 

anyway i guess we will have to wait and see what they come up with.

on Mar 16, 2009

I used to play a very good board game as a student called Dimplomacy, the game mechanics were very simple but the possibilities endless. What made it such a good gameplay experience was you having to communicate and negotiate with other players on what your intended moves were, but before those moves were executed you had to write down your orders and at that point you could either do as you promised or something completely different.

Unlike normal turn-based board games all the orders from all the players were assessed at the same time to determine the outcome which was when you found out who your friends and enermies were.

Maybe this isn't a practical form of gameplay for Sins the point I want to get across that it was exciting and tense having everything play out at once, if you read it right it was glorious but if you got it wrong it was complete horror, which is highly unusal for a board game. So maybe worth consideration, kind of like a dimplomacy tech tree where you cast the dice in one direction at specific points in the game which plays to your advantage or detrement.

on Mar 16, 2009

The 4x aspect isn't really going to be there until IC implements more races/factions.  I'm not just talking about one or two.  We need GalCivII or SEV amounts of races/factions for it to have the feel of an epic space empire game. 

It'll possibly be harder to balance than other 4x games b/c there is more emphasis on combat, but SOTS did it (with 6).  I hope a big expansion adds a least 4 more factions/races.

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