Newest addition to WinCustomize!
Published on January 28, 2009 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

It’s been a while since we added a new gallery to WinCustomize, and today I’m happy to announce the addition of the Desktop Gadgets gallery!  The Desktop Gadgets gallery are for stand-alone gadgets that are created with DesktopX Pro

The advantage to these gadgets over widgets, is that they do not require DesktopX to be installed, and can run on virtually any Windows XP or Vista desktop.  The ability to export gadgets like these are well worth upgrade to DesktopX Pro.

So go check out the new gallery, and thanks goes to RomanDA for helping to get the gallery stocked for launch.

Link: Desktop Gadgets gallery

*Note* – If you already have gadgets in the DX Widget category, and would like them moved to this gallery, just drop me a PM.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jan 30, 2009

The bottom line here is, that the gallery will be moderated for quality as is the wallpapers gallery.  Anything not approved for public gallery will be moved to personal pages. 

on Jan 30, 2009
Master Skins only?
Unique, Exclusive Gadgets and Master Skins
We really need at least one little place where we will show the DesktopX power and new ways in DX Scripting. Any other things like "remakes for old widgets" must be in the separated gallery - DesktopX Widgets...

I have agree with Vadim!
We have some very talented dx-elders,(coders designers) Like Tigg'z,Martin, RomanDa, Vad, Thomassen, gef,sViz, etc.
So dx gadgets gallery would be show what the power of dx !
Other gallery's will be all other dx stuffs, like weathers, calendars, clocks, objects, desktops etc.
Wincustomize users NEED reskinned popular items.
So if anyone, who not want to show up own talent of any new scripting , or COMPLETELLY new object, just use widget/object/desktop gallerys.

..maybe little off but..

I'm not want to personal attack to Tailsgirl.
Seems like she have lot of time, and very activ forum member too..

So not just for TG , but for All members:
Please if you made "little different" items , please dont up those , like different skin.
If you made just "same as just other bg" or "just little diff" clocks, weather, calendars, dx objects/desktops, please group those in one zip. Gallery not need  10-20 SAME AS clock/date etc., like different skin.
Because in this way, dx gallery will lost...

Mods, members, friends, what do you think?


on Jan 30, 2009
why doesnt this show under the galleries section? It's not even a choice if I filter my view..
on Jan 30, 2009

Clear all your cookies.

on Jan 30, 2009

why doesnt this show under the galleries section?

I've noticed that, too. Sometimes it's listed in the sidebar, and then later it's gone. I've cleared my cookies, and as of this post, the link isn't there.

on Jan 30, 2009

Also missing for me.  Was there yesterday and I clicked it so it would show.  Using IE8, cleaned browser history and cookies also.

on Jan 30, 2009

ID, I see nothing written in your original thread that states that this new gallery will be only for a few master gadget makers.  And you did mention the advantage of making gadgets over widgets is so DX is not required to run them.  I would make the assumption that there are many people who do not use DX for one reason or another but would like to use many of the available widgets as gadgets.  Not everyone can afford the financial burden to purchase the entire array of Stardock Products.


Another thing I find disturbing is the fact that I thought WC's mission was to instruct and encourage new people into the different area of skinning.  This thread seems to have become derisive and elitist without offering any real options.  Perhaps a masters only gallery and a beginners gallery, or add non-master gadgets to the widget gallery listing would be options.


At any rate, it seems that such restrictive intentions should be made clear in the initial thread so that so much dissension is not being kindled from the beginning.


I hope this is taken as intended, as a possible way to have these questions answered in a less authoritarian manner.  This is only my opinion and I don't wish a major argument to be caused by it.  Thank you.

on Jan 30, 2009

Good post angus.

I think the moderators had a definite idea of what we intended and agree that we didn't communicate it as well as we could.

The gallery is intended to be the elite of DX apps, not people.  I personally apologize for any misunderstandings.


As is typical of these forums, open discussion can distill an idea into a fact.  I believe that is the case again in this thread.

on Jan 30, 2009

OK, lets just clear a few things up, because some are taking this the wrong way and that was never intended.


  • Anybody can submit to the Desktop Gadgets gallery.  It is not restricted for submissions in any way, shape, or form.

  • It will be moderated as basically all the galleries are WinCustomize are, and if need be items will be sent to personal pages.

  • I personally encourage everyone to purchase DesktopX Pro, grab some tutorials or help from the community, and create the coolest gadgets around.  I'm serious, I love some of the gadgets that have been created.

  • I'm going to talk to some of the advanced and Master DX skinners to get advice on how we can improve resources such as the WC Wiki.

  • Clocks, calendars, etc. are all permitted.
Ideas for the community:
  • Lets start a continuing forum thread for gadget requests.  I have a ton of ideas but very little skill on how to actually create them.  Maybe someone else can go with the idea. (I will open one soon)
  • Help add content to the WinCustomize Wiki for DesktopX






on Jan 30, 2009

Request : Iron out the bugs and issues, that sometimes make an encouraged widget/gadget maker pull his/her hair out and that have mentioned several times, for example by RomanDA... Two examples are DX not keeping Preferences or disappearing objects out of nowhere... Also some of the Plugins don't work anymore with technology going forward like the memory meter if You have more than 2 GB RAM and the CPU Meter not supporting multi-core CPUs. I know, You can do that with scripting, but is is pretty discouraging fo beginners. Also the idea of a skinnable gadget is still in my head (and others as I see) , but I don't like the idea to use inis and even more I don't want to fiddle with the users registry. Just my 2 cents...



on Jan 30, 2009

thanks for the Clarification ID! 

on Jan 30, 2009
I personally encourage everyone to purchase DesktopX Pro, grab some tutorials or help from the community, and create the coolest gadgets around.
This is true!
Also the idea of a skinnable gadget is still in my head (and others as I see) , but I don't like the idea to use inis and even more I don't want to fiddle with the users registry.
I agree that put data into registry is very bad decision. But I'm sure that you never make a skinable gadget without reading/writing *.ini files. Where you will keep gadget settings and skin data?

Look how WindowBlinds works with skins. The *.uis and *.xp files are the same as "inis"!
on Jan 30, 2009

Well a good idea would be if DX supported skinned gadgets in some way.

on Jan 30, 2009


Yeah, and a lot of people would like some of those Widgets, made into Gadgets

Sub idea

you can always create a zip with your widget and his gadget version then upload this zip under widget's gallery

 . The Gadget gallery is for Gadgets, why would I want to upload my Gadget as a Widget.. then again, the Bird Mail that took me 3 hours to make was moved to the personal gallery.. I don't know what you folks want, I'm not a rocket scientist.. but it seems like anything we average folks submit will be knocked back anyway, if it isn't the equivilent to something NASA created.

How is that meant to inspire someone to keep trying, when our first thought now is.. Why bother... they will reject it.. it's like.. you're stuffed before you start , and no.. I am not complaining, I'm stating my thought's.


angus is spot on, people who don't have DX may want the simple thing's they see in the Widgets section, yet they can't get them now, because all of our 'simple Gadgets' will be rejected.

Edit: Why is the Gadgets Gallery link not on the main site anymore? just curious, the only link to it, is in ID's News topic.

on Jan 30, 2009

I see it listed on the right side of my screen listed under Gallery. 

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