Newest addition to WinCustomize!
Published on January 28, 2009 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

It’s been a while since we added a new gallery to WinCustomize, and today I’m happy to announce the addition of the Desktop Gadgets gallery!  The Desktop Gadgets gallery are for stand-alone gadgets that are created with DesktopX Pro

The advantage to these gadgets over widgets, is that they do not require DesktopX to be installed, and can run on virtually any Windows XP or Vista desktop.  The ability to export gadgets like these are well worth upgrade to DesktopX Pro.

So go check out the new gallery, and thanks goes to RomanDA for helping to get the gallery stocked for launch.

Link: Desktop Gadgets gallery

*Note* – If you already have gadgets in the DX Widget category, and would like them moved to this gallery, just drop me a PM.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 29, 2009

Fair enough. and Zu, I've been adding different thing's to them, and experimenting, I'll get there.

People also like thing's that are asthetically pleasing.. not..just coding.

on Jan 29, 2009

From here going forward the desktop gadgets will be more heavily moderated.  The original desktop gadgets site was intended to showcase the best of the best, and what exactly can be done with DesktopX Pro.  Gadgets not deemed for the public gallery will be to personal pages.


on Jan 29, 2009

ID, some folks want to be able to make semi decent clock Gadgets, are you saying no more clock submissions for Gadgets? I'm not complaining, just want to be clear. as David himself said he was making Gadget versions of all his Widgets, and a lot are clocks, very good clocks... and just a note, not all mine are clocks, they are unique living creatures actually. .

on Jan 29, 2009

I intend on making more uinique thing's... though for some reason, my Gadgets work on XP and not Vista, any clues on this David? if anyone would know, it would be you!

You need to make sure you are installing DesktopX Pro from Impulse, and make sure the latest updates are applied. 

I am not saying clocks or anything isn't allowed, they will just be moderated for quality like the wallpaper gallery.


on Jan 29, 2009

David himself said he was making Gadget versions of all his Widgets, and a lot are clocks, very good clocks

i was not planning on doing those, more things like the drop info, and some of the older cpu/memory meters revise them to use new wmi calls and not the sometimes-working imbedded functions.

on Jan 29, 2009

ID, I've had it for years, my husband, when he was still around, got it for me. [Desktopx Pro], but that was 3 PC's, and 10 internet accounts back .. actually, it was about the ONLY decent thing he ever did for me hehehe

on Jan 29, 2009

Things like moderation issues really aren't discussed in public.

on Jan 29, 2009



on Jan 30, 2009

Seems I've missed this Great Day because I temporarily live in Moscow and have no stable internet connection here...

What can I say?

too late..

The Gadgets Gallery will make sense only in one case: it must contain the Unique, Exclusive Gadgets and Master Skins. Or it will looks like other DX Galleries because of a tons of "spam". Then it just will die like

So I think it would be great to create some Rules and (or) Criterias for any things which may be uploaded here. Let's keep this place in Purity!

on Jan 30, 2009

Island Dog
I'm considering making the Desktop Gadgets gallery a more heavily moderated gallery. 

For those who eventually missed this reply

on Jan 30, 2009 if only there was a OD+ background gallery. Nah!

on Jan 30, 2009

Master Skins only? that's a bit rough   give the rest of us 'non Masters' a decent shot.

I just spent 3 hours making a swinging, animated bird cage email notifier gadget.

on Jan 30, 2009
Master Skins only?
Unique, Exclusive Gadgets and Master Skins
We really need at least one little place where we will show the DesktopX power and new ways in DX Scripting. Any other things like "remakes for old widgets" must be in the separated gallery - DesktopX Widgets...
on Jan 30, 2009

Yeah, and a lot of people would like some of those Widgets, made into Gadgets, that's what a lot of users would like.

I agree, they should be decent, but we don't set out to make crap, intentionally either.

on Jan 30, 2009

Yeah, and a lot of people would like some of those Widgets, made into Gadgets

Sub idea

you can always create a zip with your widget and his gadget version then upload this zip under widget's gallery

IF it's clearly indicated in description and on the widget and gadget names.

And IF it's a widget you have already uploaded so edit your upload and don't reupload a new one

End IF

End Sub


Notes: The use of "you" here is general; talking to everyone

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