Newest addition to WinCustomize!
Published on January 28, 2009 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

It’s been a while since we added a new gallery to WinCustomize, and today I’m happy to announce the addition of the Desktop Gadgets gallery!  The Desktop Gadgets gallery are for stand-alone gadgets that are created with DesktopX Pro

The advantage to these gadgets over widgets, is that they do not require DesktopX to be installed, and can run on virtually any Windows XP or Vista desktop.  The ability to export gadgets like these are well worth upgrade to DesktopX Pro.

So go check out the new gallery, and thanks goes to RomanDA for helping to get the gallery stocked for launch.

Link: Desktop Gadgets gallery

*Note* – If you already have gadgets in the DX Widget category, and would like them moved to this gallery, just drop me a PM.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 29, 2009

can we PLEASE keep this gallery with specific gadgets, and not a thousand clocks/weather gadgets.. it would be so nice to make this just things that are unique.. and not just another widget

on Jan 29, 2009

too late..

on Jan 29, 2009
on Jan 29, 2009

My fault, though I have made a few unique thing's.

I'm certainly contributing.

on Jan 29, 2009
its ok, its just one of my biggest problem with DX's galleries, they are full of the exact same clock/cal/weather widget just skinned different over and over and over, and the truly unique things get lost in all the rest. Its the MAIN reason i have been pushing SD to work on Skin Studio to have a way to skin a clock/cal/weather gadget that the skinner could include in their skin and it would automatically change the gadget when it loads, but skin studio would need a way to add this to the wb. As of right now there is no way to do that. Its just something that bugs me because some of the things i have made have upwards of 3000 lines of code, and months of work involved, and i upload it, and within a day its on page 6 because someone uploaded 12 versions of the same clock. I have no problems with the clock, but make it a SKIN pack, where you could have all those individual skins in one clock with just a simple way to change it. There are NUMEROUS ways to do this, and there are a bunch of these in the gallery, as well as the tutorial that i made. Anyway..
on Jan 29, 2009
I'm considering making the Desktop Gadgets gallery a more heavily moderated gallery. 
on Jan 29, 2009

It's nice to see a member of the community be able to express theirselves so well.  Way to go RomanDA.

Gadets, as he points out so very well should be unique items that perform a function.  They are skinned, but they are not just a reskinned item. 



on Jan 29, 2009

Thnaks Philly,  

I agree, it was the whole point of making a new gallery.  A place where things that really stand out should go, not just a duplicate of things from the widgets gal.

on Jan 29, 2009

Totally agree with you David.

I hope gadget gallery will be better than widget or object gallery.

And would be nice to "heavily moderated" . I'm found there some unique items. Way to go!

on Jan 29, 2009

I agree that the gadget gallery is an opportunity to show off more complex apps.  I'd like to see it more closely moderated too.

on Jan 29, 2009

Earlier, I thought DesktopX Gadgets gallery already existed. Now, I know It was mixed with widgets gallery.

Nice for it to be highly moderated.

So how many stars needed for Gadgets gallery...

on Jan 29, 2009

Roman, the clocks I do now, are single clocks to go with a certain walls, and a few other thing's, not like that Nemo Gang clock, that had 8 character as seperate clocks   lol, where you taught me the toggle trick, I used that, it was great.


I intend on making more uinique thing's... though for some reason, my Gadgets work on XP and not Vista, any clues on this David? if anyone would know, it would be you!

on Jan 29, 2009

I intend on making more uinique thing's... though for some reason, my Gadgets work on XP and not Vista, any clues on this David? if anyone would know, it would be you!
Install Impulse and reinstall DX on Vista.  Make sure you use the version on vista to export your widgets.

Look at ID's original post.  Middle image.  *That's* a unique clock. 

on Jan 29, 2009

I can't Zu, I'm on XP.


C'mon Zu, my clocks arent THAT bad, and I will make more unusual ones, it's just I've been doing what most people would do, if they've created a wall.. you'd want things to match it, clocks is just one thing.. I'm still learning, and trying to improve, which I think, [hope] I have done.

on Jan 29, 2009

C'mon Zu, my clocks arent THAT bad, and I will make more unusual ones, it's just I've been doing what most people would do, if they've created a wall.. you'd want things to match it, clocks is just one thing.. I'm still learning, and trying to improve, which I think, [hope] I have done
I don't think your clocks are bad at all.  I think that they are fine adn getting better.  But they are just the same data with different faces.  I'd say the same about a clock whose hands ran backwards.

But the purpose of teh site was for gadgets that were mini-applications.  I see that same purpose for this new gallery.

For me . . it's about coding, not user interface.

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