Published on September 24, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

It almost seems that the left hates Palin more than they hate Bush.  She seems to be the focus of every left-leaning website and publication out there on a daily basis.  The attacks on her and her family have been nothing short of discusting.  I have even had liberals tell me straight out, "she scares me".  Of course, when I ask for specifics they don't seem to have an answer, much like asking them about Obama's accomplishments.

I do understand how a strong, conservative woman like Palin can be intimidating to liberals, I mean she is tougher than most of them.  However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.  Is it just because she's a conservative, or are there real reasons to fear her?

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on Nov 03, 2008

well... the guy suing is making those points:

1. Rather then provide a judge with his authentic COLB (and be done with it) he has filed a motion to suppress.

2. Has confirmed the KOB released certificate to be authentic, when it is clearly a low grade forgery.

3. Had to have given up his american citizenship to attend school when he was a kid.

4. He says obama's grandma says she was there when he was born in kenya, obama said he was born in a hospital in hawaii, obama's sister said he was born in another hospital in hawaii (not the same one).


So lets see, 1 is not being denied by anyone, and unless this is a gotcha move (where he produces it in the last minute to discredit them) than he is only hurting himself. 2 is something you can confirm yourself (and I did). 3 I do not understand enough about to give a verdict. 4, this one is hearsay, he said she said. Did they really say that? does he have proof that they said that?

The big red flag is the endorsement of an obviously fake certificate. Anyone, with a teeny bit of photo editing skills OR a bit of background research can find it to be fake, there are so many different things that are wrong with it...

Either that, or it is a very fake looking original. Or rather... original certified copy. Since it was produced in Jun 6 2007 using a laser printer with 11/01 format. Maybe there has been some confusion of definitions (original vs fake used by some, while others mean original vs copy)

on Nov 03, 2008

well... the guy suing is making those points:

The guy suing is a nut.

He previously sued George Bush and Richard Cheney for committing 911.


Hawaii confirms the existence of the birth certificiate:


Obama's grandma might have said a lot of things, but she is not a stable person and will make up any story she thinks would be nice about her grandson.

I have not heard rumours about Indonesian schools not accepting foreigners.

on Nov 03, 2008

Interesting, thanks for the info.

But seeing as I am an open minded individual (I was taught a person should have a liberal mindset... and that liberal means "an open minded individual who beleives in good", I kept the mindset but discarded the party association).. I wan't to judge his claims, not his own varacity as a speaker. Crazy people were right about things before.

No matter how much I disagree with an opinion, I look at the facts claimed by the individual to try and verify them or counter them. (which is why I would argue with bigots instead of dismissing them as racist to begin with; this gives me peace of mind knowing how faulty their arguments are, and that I am not deluding myself in the name of so called goodness).

As far as I can see now, the "best case scenario" is that obama released a certified copy of his birth certificate. Then his campaign confirmed it was "original", and original was taken as "the originally created document" and not "an original certified copy produced in 2007; with some minor issues".

This is one possible counter for point #2. The other is that the person claiming it to be authentic is lying. People have done that before. I am personally surprised that there is no comitee / judge verification of a person prerequisites before they even attempt to run for presidency.

As for

I have not heard rumours about Indonesian schools not accepting foreigners.
 He claims it was some law they passed. I have not verified that one to be true or false.

Although, in retrospect, even if somehow he is right though (a nut can still be right about things, by coincidence) it is better for this to be settled by election and not on a technicality.

Maybe the best thing that can happen to the US right now is obama demolishing the ecnomy, resulting in a great depression, and an "awakening" of sorts... But that is a big maybe.

Or maybe obama or mccain would be elected and end up fulfilling none of their promises...

on Nov 03, 2008

Nitro Cruiser
Wow, I didn't realize this thread was still going!She believes Muthee helped her win the governorship when he laid hands and prayed away the witches. She believes the war and the gas pipeline are god's will. charging rape victims for rape kits, uninquisitiveness, abstinence-only, fear of "g"'s at the end of words, the only bad thing about Cheney she can come up - the shooting accident. the end days, women's issues, and on and on and onYou sure know how to swallow the Obama talking points and regurgitate them as truths don't you?

the AofG videos are readily available - try watching them

on Nov 03, 2008

However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.
Could it be that she herself spreads the hate around, too?

on Nov 03, 2008

Island Dog
Again, it's not hate.  Conservatives have cornered the market on that.Oh please.  The hate against Palin is amazing, and is the worse I have ever seen.

No, the Clinton hate obsession was/is earth shattering.  Though the demonizing of Obama may wind up beating them out - time will tell.  I don't recall who's quote it is, but it's more relavant than ever - something to the effect that the stronger one clings to a label such as 'christian', the less likely one is to actually exhibit the traits associated with that label".  You realize, that Jesus was a liberal. Help the sick, give to the poor, etc.  WWJVF?  who would Jesus vote for?  Obama, that's who.  Now stop being so mean!

on Nov 03, 2008

who would Jesus vote for? Obama, that's who. Now stop being so mean!
Nice try but Island Dog is a pit bull without lipstick.

on Nov 03, 2008

WWJVF? who would Jesus vote for? Obama, that's who. Now stop being so mean!

When it comes to forgiving people for their sins and attempting to heal them, BO's the sorta fella he had in mind.

Can't wait for the Good Rev Wright to be appointed as Chief Cleric at the National Cathedral.  Should be most interesting.

on Nov 04, 2008

You realize, that Jesus was a liberal. Help the sick, give to the poor, etc.  WWJVF?  who would Jesus vote for?  Obama, that's who.

If I recall stories of the man correctly, Jesus was very much into giving one's own money to help the poor. I don't think he was known for taking other people's money (who knows what they would have done with it) to help the poor.

There are two forms of Christianity: self-Christianity (you give to the poor) and projected Christianity (you think others should give to the poor). Jesus was probably more a supporter of the first type.

Who would he vote for? Considering Obama's support for very late abortions and his association with racist preachers, I would doubt that Jesus would vote for him.


on Nov 04, 2008

Could it be that she herself spreads the hate around, too?

And you can demonstrate this?

No, the Clinton hate obsession was/is earth shattering. Though the demonizing of Obama may wind up beating them out - time will tell.

I can see where you would mistakenly believe that.  But like all those who have only hate, you cannot see your own hate for the anger.  There was no hate of clinton.  There is and was a lot of contempt.  And there is a big difference.  But to you that only sees hate and only gives hate, I dont expect to see that.  Your hatred of Bush the last 8 years and now Palin (who is NOT running for president - although to see the mis-information and hate you would think so) is unprecedented.  Bu no longer unexpected.

I actually feel sorry for you.  You have nothing left but hate.  Even Obama winning will not sooth the hate as you will just find another target.

on Nov 04, 2008

If I recall stories of the man correctly, Jesus was very much into giving one's own money to help the poor. I don't think he was known for taking other people's money (who knows what they would have done with it) to help the poor.

That is your inherant mistake about American liberals.  To them, your money is their money.  Obama has just been honest about it, but all you have to do is read the loony boards to understand they dont want to work for it, they want to be given it.

BTW:  As for Jesus being anything, arguments can be made for each side - against!  Jesus talked about loving your enemy, not "God ---- America of the KKK".  I doubt Jesus woudl have anything to do with those Pharisees.

on Nov 04, 2008

Jesus talked about loving your enemy

There was a scene in one of the 1960s Three Musketeers' movies (my favourite versions of the many) where Cardinal Richelieu talked to the captain of his guards and gave him orders to do evil.

The captain acknowledged the order and before he went to execute it he told the cardinal about his feelings about the orders:

"I hate you."

The cardinal smiled and answered:

"It is different for me, my son, I love you."

I believe that is the kind of love some liberals promote. That's why the most vile anti-Semites can claim that they do not hate. They love everyone. They are just capable of doing mean things while loving the victim.


on Nov 04, 2008

You realize, that Jesus was a liberal. Help the sick, give to the poor, etc. WWJVF? who would Jesus vote for? Obama, that's who.

For Jesus to be in the business of politics especially Obama's politics he would have to abandon his own truth. 


on Nov 04, 2008

That is your inherant mistake about American liberals. To them, your money is their money.
Doc, you're getting as erratic as Palin and McCain.

on Nov 04, 2008

There was no hate of clinton.
Oh, no you can't be saying this!--cheez!
And you can demonstrate this?
For starters those from small towns are pro-American, how about an eight year old palling around withe terrorists. The rhetorical question who is the real Obama as though he's just a smart ass black brat that clings to the good reverend's stormy rhetoric.

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