Published on September 24, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

It almost seems that the left hates Palin more than they hate Bush.  She seems to be the focus of every left-leaning website and publication out there on a daily basis.  The attacks on her and her family have been nothing short of discusting.  I have even had liberals tell me straight out, "she scares me".  Of course, when I ask for specifics they don't seem to have an answer, much like asking them about Obama's accomplishments.

I do understand how a strong, conservative woman like Palin can be intimidating to liberals, I mean she is tougher than most of them.  However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.  Is it just because she's a conservative, or are there real reasons to fear her?

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on Nov 07, 2008

Dr Guy
And you can demonstrate this?No, the Clinton hate obsession was/is earth shattering. Though the demonizing of Obama may wind up beating them out - time will tell.I can see where you would mistakenly believe that.  But like all those who have only hate, you cannot see your own hate for the anger.  There was no hate of clinton.  There is and was a lot of contempt.  And there is a big difference.  But to you that only sees hate and only gives hate, I dont expect to see that.  Your hatred of Bush the last 8 years and now Palin (who is NOT running for president - although to see the mis-information and hate you would think so) is unprecedented.  Bu no longer unexpected.I actually feel sorry for you.  You have nothing left but hate.  Even Obama winning will not sooth the hate as you will just find another target.

Did you get you mind reading certificate from a cereal box?  I do not wish ill on Bush or Palin.  I just wish them to go away.  There certainly was/is hate of the Clintons.  I saw it in my own family as well.  They never started an unprovoked war, eavesdropped on private americans' conversations, abused and tortured human beings.  Yes, justifiably, there's a bit of anger about these kinds of things.  When it comes to the life and liberty of humans, yes, there should be some expectations of upholding these values.  I don't recall that Bill Clinton started any wars under false pretenses, before, during, or after his presidency.  Palin is just simply not prepared, will likely never be prepared, to hold such high office.  She has likely risen to her level of incompetence as Gov of Alaska.  The fact that she wasn't running for Pres is inaccurate, because the job of VP is first and foremost to take over for the president.  Just like if miss alaska was unable to fullfil her duties, palin would have stepped in to take her place.  She was qualified for that one, I guess, but the duties of pres are just a bit out of her league.  Claiming to be god-fearing seems to be a whitewash for just about anything these days, or at least used to be, hopefully.  'He's responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of humans, but he says he's a christian, so I'll vote for him.  He's even talked to god!'  Talk about blind faith.  Conservatives acuse US of elevating Obama to messiah!  We are well aware Obama is just a human, and thankful he does not proclaim to have conversations with imaginary voices in his head.

A friend of a friend, a democrat, about to join in saying the pledge of allegiance while at a girl scout meeting with her daughter, was told by the other republican moms that 'terrorists were not required to say the pledge.'  I don't a single dem who even conceive of such a thing, much less vocallize it!  In front of little kids, spewing intolerance and hatred!  The hypocracy of  so many christians is outrageous.  I realize those are the loud-mouths that we hear, and those that actually espouse christian values are not as vocal, but it's time they stand up, and speak up against such poisonous venom.  The rabid christians are really no different than the islamic extremists - both are terrorists in their own right, holding people hostage with their suit-their-own-fancy interpretations of their respective 'holy' books.

So, just take a deep breath, relax, and let go of the lies and propoganda, political and religious.  And love thy neighbor!  Amen.

on Nov 07, 2008

Metaphor.  He's crazy, I'll give you that...but I wouldn't go as far as the KKK remark, I'm sorry.

on Nov 07, 2008

Put it to bed; it's history--after all, the hornorable McCain didn't go there.

So you dont want to know who your president is?

It seems here we go again.  Moveon - dont ask clinton about his perjury, but definitely drag up every rumor about Bush (even to the point of fraud).  NOw we moveon again with Obama.

Sorry, I will not be a sycophant.  I have questions. They dont have to be answered, but I'll be damned if anyone is going to stop me from asking them.

McCain's mom wasn't an abused POW - That will likely affect his longevity.

Likely?  And you have studies to support this contention?  But then I suppose Obama smokes for his health too.

I do love the double speak.  Even when it comes to health issues, the liberals have to demigog it, to the point of becoming a mobius strip to support their biases.

Obama's mother died of ovarian cancer - Obama doesn't have ovaries

The medical term is gonads, and yes men have them too.

on Nov 07, 2008

Did you get you mind reading certificate from a cereal box?

did "you" hate come from cereal boxes?

But for the newbies, not all YOUs mean that person there.  YOu can be the royal you, or the plural you.  In this case, it was meant as the plural as in liberals.  If you are not a liberal, then I guess you dont have to worry.

I wish Obama would go away too - but put that in one hand and shit in the other and see which one stinks first.

There certainly was/is hate of the Clintons. I saw it in my own family as well. They never started an unprovoked war, eavesdropped on private americans' conversations, abused and tortured human beings

From you perhaps?  People are mad that OJ got away with murder.  Martha Stewart did jail time for what clinton did.  SO yea, I have contempt for him for abusing the system.  Hate?  Hardly.  But keeping saying those talking points as you (liberals for you information) keep spewing the hate.  Dont expect me to sing kumbaya and join in your 1984.

on Nov 11, 2008

Gasping horse, I know, but Paglia has a nice piece on Obama & Palin that nails things pretty well in my opinion.

on Nov 11, 2008

I wish Obama would go away too

Sigh! We're stuck with him....and ACORN, Saul ALinsky,, and George Soros, Louis farrakhan, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, etc. and lots of other of the Chicago machine OWN  the White House come Jan. 2009.

That is unless something comes of the infamous "Birth certificate" that just keeps popping up in the news!

There isn’t a birth certificate to release. That is the big news. Obama hasn’t released it because it doesn’t exist. It doesn’t exist because he was not born in Hawaii.


on Nov 11, 2008

Judas Priest, Lula, you are one of the most dense individuals I've ever seen in my life.

From the comments section on the very article you're linked to:

Re: The allegation that Obama has been required to present to the Court an authentic birth certificate.

This all stems from Berg. Do we have any confirmation? Did any other person or news agency say that Souter’s law clerk said that Obama has to produce his birth certificate?

It is unlikely that Souter or Souter’s clerk asked for the actual birth certificate. If they asked for anything at all, most likely all that they asked for was proof that he was born in Hawaii, and that could be satisfied with the certification of live birth.

The certification of live birth is proof that a Hawaii birth certificate exists in the files. It shows that there IS a birth certificate much the same way that a bankbook used to show that we had money in the bank. A court in Virginia has now accepted the certification as proof that Obama was born in Hawaii.

However, IF Souter really did ask to see Obama’s birth certificate, Obama can produce it. We know that there is a birth certificate in the files because the confirmation of live birth is proof that the birth certificate is in the files. It proves the existence of a birth certificate much the same way that a bankbook used to prove that we had money in the bank. The certification has now been accepted as legal and valid proof of Obama’s natural born citizenship by a court in Virginia.

IF Obama had been born in Kenya, there would be a record of his mother arriving in Kenya in the archives of the Kenya government.

The critics of Obama, who allege that he was born in Kenya, have not shown anything like this. All they would have to do is to go to those files in Kenya and show that Obama’s mother had been in Kenya in 1961. But they have nothing.

I listened to the tape, and it is not clear that Obama’s grandmother understood the question. The translator (who is also apparently a relative) says repeatedly that Obama was born in Hawaii. In any case, it is not evidence. She could be referring to Barak Obama senior, Obama’s father, who certainly was born in Kenya.

The officials in Hawaii say he was born in Hawaii. They have seen his birth certificate in his file. They are thus confirming the certification. And, they have no reason to lie.

The certificate (or certification, whatever) of live birth has been accepted as legal proof of Obama’s birth in Hawaii by a court in Virginia. (Monday. See:

After Berg, several other cases against Obama on the natural born citizen issue were brought in other states.
While most of them just did what the Berg case did, which was to rule that Berg had no standing to sue, some of the others looked at the “evidence” - and concluded that the stuff was absurd.

In Ohio, for example the judge (magistrate) said:

“(Neal) presented no witnesses but himself. From that testimony, it is abundantly clear that the allegations in [Neal]’s complaint concerning “questions” about Senator Obama’s status as a “natural born citizen” are derived from Internet sources, the accuracy of which has not been demonstrated to either Defendant Brunner or this Magistrate … Given the paucity of evidence… this Magistrate cannot conclude that Defendant Brunner has abused her discretion in failing to launch an investigation into Senator Obama’s qualifications to hold the office of President of the United States. ” See:

In Virginia, which was just ruled on Monday, the judge went further and said that the certificate of live birth was good proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, and there was NO proof presented that he was born anywhere else.

Here is a report from a web posting that is not official, of course, but it seems accurate mainly because the fellow who posted it was AGAINST Obama. He is disappointed, but accepts the ruling. You can find this post at : (

(Note that sometimes the author correctly puts COLB correctly and sometimes he types it as CLOB, but he means certificate of live birth throughout.)


The Court made the following findings:

1. The Certification of Live Birth presented to the court is unquestionably authentic.

The court noted that the certification had a raised seal from the state of Hawaii, had a stamp bearing the signature of the registrar of vital statistics. The court found “wholly unpersuasive” any of the internet claims that the birth certificate was altered in any way. Furthermore, the document itself was accompanied by an affidavit from the State Health Director (of Hawaii) verifying that the document is an authentic certification of live birth. The court held that there could be no doubt that the document was authentic unless one believed that the state of Hawaii’s health department were in on an elaborate and complex conspiracy – and that there is not a shred of evidence that this is the case.

2. The Certification of Live Birth establishes that Mr. Obama is a natural born citizen.

The affidavit of the State Health Director states that the information on the CLOB is identical to the information on the “vault” copy of the birth certificate, and that both documents establish that Mr. Obama was born in Honolulu. The Court noted that the CLOB is valid for all citizenship purposes. The court noted our argument that the COLB is not valid for determining citizenship, but referred us to Hawaiian law that states otherwise. “There is no difference between a certificate and a certification of live birth in the eyes of the state. For instance, either can be used to confirm U.S. citizenship to obtain a passport or state ID.” The court found that Hawaiian law makes the COLB valid for all purposes with the exception of determining native Hawaiian heritage for certain state and federal benefits. The court held that if Mr. Obama were born elsewhere and the birth registered in Hawaii, the “place of birth” line on the COLB would reflect that fact. The court stated that there could be no doubt that Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii and that any argument to the contrary was fanciful and relied on completely unsubstantiated internet rumors.

3. For that reason, 8 U.S.C. §1401(g), which at the relevant time provided as follows:

“The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: ***(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years:…..
is irrelevant to this matter, as Mr. Obama was conclusively born in Hawaii.

4. Mr. Obama did hold dual citizenship in the U.S. and Kenya until he became an adult. When Barack Obama Jr. was born Kenya was a British colony. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.’s children: “British Nationality Act of 1948 (Part II, Section 5): Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth.” In other words, at the time of his birth, Barack Obama Jr. was both a U.S. citizen (by virtue of being born in Hawaii) and a citizen of the United Kingdom by virtue of being born to a father who was a citizen of the UK. Obama’s UK citizenship became an Kenyan citizenship on Dec. 12, 1963, when Kenya formally gained its independence from the United Kingdom. The court noted that Chapter VI, Section 87 of the Kenyan Constitution specifies that:

1. Every person who, having been born in Kenya, is on 11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December, 1963…

2. Every person who, having been born outside Kenya, is on 11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall, if his father becomes, or would but for his death have become, a citizen of Kenya by virtue of subsection (1), become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December, 1963.
Thus the court held that as a citizen of the UK who was born in Kenya, Obama’s father automatically received Kenyan citizenship via subsection (1). So given that Obama qualified for citizen of the UK status at birth and given that Obama’s father became a Kenyan citizen via subsection (1), thus Obama did in fact have Kenyan citizenship in 1963.

However, the court further held that the Kenyan Constitution prohibits dual citizenship for adults. Kenya recognizes dual citizenship for children, but Kenya’s Constitution specifies that at age 21, Kenyan citizens who possesses citizenship in more than one country automatically lose their Kenyan citizenship unless they formally renounce any non-Kenyan citizenship and swear an oath of allegiance to Kenya. The court held that there was no evidence that Mr. Obama has ever renounced his U.S. citizenship or sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4, 1982.

The court held that there was no legal requirement that Mr. Obama renounce his Kenyan citizenship or affirm his U.S. citizenship in order to maintain his status as a natural born citizen.

5. Mr. Obama did not lose his U.S. Citizenship based on the acts of his parents, including adoption by an Indonesian citizen. The Court held that no action taken by the parents of an American child can strip that child of his citizenship. The court cited to the 1952 Immigration & Nationality Act, Title III, Chapter 3, Sections 349 and 355, which was in effect in the late 1960s when Obama went to Indonesia, and which stated that a minor does not lose his US citizenship upon the naturalization of his parents or any other actions of his parents, so long as the minor returns to the US and establishes permanent US residency before the age of 21. Thus the adoption of Obama did not serve to strip him of his U.S. citizenship. The fact that Indonesian law does not allow dual citizenship is irrelevant, as U.S. law controls. Furthermore, the Court held that traveling on a foreign passport does not strip an American of his citizenship. The Court noted first that there was no evidence that Mr. Obama traveled on an Indonesian passport (Mr. Berg and others we reached out to for evidence never provided any evidence of this claim or any other of the claims we could have used some proof of.) Nonetheless, the court held that such travel does not divest an American of his citizenship.

The Court makes other holdings and findings that I won’t bother you with here. Needless to say, the decision is wholly against us. The court finds the claims against Mr. Obama’s citizenship “wholly unpersuasive and bordering on the frivolous, especially in light of the complete absence of any first-hand evidence on any critical issue” and further classifies it as “conspiracy theory of the lowest sort, fueled by nothing than internet rumor and those who truly want to believe egging each other on.”

I like the part about “conspiracy theory of the lowest sort.”

Repeat: “The court held that if Mr. Obama were born elsewhere and the birth registered in Hawaii, the “place of birth” line on the COLB would reflect that fact. The court stated that there could be no doubt that Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii and that any argument to the contrary was fanciful and relied on completely unsubstantiated internet rumors.”

Grow up and start debating things that are substantiated and drop this childish nonsense, Lula.  You're only embarrasing yourself further.

on Nov 11, 2008

This is even more interesting.  Appears it wasn't Berg's case Souter was addressing.  Like it or not, the issue is not dead, regardless of the Virginia ruling.

on Nov 12, 2008

but Paglia has a nice piece on Obama & Palin that nails things pretty well in my opinion.

She is no person's stooge (Paglia).  Great piece!  One that will be sourced over the coming months as we find out why the press is so incompetant.

on Nov 12, 2008

Grow up and start debating things that are substantiated and drop this childish nonsense, Lula.

Plus Mr Berg is a well-known loony.

He sues everyone who is saner than he is, which includes pretty much everyone.

911 truthers are morons. They do not suddenly gain a good reputation by attacking Barack Obama for a while. They are still loonies.



on Nov 12, 2008

Berg is certainly a flake but that doesn't make the question irrelevant.  Donofrio appears to be anything but a flake.

on Nov 12, 2008

Labelling Berg gets us no where.

As I read through all this, the issue is far from resolved. And that's what we need...until it is once and for all, people like Berg, have rights and deserve their day in court.



on Nov 13, 2008

Metaphor.  He's crazy, I'll give you that...but I wouldn't go as far as the KKK remark, I'm sorry.

Why? because he is black and thus incapable of hate and racism?

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