Published on September 24, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

It almost seems that the left hates Palin more than they hate Bush.  She seems to be the focus of every left-leaning website and publication out there on a daily basis.  The attacks on her and her family have been nothing short of discusting.  I have even had liberals tell me straight out, "she scares me".  Of course, when I ask for specifics they don't seem to have an answer, much like asking them about Obama's accomplishments.

I do understand how a strong, conservative woman like Palin can be intimidating to liberals, I mean she is tougher than most of them.  However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.  Is it just because she's a conservative, or are there real reasons to fear her?

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on Nov 04, 2008

Any deity would SMITE almost every politician. And than appoint someone worthy. So he would vote for neither.

But I would contend that Obama is LESS likely to make sense for a divine endorsement (although he HAS been declared a MESSIAH by some racist congragations).

on Nov 05, 2008

The reason liberals didn't like her is because they suspected this about Palin:


Palin Didn't Know Africa Is A Continent, Says Fox News Reporter (VIDEO)


on Nov 05, 2008

I saw the Cameron piece live - no attribution or confirmation, just the sort of rumor-mongering that Fox has railed against in the past, which was surprising.  I'll wait for the inevitable book.

on Nov 06, 2008

i think her worst moment was she suggested we cut spending to useless project like fruit fly dna research to focus on important things, like autism... except that the fruit fly DNA research has been instrumental in advancements made in understanding autism...

on Nov 06, 2008

That is your inherant mistake about American liberals. To them, your money is their money.Doc, you're getting as erratic as Palin and McCain.

No, I have always stated that.  Now, we have a president elect that also states it.  I have said from the beginning, that the one asset Obama had was his refreshing honesty.  Whether that was due to his inexperience or just stupidity is open for debate.  But fortunately for us, we dont have to spin anything as we only have to quote what was said.

Oh, no you can't be saying this!--cheez!

I can and did.  Prove me wrong.  SHow me the hate filled diatribes by members of congress and the movies and statements in Hollywood wishing him harm and death.  Well, try at least.

The rhetorical question who is the real Obama as though he's just a smart ass black brat that clings to the good reverend's stormy rhetoric.

I said prove your point, not re-inforce my point.  The question is not rhetorical, and is still very much valid.  Not about the smart ass, but about who the clown is.  I defy anyone to attempt to define him without using Obama's talking points and PR.

on Nov 06, 2008

The reason liberals didn't like her is because they suspected this about Palin:


Palin Didn't Know Africa Is A Continent, Says Fox News Reporter (VIDEO)


At least she knows how many states she was running to be VP of.  See the dual standards?  Blatant to anyone but a cultist of the new messiah.

on Nov 06, 2008

At least she knows how many states she was running to be VP of. See the dual standards? Blatant to anyone but a cultist of the new messiah.

ack!  Beat me to it Doc! 

At least she knows how many states in HER OWN COUNTRY.  The reason Obama doesn't know is because he really didn't run for President of the U.S.  He's really secretly running for World Leader.  I bet he knows much more about Africa than he does the U.S. 


on Nov 06, 2008

You know, the church reverent wright runs is as bad or WORSE then the KKK (look what they say about jews, and whites, and the USA, etc). Just with a different focus...

If a republican went to a church that is part of KKK chapter for years while being close chums with the preacher of said church who is a KKK leader... well, he would have been crucified in the media. For barak however, that is being excused.

on Nov 06, 2008

is as bad or WORSE then the KKK


.... whaaaaat?

Preaching about extremes for equality for African Americans is CLEARLY different than preaching of hate ethnic groups and superiority over those religious and ethnic groups.  You're being spoonfed fear, and you just lap it up don't you?

on Nov 07, 2008

"9-11 was america's just deserves, it was the black people of the world striking back against our white opressors"

Explain to me how it is about EQUALITY and not about HATE.

Also, look up what their view is on jews.

on Nov 07, 2008


.... whaaaaat?

Preaching about extremes for equality for African Americans is CLEARLY different than preaching of hate ethnic groups and superiority over those religious and ethnic groups. You're being spoonfed fear, and you just lap it up don't you?

You should study up on Farrakhan & Black Liberation Theology.

on Nov 07, 2008

Palin Didn't Know Africa Is A Continent, Says Fox News Reporter (VIDEO)
A daughter of a teacher? I don't believe she didn't know. It's just nonsense. Give the gal some space; she did waht she could.

on Nov 07, 2008

The question is not rhetorical, and is still very much valid.
Put it to bed; it's history--after all, the hornorable McCain didn't go there.

on Nov 07, 2008

Preaching about extremes for equality for African Americans is CLEARLY different than preaching of hate ethnic groups and superiority over those religious and ethnic groups.

Yes, it is.

But that's not the subject here. We were talking about "Reverend" Wright's sermons. He didn't preach equality.


on Nov 07, 2008

Dr Guy
actually no, think about it. john McCain (if elected)Actually no, think about it.  Obama's parents are dead, and died at an age not much older than he is now.  McCain's mother is still a very active 90+.  No one is guaranteed tomorrow, and if we are going on genetics, McCain has nothign to worry about, but Obama sure does.

McCain's mom wasn't an abused POW - That will likely affect his longevity.  Obama's mother died of ovarian cancer - Obama doesn't have ovaries. His father died in a car wreck - I'm not a doctor, but I don't think that's passed along genetically...

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