Published on September 24, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

It almost seems that the left hates Palin more than they hate Bush.  She seems to be the focus of every left-leaning website and publication out there on a daily basis.  The attacks on her and her family have been nothing short of discusting.  I have even had liberals tell me straight out, "she scares me".  Of course, when I ask for specifics they don't seem to have an answer, much like asking them about Obama's accomplishments.

I do understand how a strong, conservative woman like Palin can be intimidating to liberals, I mean she is tougher than most of them.  However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.  Is it just because she's a conservative, or are there real reasons to fear her?

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on Sep 24, 2008

2 things - The primary battle did weed out the non-misogynist democrats (they are tepid supporters of Obama at best, McCain supporters at worst), so all that is left are the misogynist ones.  SO she does scare them.

#2 - she does accentuate Obama's shortcomings!  They cannot attack her, without showing their hypocracy and duplicity.  And that angers them.

IN short, she is everything they wish their candidate was, but he is not.

on Sep 24, 2008

I don't agree with her politics, that's why I don't like her.


on Sep 24, 2008

However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.

I've been having this same discussion with members of my family and one of them sent a story with photos of an AlaskanWomen Against Palin rally. 99.9% of the women there were all dressed like jeans, sweatsuits,even men's baseball hats!  Hello! The immediate contrast....Palin's ....refreshingly feminine looking...and they can't stand it.

Speaking from a woman's pov and understanding the radical feminists and the big role they play in the culture wars......... I'd say they hate her becasue she's authentically feminine...they fear and hate her normalcy...she's a normal woman, a normal wife, a normal mother...this fact scares the dickens out of them.



on Sep 24, 2008

It's really simple - Palin is a likable person, if someone that presently opposed her met her on the street, they might actually like her. That is what scares the left. They are so caught up in winning, and see her as a breath of fresh air for the Republicans, all they can do it try to tear her down. If they were no worries from the left and Democrats about Obama, and he was ahead of McCain by 20 points, you wouldn't hear one bad word about Palin. This is a great look into what the left is really about, empower women as long as they have liberal beliefs. So in short the attacks (for the most part) are a sign of desperation, frustration, and buyers remorse (by some) concerning their own candidate.

on Sep 24, 2008

The only thing I see is that McCain has thrown one hell of a wrench in the Obama Machine when he picked Palin as his running mate and now the Democrats, who thought they had this election in the bag and, probably, did not expect this to change are now scrambling to counter this unexpected change and we all know how scary it can be to be caught off guard and without a plan.

on Sep 24, 2008

If Obama was thrown off his game by Palin, then GOD FORBID he become the president..when the surprises are much nastier and cost so much more. 

I don't want a man who gets "thrown" by a strong woman competitor to lead our country.  I'd rather have the wily old guy who did the throwing. 

on Sep 24, 2008

This is a great look into what the left is really about, empower women as long as they have liberal beliefs.

I don't think sexism is an issue.  I think it's just that they want to be in power and now Palin seems a tad they're tearing down her character.

...but then again I don't really pay attention...I just want it to be over as fast as possible.

Though I'm leaning Democrat on this one. 


on Sep 24, 2008

Though I'm leaning Democrat on this one.

really?  NO Kidding! 

on Sep 24, 2008

I don't agree with her politics, that's why I don't like her.


Zoo, I consider you a thinker.  Can you give me an example of her politics that you don't agree with?


on Sep 24, 2008


I don't think sexism is an issue.

I do. When feminists mold themselves into a ridged group that rejects the slightest deviation there is a problem. Not all women are pro-abortion, that doesn't mean they don't support equal pay for equal work. Groups that work across multiple political parties are far more likely to be successful than the one trick ponies.

Though I'm leaning Democrat on this one.

Your allowed. I don't think I've seen anybody converted in either direction here on JU, especially if they have strong feeling one way or the other. But that's the cool thing about this country. I've never hated anyone for their political beliefs, disagreed, sure.

on Sep 24, 2008

Your allowed. I don't think I've seen anybody converted in either direction here on JU, especially if they have strong feeling one way or the other. But that's the cool thing about this country. I've never hated anyone for their political beliefs, disagreed, sure.

ModerateMan has.

on Sep 24, 2008

The hate is somewhat expected; a few vocal members of the left haven't been shy about proclaiming their hate for 'people different from them' for quite some time.

It's the fear I wonder about. I don't recall seeing near the number of people announcing their fear of a political candidate (actually, I can't think of any before Palin).

on Sep 24, 2008

my mom is uber conservative but she hates palin due to her stance on abortion in cases of rape.

on Sep 25, 2008

99.9% of the women there were all dressed like jeans, sweatsuits,even men's baseball hats!

Its Alaska. Have you ever been there? They all wear blue jeans and baseball caps.

on Sep 25, 2008

Its difficult to see whats right or wrong with Palin. A little media access might be nice to see if she actually knows anything about what she might have to deal with as VP or Pres. I'm certainly not going to base my opinions on canned speeches and commercials. It is obvious in that respect that she is misrepresenting many things. I guess thats why the media refers to parties as brands these days.


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