Published on September 24, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

It almost seems that the left hates Palin more than they hate Bush.  She seems to be the focus of every left-leaning website and publication out there on a daily basis.  The attacks on her and her family have been nothing short of discusting.  I have even had liberals tell me straight out, "she scares me".  Of course, when I ask for specifics they don't seem to have an answer, much like asking them about Obama's accomplishments.

I do understand how a strong, conservative woman like Palin can be intimidating to liberals, I mean she is tougher than most of them.  However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.  Is it just because she's a conservative, or are there real reasons to fear her?

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on Oct 16, 2008


McCain is 72 and a multiple-time cancer patient, and his odds are not good.

So what? McCain is a survivor....his mother is in her mid 90's.


We thought W was incompetant an unprepared for the role - I think we ain't seen nothin' yet. She has admittedly not kept up with the war or current events. She cannot articulate the simplest of concepts without a rehearsed script. She thinks she has international experience because of Alaska's proximity to Russia. 
Last I heard Palin had given all that has been asked of her as far as providing tranparency about her past....not so with Obama...I'd like to know more about the man who would be President of the USA for example how about having a look at his:

 Occidental College records

Columbia College records

Columbia Thesis paper

Harvard College records; Harvard Law Review articles that were published 

Selective Service Registration

medical records

Law practice client list

A Certified Copy of Obama's  original birth certificate

Record of baptism.....

on Oct 16, 2008


Last I heard Palin had given all that has been asked of her as far as providing tranparency about her past....

well im afraid u may have missed some of the interviews. the last ive heard/ seen of her, she was avoiding a reporter who kept asking about a recent article (what that article was about escapes me, but i think it may have something 2 do with her power scandal up in alaska)  the 1st time the reporter asked about it, Palin said that the article did not implicate her in anything despite the fact that it is clearly written in the text. shortly thereafter she left on a bus standing by her original statement even tho it was clearly false.

on Oct 16, 2008

oh & were those supposed 2 b links? if so, they arent working for me

on Oct 16, 2008

We should all prepare ourselves.  As bad as all the smug condescension has been here the last couple of weeks, it's only going to get worse if/after BO wins.  Not a problem for me, but they're going to be even more insufferably boorish with their 'Your mother wears army boots!' arguments.

on Oct 16, 2008

i havent seen many responses that were all that bad, tho mayb i just havent been paying attention >.< but what bothers me about if Obama wins, is what r all the McCain/Palin supporters gonna do? after watching some of the latest Palin speeches, im worried about the radicals who scream "kill him" and "terrorist". im pretty sure that palin herself is fanning these flames on purpose. she might b planning on a witch hunt of her own, & whos to say that a mad disallusioned mob wont go too far?

on Oct 16, 2008

actually no, think about it. john McCain (if elected)

Actually no, think about it.  Obama's parents are dead, and died at an age not much older than he is now.  McCain's mother is still a very active 90+.  No one is guaranteed tomorrow, and if we are going on genetics, McCain has nothign to worry about, but Obama sure does.

on Oct 16, 2008

We should all prepare ourselves.  As bad as all the smug condescension has been here the last couple of weeks, it's only going to get worse if/after BO wins.  Not a problem for me, but they're going to be even more insufferably boorish with their 'Your mother wears army boots!' arguments.

That is a given.

on Oct 16, 2008

actually no, think about it. john McCain (if elected)
Actually no, think about it.  Obama's parents are dead, and died at an age not much older than he is now.  McCain's mother is still a very active 90+.  No one is guaranteed tomorrow, and if we are going on genetics, McCain has nothign to worry about, but Obama sure does.

well i dont kno the genetics of either, but i am curious as to how Obamas parents died, i cant seem to find an article about it. As far as John McCain goes, well hes had a ton of different diseases, various broken bones, infections etc. so im worried that McCain will get something bad & wont b able 2 lead if hes elected, thus leaveing the fate of the country in the hands of some1 like Palin

on Oct 16, 2008

If u checked his medical records, hes had a shit-load of problems, the latest of wich i believe is a form of skin cancer.

So what? What does having had a form of skin cancer have to do with running the presidency? Why such shallow thinking? Bill Clinton never offered his medical records for public scrutiny. For all we know, He could have far worse than a form of skin cancer, right?


actually no, think about it. john McCain (if elected) will b the oldest president we have ever voted in.

So what? Again, why the shallow type thinking? From what I can tell, for the most part as far as his country is concerned, McCain has led a most honorable and distinguished career, right?

Palin is 1 of the least qualified ppl to b president.

Hold your horses! What  were Bill Clinton's qualifications for running for President as opposed to Palin's whose running for VP?

As far as executive experience which is what Presidency is.....Obama has zippo...none....while Palin was mayor and governor and in charge of Alaska's National Guard. She went overseas visiting them....Obama didn't go until he was pressed to do so and even then ignored the troops...

Obama is an elitist bum who votes to keep killing babies in the womb and even those who survive botched abortions. He's bad for America.   


on Oct 16, 2008

what r all the McCain/Palin supporters gonna do? after watching some of the latest Palin speeches, im worried about the radicals who scream "kill him" and "terrorist". im pretty sure that palin herself is fanning these flames on purpose. she might b planning on a witch hunt of her own, & whos to say that a mad disallusioned mob wont go too far?

This has turned out to be something of an urban/media myth.  The Secret Service detail accompanying Palin has gone on record saying the 'kill him' remark never happened.  Furthermore, there's been nothing more rowdy at any of her appearances than you would hear about Bush or McCain at any Obama rally.  Far worse things are routinely said about Bush every frickin' day of the week and it's an abject pathetic joke that the media is suddenly so 'disgusted' at such behavior, such 'inciting of hatred'... just where the hell have they had their heads the last 8 years?  Up their asses, of course.  Same place BO's hate-spewing supporters have had theirs.

on Oct 17, 2008

Obama is an elitist bum who votes to keep killing babies in the womb and even those who survive botched abortions.

So no change there.

on Oct 17, 2008

well i dont kno the genetics of either, but i am curious as to how Obamas parents died, i cant seem to find an article about it.

I googled it and found out his mother died of Cancer in 95 (I think).  At 53.  Only 6 years older than he is. 

As far as John McCain goes, well hes had a ton of different diseases, various broken bones, infections etc. so im worried that McCain will get something bad & wont b able 2 lead if hes elected, thus leaveing the fate of the country in the hands of some1 like Palin

And survived them.  Have you never heard the expression "that which does not kill us, makes us stronger"?  It is based on the premise that adversity - and immunization - makes us healthier and better.  Able to withstand future maladies.

It is fine that you dont like Palin.  WHy dont you tell us why you do not like her.

on Oct 18, 2008

So, I read that 24th comment on this thread and followed all of this evolution debate here. Well, personally I think it is wrong to promote Intelligent Science into school, since it is mere opinion (not even psudoscience, if you ask me) but here we have some believers so I won't touch this further.


I believe, other than science issues, I really don't see she is disqualified as a vice president. She is inexperienced, so what? Obama is also relatively inexperienced. I think she is an average politican in America, and the vice president is not a critical role in USA's political system. I really see no problems other than a fact that she really does not help McCain to win the election.


I think, that's the problem. She is not harmful, but nor helpful to McCain. In contrast, Obama's choice, Sen. Biden certainly is not harmful to Obama, and a little bit helpful regarding experience and foreign affair. Palin is just average choice, while Biden is good choice.

on Oct 18, 2008

people who are pro choice or pro life tend to already know who they vote for. People undecided about that issue can go about other things. Pointing out obamas or mccain stance on abortion is really pointless, everyone knows.

So if you are trying to convince people to join "your side" so to speak, you should be more concerned with thier stances on economy, foreign policy, etc...

on Oct 18, 2008


So, I read that 24th comment on this thread and followed all of this evolution debate here. Well, personally I think it is wrong to promote Intelligent Science into school, since it is mere opinion (not even psudoscience, if you ask me) but here we have some believers so I won't touch this further.

I won't belabor the point any longer but wish to say that  if by Intelligent Science you mean Intelligent Design, with the wave of modern science, it is more than just mere opinion. The science of Paleontology, Genetics and Geology, to name a few, confirms and substantiates more Special Creation theory (e.g. typology) while discrediting "molecules to mankind" evolution theory (e.g. transformation crossover among species).

And besides, why should only an "molecules to mankind" "scientific" atheism be taught in schools when that is only opinion as well? It's time our school kids got both sides of the Origins debate.  


She is inexperienced, so what?

Why do you say Palin is inexperienced when she has been mayor and governor of Alaska? That's more executive experience than Bill Clinton had when he ran for the Presidency! She also got more guts than alot of the Washington crowd...

Read this email I got from a friend.....

When I wrote the email, I was merely responding to friends and clients in the lower 48, who were asking me about Governor Sarah Palin.  Kathy and I are simple folks and life time Alaskans who run a lodge on the remote Alaska Peninsula.  I am a bush pilot and guide for the same operation that I started as the camp boy, back in 1966.  Kathy and I both pitch in to respond to emails and inquiries about fishing and hunting with us Alaska.  Although we have enjoyed many of your emails, the two of us just can't keep up with all of the questions that we are recently receiving, so I have posted the following:

Below is a copy of my original email which I sent to friends and clients.  These are my personal comments as a life time Alaskan, and you may or may not choose to share them with your friends, but you do have my permission:

Dear Friends. 

Fishing is good here at Wildman and I rarely have time for politics, but many of our  friends are asking us "Who is Sarah Palin?"  Of course, as Alaskans, Kathy and I are extremely proud of her. We just want to let you know that  Sarah "Barracuda" Palin is a straight shooting, hard charging, get it done gal.  She knows when to listen, how to analyze the facts and how to make a decision, then implement the plan.  She doesn't do a poll before jumping in with both feet like too many of the Washington types.  She has little legislative experience because she has always held the EXECUTIVE position; in private life, as mayor of Anchorage's largest bedroom community or more recently as Governor of our S tate.  She is a smart, attractive home grown Alaska girl with excellent moral and family values.  She can see what needs to be done and does not hesitate to get it done.

One of our State's major problems is that its Capital is in Juneau, 500 miles from the nearest road and 800 air miles from the population base which is Anchorage, Wasilla and Fairbanks.  Our legislature and most of the State government is in Juneau and they ALL behave like a bunch of freshmen in a college town.  It has been this way since Statehood in 1959.  When Sarah moved to Juneau, so did accountability and responsibility  When the oil revenue started flowing and a barrel of North Slope Crude hit $23.00, these people began spending money like drunken sailors.  You can only imagine what was happenings when oil hit $100.00 a barrel, about the time Sarah took command.  My wife Kathy has first-hand experience with this fiasco, as her father and also her ex-husband were Alaska Legislators who served in Juneau as Senators, Senate President, or members of the State House for a combined period spanning nearly three decades.

About the time Sarah took the HELM as Governor of Alaska, about half of the State legislature was in the pocket of big oil companies or contractors doing big projects for Native Corporations around Alaska, all funded by State oil revenue.  Alaska government was nothing but a good old boys club riding the perpetual wave of prosperity.  This filtered down from the legislature, through the Department of Natural Resources,  Department of Labor and even spilled in to the Public Safety who are supposed to "preserve and protect".

When Sarah walked  into the Governor's Mansion, she promptly dismissed the State Trooper detachment assigned to Governor and had her and her husband's gun case brought in from Wasilla. Then, she got rid of the former Governor's STATE Jet and told legislators that there were no more free rides, they would have to fly Alaska Airlines, just like her and her family if they wanted to travel.  Next came the nut cutting (the Barracuda part) the heads that rolled were too numerous to name, but when Sarah finished cleaning house, a number of our legislators ended up in jail  on corruption charges, or tendered their resignations along with numerous department heads and those who have been riding the gravy train for way too long,  AND THEN SHE HAD LUNCH.  By the end of the day, Sarah Palin had saved the people of Alaska millions and has not yet slowed down.

She has truly brought CHANGE to Juneau.  I personally know persons in the private sector in Alaska, that hold her in high esteem.  She surrounds herself with smart people, many from my hometown of Anchorage, she listens to them but makes her own decisions.  Sarah Palin is a no B.S. politician.  It is refreshing that there is such a thing anymore.  You want to talk about CHANGE?  You should see a before and after picture of the State government in Alaska.  That's CHANGE!  Sarah will bring a number of things to the election.  I am sure she will appeal to many voters who may otherwise could have gone the other direction on election day.  The conservative block will not be for Barack.  We have their vote.  We need what Sarah will bring, first to the election and second, what she will bring to Washington D.C.  McCain has been advised well,  Let's just hope the American people can get the straight scoop on her in the weeks ahead.   This is just the opinion of one Alaska Bush Pilot and Guide, who pays attention to national politics, watches the news and is deathly afraid of the direction our nation is headed.  I guarantee that if Sarah gets a chance to dig her spurs into the flanks of the liberal Washington types, they will know that she is in the saddle.

Butch King   Pilot/Guide

Butch & Kathy King

Proprietors     Wildman Lake Lodge

Obama is also relatively inexperienced.

Relatively???? He's had no executive experience whatsoever! And for the time he's been in the US Senate, he's voted present all too often showing he's unable or unwillingly to take a stand on matters put before him in the Senate.

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