Published on September 24, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

It almost seems that the left hates Palin more than they hate Bush.  She seems to be the focus of every left-leaning website and publication out there on a daily basis.  The attacks on her and her family have been nothing short of discusting.  I have even had liberals tell me straight out, "she scares me".  Of course, when I ask for specifics they don't seem to have an answer, much like asking them about Obama's accomplishments.

I do understand how a strong, conservative woman like Palin can be intimidating to liberals, I mean she is tougher than most of them.  However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.  Is it just because she's a conservative, or are there real reasons to fear her?

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on Oct 16, 2008

It's like tuberculosis, once it infects something it is damn difficult to get rid of.

on Oct 16, 2008

It's not hate.  It's fear.  Fear of if/when she takes over for McCain.  We thought W was incompetant an unprepared for the role - I think we ain't seen nothin' yet.  She has admittedly not kept up with the war or current events.  She cannot articulate the simplest of concepts without a rehearsed script.  She thinks she has international experience because of Alaska's proximity to Russia.  She believes Muthee helped her win the governorship when he laid hands and prayed away the witches.  She believes the war and the gas pipeline are god's will. charging rape victims for rape kits, uninquisitiveness, abstinence-only, fear of "g"'s at the end of words, the only bad thing about Cheney she can come up - the shooting accident. the end days, women's issues, and on and on and on...  McCain is 72 and a multiple-time cancer patient, and his odds are not good.  I don't wish him ill, but compare him from the the last two elections in the PBS documentary 'The Choice' - he has aged a lot.  He might be tolerable, with a heavily Demiocratic House & Senate, but Palin?  It just cannot be allowed to happen.  Again, it's not hate.  Conservatives have cornered the market on that.

on Oct 16, 2008

As far as evolution, Catholics are free to accept it as a working hypothesis ....understanding it is not a proved fact despite the assertions of many pseudo-scientists.

Except that the Catholic Church said a long time ago that the theory of evolution is not just a hypothesis any more.


on Oct 16, 2008

Again, it's not hate.  Conservatives have cornered the market on that.

Oh please.  The hate against Palin is amazing, and is the worse I have ever seen.

on Oct 16, 2008


As far as evolution, Catholics are free to accept it as a working hypothesis ....understanding it is not a proved fact despite the assertions of many pseudo-scientists.

Except that the Catholic Church said a long time ago that the theory of evolution is not just a hypothesis any more.


Uh, excuse me?  I evolved from a sperm and egg!

on Oct 16, 2008

Wow, I didn't realize this thread was still going!

She believes Muthee helped her win the governorship when he laid hands and prayed away the witches. She believes the war and the gas pipeline are god's will. charging rape victims for rape kits, uninquisitiveness, abstinence-only, fear of "g"'s at the end of words, the only bad thing about Cheney she can come up - the shooting accident. the end days, women's issues, and on and on and on

You sure know how to swallow the Obama talking points and regurgitate them as truths don't you?

on Oct 16, 2008

I evolved from a sperm and egg!

Really? I just came from those. But they had already evolved into my species generations earlier.

You must look funny!


on Oct 16, 2008

It's not hate. It's fear. Fear of if/when she takes over for McCain. We thought W was incompetant an unprepared for the role - I think we ain't seen nothin' yet. She has admittedly not kept up with the war or current events. She cannot articulate the simplest of concepts without a rehearsed script. She thinks she has international experience because of Alaska's proximity to Russia. She believes Muthee helped her win the governorship when he laid hands and prayed away the witches. She believes the war and the gas pipeline are god's will. charging rape victims for rape kits, uninquisitiveness, abstinence-only, fear of "g"'s at the end of words, the only bad thing about Cheney she can come up - the shooting accident. the end days, women's issues, and on and on and on... McCain is 72 and a multiple-time cancer patient, and his odds are not good. I don't wish him ill, but compare him from the the last two elections in the PBS documentary 'The Choice' - he has aged a lot. He might be tolerable, with a heavily Demiocratic House & Senate, but Palin? It just cannot be allowed to happen. Again, it's not hate. Conservatives have cornered the market on that.

Boorish, elitist, scripted talking points.

on Oct 16, 2008

You must look funny!

That's what my wife says.

on Oct 16, 2008


Uh, excuse me? I evolved from a sperm and egg!

Ha, we all did Doc.....this is growth to maturity which isn't "evolution" that is, one species evolving into another as in new higher genetic info being gained....any more than the acorn growing into the oak tree.


Except that the Catholic Church said a long time ago that the theory of evolution is not just a hypothesis any more.


The following report from Lifesite News should correct any mis conceptions you have concerning the CC and evolution....

Darwinian Evolution Incompatible with Catholic Faith says Cardinal and Author of Catholic Catechism


NEW YORK, July 11, 2005 ( – On July 7, after years of media-generated confusion, Christoph Cardinal Schonborn, a theologian who helped author the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church, wrote in the New York Times clarifying the Church’s understanding of human origins.

Since 1996, the world’s secular media have claimed that Pope John Paul II endorsed Darwinian evolution as being “more than a hypothesis.” The remark, taken out of context, established in some minds that the Catholic Church was ready to abandon its adherence to the notion of a personal God who created life, the universe and everything.

In his article, Schonborn said, that the “defenders of neo-Darwinian dogma have often invoked the supposed acceptance - or at least acquiescence - of the Roman Catholic Church when they defend their theory as somehow compatible with Christian faith.”

“This,” the Cardinal says bluntly, “is not true.”

Schonborn unequivocally establishes that the Catholic Church does not endorse Darwinism. “Evolution in the sense of common ancestry might be true, but evolution in the neo-Darwinian sense - an unguided, unplanned process of random variation and natural selection - is not.”

Cardinal Schonborn, a close associate of both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, continued, saying, “Any system of thought that denies or seeks to explain away the overwhelming evidence for design in biology is ideology, not science.”

The New York Times, never missing an opportunity to bash prominent Catholic prelates, has suggested that Schonborn has changed his tune regarding the legitimacy of Darwinian evolution. But Darwinism, the idea that life sprang and developed into its myriad forms by means of “an unguided, unplanned process of random variation and natural selection” has never been supported by Catholic teaching.

As early as 1950, Pope Pius XII wrote that it is Catholics teaching that all human beings in some way are biologically descended from a first man, Adam. “The faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains that either after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parent of all,” Pius wrote in his encyclical Humani Generis.

Two days after the Cardinal’s article appeared, the New York Times followed up with an interview with Schonborn in which he reiterated that he had been encouraged by Pope Benedict XVI to continue to refine Catholic teaching on evolution.

Read Cardinal Schonborn’s essay:



on Oct 16, 2008


Fear of if/when she takes over for McCain. ....... It just cannot be allowed to happen.

Can't be allowed to happen? Interesting choice of words....How far will Obamians go to make sure this "cannot be allowed to happen"? Is this why there is so much voter fraud going on in Ohio?



This thread is for Palin, but why do I see evolution debate here?

I think it goes back to Kurtin's comment #24......if you care to follow the discussion, I think you'll find it is interestingly relevant.

on Oct 16, 2008

It's not hate. It's fear. Fear of if/when she takes over for McCain. We thought W was incompetant an unprepared for the role - I think we ain't seen nothin' yet. She has admittedly not kept up with the war or current events. She cannot articulate the simplest of concepts without a rehearsed script. She thinks she has international experience because of Alaska's proximity to Russia. She believes Muthee helped her win the governorship when he laid hands and prayed away the witches. She believes the war and the gas pipeline are god's will. charging rape victims for rape kits, uninquisitiveness, abstinence-only, fear of "g"'s at the end of words, the only bad thing about Cheney she can come up - the shooting accident. the end days, women's issues, and on and on and on... McCain is 72 and a multiple-time cancer patient, and his odds are not good. I don't wish him ill, but compare him from the the last two elections in the PBS documentary 'The Choice' - he has aged a lot. He might be tolerable, with a heavily Demiocratic House & Senate, but Palin? It just cannot be allowed to happen. Again, it's not hate. Conservatives have cornered the market on that.

Boorish, elitist, scripted talking points.

actually no, think about it. john McCain (if elected) will b the oldest president we have ever voted in. If u checked his medical records, hes had a shit-load of problems, the latest of wich i believe is a form of skin cancer. Palin is 1 of the least qualified ppl to b president. Obama spent several weeks going to other countries, what did Palin do? she met w/ 1 or 2 leaders at the UN. Foreign relations experience is hardly gained by governing alaska. & she didnt even do a decent job of that either. Tho i do applaud her 4 getting away w/ scamming the state out of $10 mill for that bridge. btw what did she do w/ that money?

on Oct 16, 2008

I stand by my comment.

on Oct 16, 2008

ah the old, stick ur fingers in ur ears & sing rly loudly "la la la la" technique. works so well on important matters doesnt it?

on Oct 16, 2008

for the record, it was on the news that obama went to other countries, & that palin had an interview w/ a world leader or 2, so if that is all scripted to u, then im afraid u live in a sad world my friend

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