It’s that time to start doing our own “best of 2008” lists, and today I wanted to start out with some skins that our team of moderators picked. Picking one skin from the enter year is difficult, especially considering the amount of skins that come through moderation, but I was curious if there was a skin that just seemed to stick out in their minds. So with that I present the WinCustomize moderator picks of 2008. WOM chose Chiluly Glass Bridge Ceiling by OutdoorPictu...
TheMasterBaron is back with a new Master skin, this time it’s an animated wallpaper called “ Planetrise ”. If you have ever seen a TMB .dream before, then I really don’t need to tell you the quality and animation are nearly perfect, and this is a beautiful planet-type scene. Remember that WinCustomize subscribers get a 20% discount on Master Skins!
In the true spirit of bipartisanship and all that other nonsense we heard during the campaign, Pelosi is setting out to change the rules to shut out republicans on legislation. "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to re-write House rules today to ensure that the Republican minority is unable to have any influence on legislation. Pelosi’s proposals are so draconian, and will so polarize the Capitol, that any thought President-elect Obama has of bipartisan cooperation will be rendered impo...
It’s been over a year since our last subscription drive, and with the New Year upon us, we are excited to announce the 2009 WinCustomize Subscription Drive! The drive starts immediately, and will run until March 1st. Our goal is to reach $50,000 which will in turn pay for the development of WinCustomize 2009. You don’t have to do anything special to participate, just become a subscriber which offers many benefits over a registered user. Remember, this is not for new...
The Consumer Electronics Show 2009 is set to begin, and some of Stardock’s staff w ill be on hand to bring you the latest updates from the show. CES ‘09 will feature a keynote by Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer, which presumably he will give us more details on Windows 7, and maybe a peek at yet unannounced products. CES was scaled back in the past, but this year they are coming back with a bang. The event is being held in Las Vegas, and many major electronics, ...
As part of my end of the year routine, I started cleaning out my office which was in worse shape than I originally thought. First order of business was heading to the closet and cleaning out my “PC stuff” box. This box has a collection of items dating back several years. Much of it is old cables, hard drives, and various PC related parts that I collected while building or fixing PC’s. I found all kinds of stuff, but quite a bit of it I was able to keep, as it will come in ...
New content on WinCustomize was lacking for a week or so, as the database issues were being worked out. I also see it didn’t take long, literally minutes after we announced it was working, for the submissions to come pouring in. Hats off to the WC moderators who have been working double-time getting the submissions through moderation! Since we have the new skins coming in, let me give a quick feature to some of the latest works. Remember, you can always check the latest sub...
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota (CNN) -- A state election board on Monday will announce Democrat Al Franken has defeated Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race, state officials told CNN Sunday. Link You really know how to pick’em, America!
As many of you might know, the uploading system on WinCustomize was broken when we had our database server fail recently. I'm happy to report the upload system has been fixed and uploading can commence. Please note we expect a ton of submissions, and although we wll try to get them through moderation as soon as possible, it still might take a few days to get through them. Thank you for your patience, now get uploading!
I was debating doing this type of post, but it actually fits in with one of my resolutions, so here it goes. Lose weight. Yes, this is the classic resolution, but the time has come for me to get back into shape. I have already changed our grocery habits today, eliminating most of the junk. My biggest weakness is soda, but it’s something I have to slowly back away from. Going to join the gym tomorrow, and there’s a good chance I’m going to start te...
The fine folks over at Gamers with Jobs has given Sins of a Solar Empire the award for Best PC Exclusive Game of the Year! Not only that, Sins was also a runner up in the Game of the Year award. Link: 2008 GWJ Community Game of the Year Awards “As a rule, we at Gamerswithjobs avoid putting together any kind of intenal Game of the Year awards, primarily because the debate over the value and standards of such a thing would result in bloodshed, assault charges an...
The fine folks over at Gamers with Jobs has given Sins of a Solar Empire the award for Best PC Exclusive Game of the Year! Not only that, Sins was also a runner up in the Game of the Year award. Link: 2008 GWJ Community Game of the Year Awards “As a rule, we at Gamerswithjobs avoid putting together any kind of intenal Game of the Year awards, primarily because the debate over the value and standards of such a thing would result in bloodshed, assault c...
To say that Sins of a Solar Empire had a great would be putting it mild, we had a FANTASTIC year! The end of the year means gaming and tech sites/magazines publish their “best of” lists along with features like user picks, special spotlights, and all that good stuff. Over the last couple of weeks we have seen Sins of a Solar Empire just sweep through nominations and awards, and IronClad Games and Stardock just couldn’t be more pleased. I thought today we would...
It’s that time of the year again where people will start giving their predictions for what will hold for the tech industry in the new year. With the economy being in the state that it is, mostly everything I have read so far is pretty pessimistic, but putting politics aside, I think 2009 has potential to be a big rebound as far as tech goes. With that being said, I will start with the most obvious one. Windows 7 arrives. Microsoft hasn’t been too fo...
The Best of 2008 lists keep rolling in, and Sins of a Solar Empire makes it into the Top 5 PC Games list from Gamasutra. “One of the year's great success stories was this space strategy title from Vancouver-based Ironclad Games, which put the small developer on the map and scored another hit for its increasingly influential publisher Stardock. Ostensibly a member of the "4X" genre of domination-oriented titles, Sins of a Solar Empire, with its explicit focus on battles and its re...