Published on January 5, 2009 By Island Dog In Personal Computing

As part of my end of the year routine, I started cleaning out my office which was in worse shape than I originally thought.  First order of business was heading to the closet and cleaning out my “PC stuff” box.  This box has a collection of items dating back several years.  Much of it is old cables, hard drives, and various PC related parts that I collected while building or fixing PC’s.

I found all kinds of stuff, but quite a bit of it I was able to keep, as it will come in handy for future upgrades.  This was the result of my cleaning, with my keep and trash piles.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 05, 2009

I keep meaning to sort through my box'o'PSUs, cables, drives, and bits and dump the oldest machines from the closet as well, but keep having other things to do

on Jan 05, 2009

but keep having other things to do

WoW is evil like that, innit.

on Jan 05, 2009


Move to Michigan.  It's real incentive to get rid of crap. 

on Jan 05, 2009


Move to Michigan.  It's real incentive to get rid of crap. 

Have no fear....there's always more, and think of all the great crap waiting to be collected there....and the stuff that'll graduate into 'crap' status while there...

Here...take 5 and have a laugh at this: George Carlin's "Stuff" 

on Jan 05, 2009

I have those speakers

I threw out a large bulk of cables once.  It had some old stuff in it that I 'knew' I'd never us again.    Then I got stuck with an old TV and I needed all my cables to survive a weekend, but had none of them (actually I was able to manage, but that isn't the point.  It would have been much easier if I kept my trash)

on Jan 05, 2009

I just got rid of my old computer. My new stuff should be coming today


I'm so happy

on Jan 05, 2009

Hold off on being happy until you turn it on and it doesn't 'splode.

on Jan 05, 2009

Yeah, tell me about it. I have my old PC components in the closet. And by old I don't mean just previous. I mean... A Cyrix 200 CPU(with MMX!!!)... Today, it's slower than my cell phone... an ancient 3.2 GB hard drive...  Damn, that's less than a DVD! I'm talking JUNK! Why can't I get rid of this!?

on Jan 05, 2009

I just rebuilt my system ... I have the same problem ... I have a habit of

collecting old hardware and stick it on the shelf for future use. 


I also, update my hardware WAY TOO much ...   I figure it's time

to slow down ...  Most likely I'll clean up my older hardware as soon

as I get some free time ..  

on Jan 05, 2009

I actually threw away a gallon size ziplock bag of old DIMM and SIMM that I'd been holding on to "just in case"

I did keep my first 40 MB HD with Win 3.1 and AOL on it for "old times sake". 

on Jan 05, 2009

i guess im one of the tidy people..ive nothing to throw away. well i did give away unused package of DVD+R disks to friend..

on Jan 05, 2009

Yeah, tell me about it. I have my old PC components in the closet. And by old I don't mean just previous. I mean... A Cyrix 200 CPU(with MMX!!!)... Today, it's slower than my cell phone... an ancient 3.2 GB hard drive...  Damn, that's less than a DVD! I'm talking JUNK! Why can't I get rid of this!?


the thrash can can work

on Jan 05, 2009

Yeah, tell me about it. I have my old PC components in the closet. And by old I don't mean just previous. I mean... A Cyrix 200 CPU(with MMX!!!)... Today, it's slower than my cell phone... an ancient 3.2 GB hard drive...  Damn, that's less than a DVD! I'm talking JUNK! Why can't I get rid of this!?


and BTW thats even an worst pc than my self made mini pc

on Jan 05, 2009

I just got rid of my old computer. My new stuff should be coming today


I'm so happy


Don't you ever do that again.

You only get rid of the old one after the new one works.

I actually threw away a gallon size ziplock bag of old DIMM and SIMM that I'd been holding on to "just in case"

I did keep my first 40 MB HD with Win 3.1 and AOL on it for "old times sake". 

-300bps modem
-30MB HDD with 3.1
-133MHZ P1

Not all from the same system, obviously, but those are the oldest components I have lying around.  And I've got a 13" floppy drive around here somewhere...

on Jan 05, 2009

I've got about 3 boxes to go through.  I have a hard time getting rid of anything.  I may need that...

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