Published on January 5, 2009 By Island Dog In Politics

In the true spirit of bipartisanship and all that other nonsense we heard during the campaign, Pelosi is setting out to change the rules to shut out republicans on legislation.

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to re-write House rules today to ensure that the Republican minority is unable to have any influence on legislation. Pelosi’s proposals are so draconian, and will so polarize the Capitol, that any thought President-elect Obama has of bipartisan cooperation will be rendered impossible before he even takes office.

Pelosi’s rule changes -- which may be voted on today -- will reverse the fairness rules that were written around Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.”

In reaction, the House Republican leadership is sending a letter today to Pelosi to object to changes to House Rules this week that would bar Republicans from offering alternative bills, amendments to Democrat bills or even the guarantee of open debate accessible by motions to recommit for any piece of legislation during the entire 111th Congress. These procedural abuses, as outlined in the below letter obtained by HUMAN EVENTS, would also include the repeal of six-year limit for committee chairmen and other House Rules reform measures enacted in 1995 as part of the Contract with America."

I can't wait to see more of this change that democrats promised us.  


on Jan 06, 2009

HOPE AND CHANGE! are you not on the hope and change train? maybe your racist!

Ha and to make things better.... you hear the blurp of the cow tax? I think its starting to get some tracksion even though the EPA " denies that they are concidering it" then why is it making it into the news....

on Jan 06, 2009

You know, Pelosi just cant seem to speak correctly.  She keeps dropping sylables - like UN as in the most UN-ethical congress.

on Jan 06, 2009

This would make Chavez blush.

on Jan 06, 2009

ah who needs a second party anyway.  We have already essentially shut out any third parties from the process, what's one more party between "friends"?

on Jan 06, 2009

They say from the ashes of wildfires new life grows. I say we let the Democrats burn the country to the ground and hope a new Gov't grows. As has been proven before, trying to avoid the inevitable will only result in making what is already bad, worse.

on Jan 06, 2009

what's one more party between "friends"?

A keg or 2.

on Jan 06, 2009

A keg or 2.

Man you're demanding Doc.  I mean they sent you a check for $600 last year and this year they look to spend at least $700 billion on "us" and you still want more?

on Jan 06, 2009


A keg or 2.
Man you're demanding Doc.  I mean they sent you a check for $600 last year and this year they look to spend at least $700 billion on "us" and you still want more?


well im sure the few that are gonna be left out will not be happy... after all its thier money...

on Jan 06, 2009

well im sure the few that are gonna be left out will not be happy... after all its thier money...

These are Democrats were talking about here, they don't see it as your money or my money, they see it all as the governments money.  And who better than the government to tell us what to do with the money.  All hail lords Pelosi and Reid.

on Jan 06, 2009

Man you're demanding Doc. I mean they sent you a check for $600 last year and this year they look to spend at least $700 billion on "us" and you still want more?

Cant have a party (or 2) without them.