Island Dog's Articles » Page 231
January 30, 2009 by Island Dog
Another busy week comes to a conclusion, and with that comes the weekly edition of This Week in Skinning.  This week we were overrun with ports, but some original creations also made their way in, and here is where you can catch up with those. Now for this weeks picks! Cursors themes, DesktopX themes   Icon Packs ...
January 29, 2009 by Island Dog
Ever wonder what the most popular skins are that people are downloading?  You won’t believe how many skins you sometimes miss, and looking through the most popular section is another fun way to stay up to date with skins. Here are some of the most popular skins currently in the WinCustomize galleries.
January 29, 2009 by Island Dog
This is a memo supposedly leaked from Pelosi’s office.  It’s typical garbage, much of which is false. To: Interested Parties From: Brendan Daly Re: The Republican Problem Date: January 29, 2009 The House Republican Leadership put its Members in another politically untenable position yesterday: trying to reclaim the mantle of lower taxes and small government -- at the exact time when economists of every ideological stripe agree that governm...
January 29, 2009 by Island Dog
To help new users, and possibly more experienced users, I decided to start a new series of guides and tutorials called ‘A Complete Desktop Theme – Start to Finish’.  The basic premise is to build a complete desktop theme starting from the boot screen all the way through the various options on your desktop. This week we start off with covering customizing the boot screen, logon screen, and the Windows cursors.  If you know someone who’s looking for information on how to get star...
January 29, 2009 by Island Dog
The folks over at Edge-Online takes a look at Demigod and gives their impressions of the game and the partnership between Gas Powered Games and Stardock. “You know, this game was just a little too far out there,” explains lead designer Mike Marr, who it must be said looks awfully young for all this. “Publishers wouldn’t take a chance. It really plugged in to Stardock’s mentality, though. Galactic Civilizations and Sins Of A Solar Empire are really deep, strategic games, but they don’t ...
January 28, 2009 by Island Dog
We are getting many new users, and the e-mails with people asking how to customize this, and customize that are steadily increasing.  We have several guides out there, but some are a bit dated, so I wanted to start with a fresh series with the latest versions of applications used to customize your desktop look and feel. We will cover a variety of applications, and for the most part, they will work with either Windows Vista or Windows XP unless noted otherwise.  Many of the screensho...
January 28, 2009 by Island Dog
It’s been a while since we added a new gallery to WinCustomize, and today I’m happy to announce the addition of the Desktop Gadgets gallery!  The Desktop Gadgets gallery are for stand-alone gadgets that are created with DesktopX Pro .  The advantage to these gadgets over widgets, is that they do not require DesktopX to be installed, and can run on virtually any Windows XP or Vista desktop.  The ability to export gadgets like these are well worth upgrade to D...
January 28, 2009 by Island Dog
The Moderation queue is filling up more and more every day.  The skins are rolling in and it seems even I am having a hard time keeping up with what is coming through.  All types of skins are coming in too, by both old and new faces. Here is a quick look at some of the latest skins submitted.  Keep up the great work!
January 28, 2009 by Island Dog
Today the House is set to vote on the pork filled "Stimulus" package that will put the U.S. into another $2 Trillion in debt.  This bill is lined with pork and shady funding to organizations like ACORN. Find your Representative at the link below, and call then and tell them to vote NO!  
January 27, 2009 by Island Dog has the latest info on Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment.  Along with that, they also have some new screenshots I’m sure you will enjoy! Link:
January 27, 2009 by Island Dog
With the release coming up very soon, Steve Butts over at IGN put in some time with the Sins of a Solar Empire expansion, Entrenchment, and gives a great in-depth preview. “Next month Stardock and Ironclad will be releasing the first ever micro-expansion for our 2008 Game of the Year, Sins of a Solar Empire. Titled Entrenchment, the new addition to the Sins franchise brings a host of defense-oriented improvements that should help players beat back the dreaded pirate surge and also put...
January 27, 2009 by Island Dog
With the release coming up very soon, Steve Butts over at IGN put in some time with the Sins of a Solar Empire expansion, Entrenchment, and gives a great in-depth preview. “Next week Ironclad will be releasing the first ever micro-expansion for our 2008 Game of the Year, Sins of a Solar Empire. Titled Entrenchment, the new addition to the Sins franchise brings a host of defense-oriented improvements that should help players beat back the dreaded pirate surge and also put a stop to aggr...
January 27, 2009 by Island Dog
Just last week, we released the latest WinCustomize Subscriber Premium skin, Aero Frost .  This is one of the benefits of being a subscriber to WinCustomize, along with other benefits like unlimited downloads, ad-free browsing, and more. We currently have a subscription drive going to help cover the WinCustomize 2009 redesign.  We have some really great features upcoming, and now will be a great time to subscribe.  Here is a recap of some of the most recent WC Subs...
January 27, 2009 by Island Dog
Now let me make it clear from the start that I’m just looking for feedback on features you would like to see for WindowBlinds in Windows 7.  Many people are trying the Windows 7 beta, and through your experiences so far, is there anything different you would like to see WB try to accomplish?  Please be specific and screenshots and mockups would definitely be welcome.
January 26, 2009 by Island Dog
I was pleased to see a Master .dream from TheMasterBaron waiting to be made public this morning, called Parasite .  It was a pleasure testing it out, and I’m very confident you will enjoy it as well.  As usual, TheMasterBaron has taken great care to create a very smoothly and beautiful animation that works well with all types of WindowBlinds themes. Remember, if you are a WinCustomize subscriber you get a 20% discount on all Master skins.  To use .dreams (animated wallpape...