As usual liberal tolerance shows it's face again. From Michelle Malkin.... "Minutemen Project co-founder Jim Gilchrist spoke at Columbia University tonight. He tried to speak, that is. During his remarks, a mob of students stormed the stage and sabotaged the event. Every Columbia U. alum should be assailing the administration. Gilchrist is owed an apology. This is a disgrace." "STUDENTS WITH A BIG YELLOW SIGN JUST CAME ONTO THE STAGE. The sign says, "There are no illegals." Stu...
Interesting. A posting of an unredacted instant message sessions between Rep. Mark Foley and a former congressional page has apparently exposed the identity of the now 21 year-old accuser... ABC RELEASED TRANSCRIPT OF ONE CHAT BETWEEN FOLEY AND A MAN WHO WAS 18 AT THE TIME OF THE INSTANT MESSAGE EXCHANGE.... NETWORK STATED THE MESSAGE WAS TO 'UNDER AGE' TEEN... DEVELOPING... WWW Link
While polls are usually false and media driven, the liberals here proclaim them as truth. Well only the ones that go against Bush and republicans. Any other poll they simply ignore and will ignore it. So here is some polls I found really interesting, and since they are polls they must be true, right? Fox's question was revealing: "Regardless of how you voted in the presidential election, would you say you want President Bush to succeed or not?" Democrats said "not," 51 pe...
I still can't believe how looney these people really are. Peace prize winner 'could kill' Bush Annabelle McDonald 25jul06 NOBEL peace laureate Betty Williams displayed a flash of her feisty Irish spirit yesterday, lashing out at US President George W.Bush during a speech to hundreds of schoolchildren. Campaigning on the rights of young people at the Earth Dialogues forum, being held in Brisbane, Ms Williams spoke passionately about the deaths of innocent children during wartime, pa...
You see the left always complaining about Bush cutting things from the poor. Well it seems they are wrong again. Everybody knows President Bush and the Republican Congress have chopped poverty spending to finance massive tax cuts for their wealthy friends. "The Republican House just voted to slash health care for struggling families, cut college loans for middle-class kids, and take food off the tables of poor children," the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Emp...
One of the stupidest things I see here on JU is the constant accusation that Bush is a dictator. Now this usually comes from the typical liberal posters who base their accusations on emotion instead of fact. That is now common here among the left. Their basis for callling him a dictator is usually that Bush doesn't listen to the people, or the polls. Both are which are ridiculous. One of the things I admire most about the President is that he doesn't listen to polls. He does what he beli...
This is it folks. Now is the time to act with Israel. Hezbollah guerrillas, who are backed by Iran, seized the soldiers Wednesday in a cross-border raid. Israel has since attacked Lebanon by air and sea and has sent in troops to look for the captured soldiers. Israel's foreign ministry said Thursday that Lebanese guerillas holding the two soldiers captive are trying to transfer them to Iran. Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev did not disclose the source of his information. h...
by Mark Finkelstein July 11, 2006 - 06:52 Q. When are special interest contributions not special interest contributions? A. When they're made to a Democratic candidate. And the Associated Press is reporting on the matter. No political race in my little upstate New York neck of the woods has attracted national attention in a long time - until this year. The retirement of liberal Republican Sherwood Boehlert meant an open seat in New York's 24th Congressional District. The Republi...
Where is that draft that the liberals here said was coming? Even the anti-military liberals and media in this country can't stop people from enlisting. ashington, D.C. (AHN) - Each of the branches of the United States armed forces have met or exceeded their active-duty recruiting goals for the 13th consecutive month. At the Pentagon, Bryan Whitman, deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, confirms, "Active-duty recruiting numbers, both for June and for the first ni...
Well the rest of the MSM knows about hot air, so why not him too? NEW YORK - Tom Brokaw is giving Al Gore some company in the effort to raise awareness of global warming. The former NBC anchorman is host of "Global Warming: What You Need to Know," which doubles as an explainer and call to action for average Americans. It premieres Sunday at 9 p.m. on the Discovery Channel. Brokaw said he has seen and was impressed by "An Inconvenient Truth," Gore's documentary on the subject. "I...
These people are nuts. I can't believe these are the people teaching young adults. Barrett has drawn fire for his plans to teach an Islamic studies course next fall that questions whether the U.S. government was involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in Washington, D.C., and New York City. Some state lawmakers, conservative commentators and Republican gubernatorial candidate U.S. Rep. Mark Green have called for Barrett's firing. Doyle, a UW-Madison graduate, said the ...
When a Republican tells us that islamic terrorists are out to kill us all they are labeled as using "scare tactics". But when a Democrat like Al Gore tells us the world will end because of "global warming" and it's mostly the fault of the U.S., he's just telling us "reality".
It's about time someone stood up to the these terrorist loving loons. Rep. Peter King cited The New York Times in particular for publishing a story last week that the Treasury Department was working with the CIA to examine messages within a massive international database of money-transfer records. King, R-N.Y., said he would write Attorney General Alberto Gonzales urging that the nation's chief law enforcer "begin an investigation and prosecution of The New York Times — the reporters,...
I have just had it with these people. They actually travel to foreign countries to willfully bash our country. Why do they even bother to come back? Sheehan in Vienna protesting. From Natalie Maines in the UK. n an article from the UK - again in the UK - she says: "A lot of pandering started going on, and you'd see soldiers and the American flag in every (country music) video. It became a sickening display of ultra-patriotism." "The entire country may disagree with m...
This is a quagmire. When will these troops be sent home? I demand a time line for "redeployment". Things are getting worse in New Orleans. We should pull out all our police and troops. It's hopeless there. NEW ORLEANS — Acting at the mayor's request, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco said she would send National Guard troops and state police to patrol the streets of New Orleans after a bloody weekend in which six people were killed.,2933,20011...