Published on June 26, 2006 By Island Dog In Politics
When a Republican tells us that islamic terrorists are out to kill us all they are labeled as using "scare tactics".

But when a Democrat like Al Gore tells us the world will end because of "global warming" and it's mostly the fault of the U.S., he's just telling us "reality".

on Jun 26, 2006
...and when old WMDs are found in Iraq, they are "meaningless," but when we're talking about ports we have to worry about all the old military armament floating around that just anyone can sneak into the US with ease.

...and when Bush deals with the Saud family, we're in cahoots with sponsers of terrorism and an oppressive government, but when Gore goes over and ass-kisses Saudis with long, boring speeches, he's "reaching out to regain the respect the US has lost in teh Middle East."

...and when Tom Delay sends donations to the national party and then recieves the same back for local elections, that's donation laundering, but when Mollahan creates cardboard organizations and funnels over a hundred MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS into them, raising his own person worth from 500k to 6.3 MILLION from 2000 to 2004 thats... well, that's nothing. We don't hear a thing about it anymore.

Oh, the double standards have no end.