Published on September 25, 2006 By Island Dog In Politics

While polls are usually false and media driven, the liberals here proclaim them as truth.  Well only the ones that go against Bush and republicans.  Any other poll they simply ignore and will ignore it.  So here is some polls I found really interesting, and since they are polls they must be true, right?

Fox's question was revealing: "Regardless of how you voted in the presidential election, would you say you want President Bush to succeed or not?" Democrats said "not," 51 percent to 40 percent - where the public at large wanted success by almost two to one.

We asked likely Iowa voters what they'd do in some hypothetical 2008 matchups in the state. The two GOP front-runners, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain, beat the Democratic front-runners - Clinton, former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards and Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry.

(Giuliani beats Clinton 56-37; Edwards, 51-43; and Kerry, 53-40. McCain defeats Clinton 54-37; Edwards, 47-46; and Kerry, 53-39.)

on Sep 25, 2006
Let’s see what the latest intelligence report that says the Iraq war has NOT made America safer will do to the polls. That report just pulled the rug from under Bush and the GOP claim that their policies are making us safer. The National Intelligence Estimate says JUST THE OPPOSITE!
on Sep 25, 2006
Hey ID, do you think that Col klink could ever post on topic?
on Sep 25, 2006
As usual col you have no idea what you are talking about. The reason this is one poll I believe is because of people like you. You would rather the entire country fail just you can blame Bush, than have it succeed and might actually have to praise him. This report (which hasn't been made public so you don't know what you are talking about) won't do anything to the polls. People in this country understand democrats will not fight terrorism with military, but with feelings and hugs.
on Sep 25, 2006

Heck, most of us have known for a long time that the Democrats really want failure and would never support George W. Bush in anything he does.

W. could announce tomorrow that he's *for* raising the minimum wage to $12.00 per hour, for taxing anyone that earns over $120,000.00 at 90% and for abortion on demand for anyone that breathes and it still wouldn't get Democrats to support him.  They'd still be crying for the return of Bubba the great, or for the second coming via Hillary.

On a more positive note all of those great polls that said that there was going to be a big Democrat sweep in the fall seem to be slowly and surely shifting back to the "we'll have to wait and see" how the results really come out.  The Republicans that looked so vulnerable only a few weeks ago are starting to look like better options the closer we get to the real elections, and the public keeps finding more and more that the Democrats lack any real message and worse any real plan for doing *anything* except getting rid of Republicans wherever they can.

If Democrats really did offer up a plan, and really could offer the voters security they might really stand a chance, but I wouldn't bet on that happening in this election.

on Sep 25, 2006
I predict the democrats will win some seats but not enough to rule either house.
Watch the democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of voctory.
on Sep 25, 2006
Just like that articles says, and has been said here before. Democrats are the party of pessimism and complaining. Democrats offer few ideas, and the ones they do offer are ones such as raising taxes, giving terrorists more rights, etc.