Published on December 21, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

Over the past couple of months, there has been quite a bit of speculation that Obama’s birth certificate holds a secret, one of which that he is not a natural born citizen therefore not eligible to be President of the United States.  Several petitions have been filed, and the SCOTUS has review and denied most that have come in.  I’m not really sure what to believe, as I have haven’t seen evidence either way to indicate whether Obama is or isn’t qualified to be President.

However, the thing that bothers me the most is Obama will not open the sealed document to put this matter to rest.  If he is about “change”, and so-called “open government” then he should have no problem releasing these documents and putting an end to the speculation.  But he doesn’t.

The Kenyan government has also put in place a gag order silencing Obama’s extended family from talking to the media about Obama.  Why?  Is it too much to ask for the American public to have the ability to ensure that the person who will run our country is completely eligible?

Is there anyone who objects to Obama having to show his eligibility to be President? 

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on Dec 23, 2008

Nitro Cruiser

Why do American birth certificates list race???

Pennsylvania's birth certificates don't list race. What I find interesting is his (Obama's) BC lists his mothers race as Caucasian and his fathers as African. I always thought Africa was a geographical location, not a race. Also, are there not white Africans? Also, IMO this seems interesting to me in light of the time of his birth, wouldn't race have been listed as Negro? I'm not familiar with Hawaiian documents in any form, so it is conjecture on my part, but it does seem odd. Perhaps Hawaii was just more progressive back then, or someone just knew that he was destined for greatness. Anyone know if a bright star appeared over the islands when he was born (or if he was protected by Rotweiliers and a strange old nanny)?

The documents released from Hawaii are not legit. I wan't to see the original. The one in the picture has a date of 2001 on it. 

It's just a document. If it exisit we deserve to see it. 

on Dec 23, 2008

It's just a document. If it exisit we deserve to see it.

Maybe his true second name isn't "Hussein" and he doesn't want people to know?


on Dec 23, 2008

The documents released from Hawaii are not legit. I wan't to see the original. The one in the picture has a date of 2001 on it.

on Dec 23, 2008

Stubbyfinger shoots and scores.

Anyone still bitching after reading the link is just looking for things that aren't there.  Is THAT proof enough, ID?  John?

Every single argument against it that's been raised is obliterated in that one article.  Anything else to whine about?

on Dec 23, 2008


Anyone still bitching after reading the link is just looking for things that aren't there.  Is THAT proof enough, ID?  John?


Yes there is. I want to see the original. If I request a copy of my birth certificate today it comes in the form of a copy of the micro fiche with a raised seal. Until I see the original document, it's just not proof. 

People can be paid off. Documents can be faked. These two actions happen everyday. Why should I believe a person producing a recently created document? 

on Dec 23, 2008

~AD totally hijacks thread


Leuki, how were you able to upload ur penquin picture?  I went to update my picture and now I can't upload a picture in My Account. 

~end hijacking.

I only have to add that Phillip Berg is STILL trying to press this issue even after the produced article.  Considering Annenberg Foundation's ties to Obama I can see why one would want to see the ORIGINAL. 

That is All.

on Dec 23, 2008

Anyone still bitching after reading the link is just looking for things that aren't there. Is THAT

The (an Annenberg association) has been disputed plenty of times.  What is so wrong about wanting to see the original document?  Why doesn't he release it?


on Dec 24, 2008

~pokes head in, waves at the bee-man, and laughs her ass off.

wavin back @ your sublime self lw! 

lafftin is the better & preferred alternative here.  sad as it may be witnessing the descent into pathology of what once might likely have passed as functioning brains, i'm not tearing up even a drop.  

on Dec 24, 2008

Oh, so you guys want your vewwy own copy sent to your vewwy own addwess.

I get it.

on Dec 24, 2008

Anyone still bitching after reading the link is just looking for things that aren't there

et tu, sc? 

my exact reason for posting said link several hours and perhaps 10 replies earlier than stubbyfinger (not that i wanna diminish his efforts in the least...but bitchin about anything even .01% rational in this thread almost seems justifiable).

on Dec 24, 2008

I want to see the original

yeah but...then you concede:

If I request a copy of my birth certificate today it comes in the form of a copy of the micro fiche with a raised seal

in other words, you wanna see HIS original...even tho you're able only to obtain a mere copy of your own bc? 

People can be paid off. Documents can be faked.

can't be too vigilant nor suspicious.  i suggest you waterboard your parents and the medical professionals who assisted at your delivery til they cop to the horrible things they been coverin up all these years.

on Dec 24, 2008

What is so wrong about wanting to see the original document?

notta damn thing. 

which is why i wanna see your original birth certificate. 

not a copy nor any form of artful reproduction no matter how identical it may appear. 

soon as you lemme know it's in your possession, i'll arrange to have it picked up by a bonded courier who will handcuff it to his person and deliver it for my inspection.  afterwards it'll be returned to you along with a couple bucks for your trouble...and my sincerest thanks, of course.

on Dec 24, 2008

Maybe his true second name isn't "Hussein" and he doesn't want people to know?

dammit, now id ain't gonna have nothing to write about next.

on Dec 24, 2008

just john

People can be paid off. Documents can be faked. These two actions happen everyday. Why should I believe a person producing a recently created document? 

What evidence would you belive?  The official in charge saying it was genuine?  'cos thats been done.

If they release the original would you belive that seeing as 'documents can be faked'?  Even if you saw it with your own eyes would you belive it?


on Dec 24, 2008

What evidence would you belive?

Does it matter?  I simply find it amusing that the tactics used against Bush (the honest ones, not the Dan Rather Fraud) are being used against the left now.  And how they howl!  Et tu, Brute?

Democrats love a controversy.  Otherwise, Obama would have released it and made this a non-issue.  He wants to keep this on the forefront, so people do not pay attention to his activities behind the curtain.

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