Published on December 21, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

Over the past couple of months, there has been quite a bit of speculation that Obama’s birth certificate holds a secret, one of which that he is not a natural born citizen therefore not eligible to be President of the United States.  Several petitions have been filed, and the SCOTUS has review and denied most that have come in.  I’m not really sure what to believe, as I have haven’t seen evidence either way to indicate whether Obama is or isn’t qualified to be President.

However, the thing that bothers me the most is Obama will not open the sealed document to put this matter to rest.  If he is about “change”, and so-called “open government” then he should have no problem releasing these documents and putting an end to the speculation.  But he doesn’t.

The Kenyan government has also put in place a gag order silencing Obama’s extended family from talking to the media about Obama.  Why?  Is it too much to ask for the American public to have the ability to ensure that the person who will run our country is completely eligible?

Is there anyone who objects to Obama having to show his eligibility to be President? 

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on Dec 22, 2008

However, the thing that bothers me the most is Obama will not open the sealed document to put this matter to rest. If he is about “change”, and so-called “open government” then he should have no problem releasing these documents and putting an end to the speculation. But he doesn’t.

He's already admitted he had dual citizenship at birth, (British/Unite States), so he's not a "natural born citizen" and even if he were born here according to the founding fathers he's not eligible to be president. He didn't become a US only citizen until 1982.

The natural born qualification was put there by the founding fathers for reasons that no longer exist and is only appears to be relevant to those who can't get over it. 

on Dec 22, 2008

turns out you're just as virally nuts as any and all those bushwhackers you've taken to task.   not to mention, appearing to be one hell of a hypocrite.


on Dec 22, 2008

Is there anyone who objects to Obama having to show his eligibility to be President?

Why should he pander to people like yourself when he's already satisfied everyone of any importance? McCain and the Repulicans have never questioned Obama's citizenship, because they know there's no case to be made from it.

If every irrational request was responded to, public figures would never get anything done.

The Kenyan government has also put in place a gag order silencing Obama’s extended family from talking to the media about Obama.  Why?

I imagine they'd quite like some aid money in the future, and are being utterly and possibly overly pragmatic about it. Why pointlessly antagonise a superpower by letting people spread gossip?

on Dec 22, 2008

on Dec 22, 2008

Why should he pander to people like yourself when he's already satisfied everyone of any importance?

Apparently he has not, or it would not still be a question.

But ID's question is not whether he is a natural born citizen or not (I think SCOTUS would agree that a child born to a citizen of the US is a natural born citizen - intent and all).  But why he is hiding it?

It is like CLinton.  Why do they feel the need to lie and obfuscate when the truth is good enough?

That is the question.

If every irrational request was responded to, public figures would never get anything done.

Funny how that issue only becomes an issue when a question is asked of a liberal.  But irrational requests are demanded of conservatives.  The best part of the election of Obama is to see the liberal hypocrisy laid bare for all to see. "Do as I say, not as I do" is no longer a cliche, but a way of life.

on Dec 22, 2008

turns out you're just as virally nuts as any and all those bushwhackers you've taken to task. not to mention, appearing to be one hell of a hypocrite.

Yes, wanting to make sure someone is eligible to be President is in the same class as the liberal loons from the past 8 years.  LOL.  Thanks for contributing nothing to the conversation.

Why should he pander to people like yourself when he's already satisfied everyone of any importance? McCain and the Repulicans have never questioned Obama's citizenship, because they know there's no case to be made from it.

Just because McCain didn't have a set to question it doesn't mean anything. He hasn't satisfied anyone because he hasn't released anything.

Lets remember the media had a field day when someone questioned McCain's eligibility because of his birth in Panama.  What did McCain do?  He promptly released the documents and put an end to it. 

I guess the fake messiah is just too good enough, and you people talk about being hypocritical.  LOL.



on Dec 22, 2008

what documents do you want him to release?

on Dec 22, 2008

The natural born qualification was put there by the founding fathers for reasons that no longer exist and is only appears to be relevant to those who can't get over it. 

I must be missing something here.  To me the reason this is in there is the US  should not be entangled with a foreign power.  This reason is valid today as it was then.  For example, do we want an Israeli Prez attacking Iran, A Georgian Prez attacking Russia, a Tiwanese Prez attacking China.


on Dec 22, 2008

Excuse me for double posting, but I forgot to add that some on the left questioned McCain's eligibility because he was born on a foreign military base rather than US soil.

on Dec 22, 2008

The reality is this question citizenship and need of proof looms over's his to answer. Why won't he? If it's true, why a gag order to his family in Africa? It's fishy and he's got to get rid of the fish smell.

Obama is no different from any other man who would be presidient of the USA, so why should he be treated differently. Before swearing in time, I want Obama to show proof without doubt that he meets the Constitutional requirements of being President.

He needs to provide once for all the documentation that will satisfy the law of the land and common citizens like me. If he doesn't do that the question of legitimacy will always be there.....

Members of Congress must be residents of the state from which they are chosen and members of state legislatures must be residents of their districts....


on Dec 22, 2008

I think it's hilarious. Obama couldn't get a clearance to fill my job (if he was an ordinary guy without the political background), but apparently politics trumps security background checks. It seems all men are not created equal. We deserve all we get.

on Dec 22, 2008

I am shocked to see anyone not care if Obama is eligible or not. Obama was voted in because some believed the Gov't has become corrupted and Obama would bring balance to it and yet here we are with questions of which answers are being hidden or avoided. Bush was criticized because of his military dismissal but it's OK for Obama to be President when we still wonder if he was eligable to be one at all.

When our culture reaches a point of not giving a dam about doing the right thing, we deserve to lose our status as the most powerful country in the world. I become more ashamed of my people every day that goes by. Our founding fathers would be ashamed if they lived today. We are not the country we claim to be or what our founding fathers and soldiers died for.

on Dec 22, 2008

When our culture reaches a point of not giving a dam about doing the right thing, we deserve to lose our status as the most powerful country in the world.

Personally, I don't give a hoot over our so called "status".  More importantly, if people don't wake up in a big way, it's noit status that will be lost, but our freedoms.

We are like frogs being slowly boiled to death....there are alot of frogs out there who don't care or want to know Obama's birth status.


on Dec 22, 2008


That's a cute picture but offers no proof. A birth certificate is only valid with a raised state seal. I have scanned a valid birth certificate before and the state seal is evident. Why can't you see it in this document? 


Because it's not there.

on Dec 22, 2008

Apparently he has not, or it would not still be a question.

there are questions and questions.

1. did the us really land on the moon?

2. did the bush administration stage 911 using robot-controlled planes? 

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