Published on December 21, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

Over the past couple of months, there has been quite a bit of speculation that Obama’s birth certificate holds a secret, one of which that he is not a natural born citizen therefore not eligible to be President of the United States.  Several petitions have been filed, and the SCOTUS has review and denied most that have come in.  I’m not really sure what to believe, as I have haven’t seen evidence either way to indicate whether Obama is or isn’t qualified to be President.

However, the thing that bothers me the most is Obama will not open the sealed document to put this matter to rest.  If he is about “change”, and so-called “open government” then he should have no problem releasing these documents and putting an end to the speculation.  But he doesn’t.

The Kenyan government has also put in place a gag order silencing Obama’s extended family from talking to the media about Obama.  Why?  Is it too much to ask for the American public to have the ability to ensure that the person who will run our country is completely eligible?

Is there anyone who objects to Obama having to show his eligibility to be President? 

Comments (Page 9)
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on Aug 23, 2012

Let these people keep harping on about the "real" birth certificate... This issue is dead to everyone but a small but incessantly vocal group and they aren't convincing any undecided or swing voters with their claims.

The more time and effort they dedicate to demanding the "real" certificate and proclaiming all evidence that doesn't support their theory the better.  They are accomplishing nothing and wasting countless hours and days of their lives demanding "the truth" knowing full well that they will not accept anything other than reaffirmation of their theory as "the truth".  Nothing will come of their effort.  There will be no shocking release of damning evidence by Donald Trump or any other birther leader. Obama will not be impeached or resign, and from the looks at the electoral math in all likely-hood will be re-elected in several months.  If you want Obama out of office so badly that you've been devoting hours and hours over 4 years to what most certainly IS a conspiracy theory (one that has been debunked to the satisfaction of the majority of the population) you may want to rethink your strategy...  

You see there is an easier way to get Obama out of office!...  There is this election coming up, and while the odds are in Obama's favor at the moment, the chances of you proving Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya and getting him impeached are considerably smaller than the odds he could be defeated in November.  Maybe you could go out and help campaign for his opponent?  Raise awareness about issues that swing voters care about (hint: the birth certificate isn't one of them!!..)  Either of these two suggestions is certainly guaranteed to be more effective than babbling on about a conspiracy theory that nearly the entirety of the undecided electorate has already deemed bogus.

So you can either do yourself a favor and focus your attention elsewhere (where it could make a difference!).  Or you could do Barack Obama a favor and keep asking for his "real birth certificate"; because while you may get some people to listen to your theory, you are not going to change many peoples opinions on the matter at this point.







on Aug 24, 2012

Which type of documents do you want him to release?

on May 31, 2013

This link is an old story from RenewAmerica.




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