Published on December 21, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

Over the past couple of months, there has been quite a bit of speculation that Obama’s birth certificate holds a secret, one of which that he is not a natural born citizen therefore not eligible to be President of the United States.  Several petitions have been filed, and the SCOTUS has review and denied most that have come in.  I’m not really sure what to believe, as I have haven’t seen evidence either way to indicate whether Obama is or isn’t qualified to be President.

However, the thing that bothers me the most is Obama will not open the sealed document to put this matter to rest.  If he is about “change”, and so-called “open government” then he should have no problem releasing these documents and putting an end to the speculation.  But he doesn’t.

The Kenyan government has also put in place a gag order silencing Obama’s extended family from talking to the media about Obama.  Why?  Is it too much to ask for the American public to have the ability to ensure that the person who will run our country is completely eligible?

Is there anyone who objects to Obama having to show his eligibility to be President? 

Comments (Page 8)
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on Aug 02, 2012

That's a fine question Jythier.  Hey, do you think they check for proof of citizenship when you run for Congress?  You're damn skippy they do.  But I've decided to have fun with it, just like with the 911 Truthers.  Some of their claims were pretty outlandish too.  But for as long as suckers buy the books and conference tickets then someone is gonna keep dishing it out, and you gotta admit the nutjob predators out there have come up with some really complicated stuff this time.  You pretty much HAVE to buy their book if you want to have a chance of following it all.  

Remember the good old days when the theories were a lot simpler?  A couple grainy photographs and a 10 page poorly-photocopied manifesto...ah, simpler times. 

on Aug 02, 2012

 But I've decided to have fun with it,

Me too. 

Here Obama speaks of the country of his birth....


And Michelle admits Kenya is Obama's "home country"....





on Aug 02, 2012

poorly-photocopied manifesto...ah, simpler times. 

Ya, in simpler times, one produced a genuine birth certificate that is if one actually has a genuine birth certificate.  

But experts are putting their reputation on the line and saying Obama's was a computer generated birth certificate.


on Aug 02, 2012

Oh, and I'll bet these experts are the best and brightest too.  Look, many first and second generation Americans talk about their family's country of origin as their "home country".  Saying things like "place where my father and/or mother was born" get to be tedious I expect.  I bet they both regret using that little bit of shorthand.  But do you really think that someone as slick as you Birthers think the Obamas must be, in order to have perpetrated this elegantly complex scheme, would so casually share the AIDS testing story that blows the cover off of their whole vile machination?  So they were just super clever up to that point then?  For YEARS they kept it under wraps, but the minute a chance to tell that freaking AIDS story came along, Michelle just couldn't hold back any longer?  Well then, we should just sit back and wait for all those investigators that Trump sent to Hawaii to cough up all that info that they've apparently been holding onto for some time...he said it was shocking stuff.  ...  Well, maybe I'll go get a coffee while I'm waiting.

on Aug 02, 2012

When it comes to conspiracies, I don't believe the government is capable of perpetrating them - it simply lacks the competence or ability to control all the moving parts once they are put in motion.

However, I have no doubt the government can be duped.

on Aug 02, 2012

But experts are putting their reputation on the line and saying Obama's was a computer generated birth certificate.


I'll bet these experts are the best and brightest too.

How about truthful and honest? I bet the experts would be willing to testify of their findings. 


Look, many first and second generation Americans talk about their family's country of origin as their "home country".

OK, pooh pooh away Michelle's comment if you want...but Obama's comment is not so easy.

Obama: My approval ratings are having their ups and downs, but are high "in the country of my birth."  

 I bet they both regret using that little bit of shorthand.

Ya, "little bit of shorthand", little slips of the tongue....oh my spare us the details, details! 



on Aug 02, 2012

However, I have no doubt the government can be duped.

Well said. 

And this wouldn't be the first time, nor will it be the last. 


on Aug 02, 2012

But experts are putting their reputation on the line and saying Obama's was a computer generated birth certificate. Certificate Forgery.doc

on Aug 02, 2012


Quoting lulapilgrim, reply 108But experts are putting their reputation on the line and saying Obama's was a computer generated birth certificate.


OK, pooh pooh away Michelle's comment if you want...but Obama's comment is not so easy.

Obama: My approval ratings are having their ups and downs, but are high "in the country of my birth."  


You know, I saw your clip there when you posted it earlier, and I knew it was fishy right away, but had to wait until I got done with work in order to do the research.  Turns out it didn't take that much, could have done it instead of that smoke break.  So hey...when the clip ends do you notice that it cuts off right before the audience's reaction?  That bug you too?  It should...because this speech is from the 2010 White House Correspondent's Dinner.  You know, the big fancy party they throw for the media where the president does a comic speech.  The applause was pretty good for that joke (which you didn't hear due to creative editing), and for a lot of his other ones.  Allow me to enlighten you:



So I am left wondering, did you not bother to do the three minutes of research it would have taken to find out what this was all about before throwing it out there like fact, or did you know that you were misleading people with something so obviously false?  I mean, using the Correspondent's Dinner speech as a "Gotcha!" quote is so laughably obvious, he should have made a joke about people like you right after the one you quoted!  Dear God of All That is Holy, why didn't you get him to make a joke like that so I could post it here?  

So all those posts ago when I charged you lulapilgrim and all your fellow Birthers of living in a delusional world of your own construction, this is exactly what I was talking about.  To people who bother to know what is actually going on this kind of thing is maddening, and most of us can see that it's corrosive to our political discourse.  I'm here to tell you buddy, you do a little bit of your own research and logical thinking on the claims that you're regurgitating here, you'll live a much more informed, rewarding life.

on Aug 02, 2012

You know, I saw your clip there when you posted it earlier, and I knew it was fishy right away, but had to wait until I got done with work in order to do the research.

Nothing fishy about the video clip of Obama saying what he said about the country of his birth. 

So he made a joke of it? Doesn't change a thing. Certainly doesn't prove his birth certificate is genuine! 

Just before that he made a joke about the Catholic hypocrite Joe Biden's infamous F-bomb and got a laugh there too! Was that what Biden said or just "comic speech"? 


To people who bother to know what is actually going on this kind of thing is maddening, and most of us can see that it's corrosive to our political discourse.

All that is being asked is for Obama  to produce an authentic birth certificate.


in order to do the research.  Turns out it didn't take that much, could have done it instead of that smoke break.

Okay, smarty pants...

Since Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro has been in office for more than 3 years and since the media hasn't been able to----- 

find any of his childhood friends or neighbors...

find any of Obama's high school or college classmates...

produce his college papers or grades...

determine how he paid for both a Columbia and Harvard education...

discover which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980's...

----perhaps you can research and give us the whole truth.


on Aug 03, 2012

In true conspiracy nut fashion, you remain completely undaunted by the facts lulapilgrim.  In fact you did exactly what I expected you to do, 'cuz it's what your type always resorts too...throw out more chaff and just shift your conspiracy to a different focus.  I certainly could go through and mention friends and family of the Obama family and of the President himself, but I got better things to do than beat my head against a wall trying to talk sense to you people.  

Besides, I don't have a problem with you guys getting yourselves all worked up anymore.  See, before the Affordable Care Act when you had an early heart attack or stroke because you live in a near constant state of persecution, I had to pay for it when you went to the emergency room.  But now, thanks to our fine President, long may he live fat and happy, you guys are all covered!  Awesome!  Go ahead and stroke out there big guy!  Oh, and thanks for pitching in to support me when my cigarette smoking catches up with me.  


The President is bad ass.

on Aug 03, 2012

Please, this horse is dead, it is time to stop the beating.

Col Carter!  You are looking in great form!

on Aug 03, 2012

Dr Guy
Please, this horse is dead, it is time to stop the beating.


Keep beating it 'til it dies again.


Yup. That's what Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona and the evidence gathered by a group known as the Cold Case Posse are doing. 


on Aug 04, 2012

Freaking shameless.

on Aug 07, 2012

There's so much more than the birth certificate silliness.

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