What do you think?
Published on October 29, 2008 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

As many of you might know, Microsoft unveiled more details about Windows 7 at this weeks PDC (Professional Developers Conference).  During a keynote made on Tuesday, Windows 7 was actually demonstrated, and one of the main focuses was on UI improvements and feature additions.  Microsoft has added several interesting features that I personally can’t wait to try out myself.

Here are some screenshots courtesy of Neowin.net who have been providing some great PDC coverage.

Start Menu/Jump List

Win7 desktop

Theme Gallery


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 29, 2008

I guess it's safe to say that Windows 7 looks like it's built on Vista, so is there really much change?  Are we just looking at marketing putting on a new face to Vista here?



on Oct 29, 2008

A "Newer, skinnier face", Philly. It's what Vista shoulda been but without the real work to enable both speed and some vital apps without the bloat of Vista.

I think they're slimming it down also to encourage "Cloud" computing (Azure) also and Vista didn't do as well as they wished.

They forget that Personal Computing took off like a rocket because it gave us control over documents, word processing, data bases, etc.!

on Oct 29, 2008

And me still running XP!  Wonder if Vista with a new face will be worth looking at? 

(I think I left myself wide open here to take some hits.) 

on Oct 29, 2008

None from me, Philly. It's Vistoid face has (in this build) some changes but it's 'meh' compared to the creative stuff here (WC).

This isn't the final build though, and I expect things to change from here.

on Oct 29, 2008
Brilliant..... in a few days we'll be überflooded with tons and tons of 'Windows 7' WB themes.
Same story everytime.....
on Oct 29, 2008
I for one am still running XP, I've never really been long enough on a Vista Rig to differentiate between the two....but that Windows 7 demo looked very impressive, or am I just being drawn in by the eye candy that it had to offer, I mean I always have a lot of screens open , so that looks like a damn easy way to scroll between the lot.....but what happens with our software that we have now, I believe their is already a lot of conflict of software drivers with Vista, will this be even more so now with the new windows 7
on Oct 29, 2008

Brilliant..... in a few days we'll be überflooded with tons and tons of 'Windows 7' WB themes.

Same story everytime.....

Which always brings up the question, 'Why would you want your desktop to look like an OS that you don't run?'


on Oct 29, 2008
guess it's safe to say that Windows 7 looks like it's built on Vista, so is there really much change? Are we just looking at marketing putting on a new face to Vista here?
You're not the only one scratching his head about this Philly. And I have a Vista system!   
in a few days we'll be überflooded with tons and tons of 'Windows 7' WB themes.
Same story everytime.....
Ah Snowman, none of us will forget the 3 year Longhorn / Vista Craze at WC! And by time Vista was released, we were already burnt out on it and it was old news. Cp   
on Oct 29, 2008

Vista Craze at WC

and the Windows 2000 craze
and the Apple craze
and the Aero craze
etc etc.....

why can't people just get whatever OS they wanna stare at everyday, instead of pestering us with these "fake OS's"

(yeah I know, Aero isn't an OS, but still....)

on Oct 29, 2008
They should make the UI "glassy" Perhaps more like clear glass, not so fuzzy and translucent, with a thin blue line boarder around the windows. Or perhaps make it look like a bunch of clouds. This is just more of the same MORE OF THE SAME!!! VOTE ELECTION 2008!
on Oct 29, 2008
Ah, it is so laughable! I sit back and watch people complain that Microsoft doesn't do anything right like apple. Now, they try to do that but far better and they still complain! Ughh! I give up! LOL. ( Ok, so now on topic. I love the interface myself. It is a great improvement on Vista and prior Windows versions. For those of you that are concerned that you don't like the size of the new taskbar. It is still resizable. Finally, Microsoft is headed in the right direction. IslandDog, Frogboy, or anyone from Stardock, What implications does this have for windowblinds and deskscapes? Will they still be included? I hope so because I have always enjoyed changing the look and feel as I see fit every so often. I also do not want to go back to the world of static wallpaper with us having animated wallpapers now.
on Oct 29, 2008
Wow, i wait for WindowBlinds 7 for Windows 7
on Oct 29, 2008
DrJBHL: "but it's 'meh' compared to the creative stuff here (WC)" Yea I'm not really caring for some reason, I'm still far more impressed with what I can already do with DesktopX and WindowBlinds and the such than I am with what I'm seeing in 7.
on Oct 29, 2008
Brilliant..... in a few days we'll be überflooded with tons and tons of 'Windows 7' WB themes.
Same story everytime.....
Its guaranteed Snowey...and the sheep will flock to them.
on Oct 29, 2008

[quote who="I.R. Brainiac" reply="14" id="1919457"]Brilliant..... in a few days we'll be überflooded with tons and tons of 'Windows 7' WB themes.
Same story everytime.....

Its guaranteed Snowey...and the sheep will flock to them. [/quote]

Baaaaaah! None of that fer me!

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