What do you think?
Published on October 29, 2008 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

As many of you might know, Microsoft unveiled more details about Windows 7 at this weeks PDC (Professional Developers Conference).  During a keynote made on Tuesday, Windows 7 was actually demonstrated, and one of the main focuses was on UI improvements and feature additions.  Microsoft has added several interesting features that I personally can’t wait to try out myself.

Here are some screenshots courtesy of Neowin.net who have been providing some great PDC coverage.

Start Menu/Jump List

Win7 desktop

Theme Gallery


Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 29, 2008
Looks a lot like Vista to me. The only thing I like so far is the Theme selection window. Everything else looks more of the same, if not worse. I was expecting a revamped UI; Something that the world hasn't seen before. You're disappointing me, Microsoft.
on Oct 30, 2008


The taskbar looks retarded, wtf is up with that? It's gigantic. And what, now windows are only identified by their icons? I'm with you on that one Bebi. Maybe it's set to double height?
The pics shown look just like Vista. I hope they do something a bit different before they call it finished.

I use doubletask, but that doesn't look like it. It just looks unnecessarily huge (really fkn wish FF spellcheck worked in this damn edit box).

on Oct 30, 2008

In my opinion...the taskbar sucks!!!  

on Oct 30, 2008

Just take Windows XP, have it come with Windowblinds as a system application, and call it Windows 8.  

on Oct 30, 2008

really fkn wish FF spellcheck worked in this damn edit box).

Bebi open it in HTML mode run the spell checker then save. also I been noticing if I go below the text to the bottom of the reply window, the FF menu works.

Its guaranteed Snowey...and the sheep will flock to them




HG_Eliminator will stick with WB. While MS has come along way since luna, I will not give up my custom desktops. (they can pry them from my cold dead fingers).

I too have had no problems with vista. The UAC was annoying but that got killed shortly by Tweakvista.

on Oct 30, 2008
Microsoft really isn't giving the Power User anything to get excited about. These UI photos could just as easily be part of a Vista service pack. This is just sad.. They should work on making Vista more maturer and stable like XP has become but now they want to roll out a new buggie OS. And ask us to pay for their lack of OS vision.
on Oct 30, 2008
Not impressed at all. Here we go again!   
on Oct 30, 2008
The taskbar looks retarded, wtf is up with that? It's gigantic. And what, now windows are only identified by their icons? Or are those quicklaunch? WTF is it? FAIL
Babi, I just watched the Win 7 Keynote @ PDC08 and you can change the taskbar height, just right-clicking it, I believe the actual mode (taller with larger icons) is due the touch screen usage they wanted to show in the key not an probably want to get popular on future, would be hard to click a small icon (@ 16x16 pixels) with your fingers. About the text, the windows details appear on mouse over/click, I believe this organization method will be really good. As for the UI design, I doubt this is the final version thought I think it's not going to be very different, but hey, we have WindowBlinds
on Oct 30, 2008

If you look at Paint in teh first image of the start panel you can see that it has a sub menu. It's a list of most recently used files for that app.  I friggin' love that!

I too like more than an icon to identify applications on my taskbar.  I assume that it's an option though.

Since the kernal is still very much Vista I'd expect it to be very similar.  However, based on what I've seen of the user enhancements (based on userr complaints and comments) I agree that it's enough of a change to be a new version.

My biggest hope is that existing skin elements will port over to the UI changes so skinners don't have too much more work for new skins.  IT takes long enough as it is now.

on Oct 30, 2008

Just take Windows XP, have it come with Windowblinds as a system application, and call it Windows 8.  

I sign up

on Oct 31, 2008

These UI photos could just as easily be part of a Vista service pack.

My thoughts exactly.More like Vista SP2 than a real innovation.

I'll stick with Vista  and ODNT Ultimate.My HP,properly tuned and minus the bloatware serves me well and has given me 0 problems.

on Oct 31, 2008

Umm, vStyler, do you think you can make a nice windows 7 UI? I have allways enjoyed your work, I'm still using the harmony skin, lol. Not to mention Vienna, oh god the good days. Harmony & Vienna were the only themes I used  constantly in my PC I just couldn't enjoy anything else!

Hopefully I'll see some nice stuff from you and your gang.

on Nov 03, 2008
Does this mean either my Vista or the "new" Vista will support bootskins??
on Nov 03, 2008

Does this mean either my Vista or the "new" Vista will support bootskins??
Both support them (the ones MS shipped with them).  Stardock bootskins will have to wait though.

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