What do you think?
Published on October 29, 2008 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

As many of you might know, Microsoft unveiled more details about Windows 7 at this weeks PDC (Professional Developers Conference).  During a keynote made on Tuesday, Windows 7 was actually demonstrated, and one of the main focuses was on UI improvements and feature additions.  Microsoft has added several interesting features that I personally can’t wait to try out myself.

Here are some screenshots courtesy of Neowin.net who have been providing some great PDC coverage.

Start Menu/Jump List

Win7 desktop

Theme Gallery


Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 29, 2008
I think it's looks more user-friendly than Vista and the menus look easier to read. I personally hate the Vista start menu layout, but this looks much nicer.
on Oct 29, 2008

Same ugly crap, I'd like to get paid what those guys do for their ui design and be able to perform as badly. Nice inconsistent lighting too

on Oct 29, 2008
I have used Vista Ultimate since its release, and i love it, and have had very very few problems, unlike XP when it first came out, maybe i am just lucky, but it works extremely well, and i do suppose when 7 comes out i will more than likely dig deep into the wallet and buy it
on Oct 29, 2008
I too use Vista Ultimate, and I have no issues other then those I expected. I have been very happy with it. Windows 7 looks awesome and the taskbar features seem very exciting!
on Oct 29, 2008
I have two machines, one with XP and one with Vista. I am less interested in interface design because Stardock and others make it possible to have almost any interface I want. Stability of the system is paramount to me, and because of that reason, I won't be rushing out to buy another OS as soon as it is released, as I did with Vista. My Vista system is still not as stable as my XP, and they run pretty much the same applications, side-by-side. Demos created by professionals, under optimum conditions, for marketing purposes may, and may not, represent end-user experiences. That isn't a knock against Microsoft, and more than it is a plug for Apple. It applies to most products, and certainly those on the leading edge of computer technology. I'll wait a bit this time, and only make the OS purchase based on actual need.
on Oct 29, 2008
I don't know about Windows 7. I am still waiting for the ""cloud" database storage instead of what we have now. I am sort of being forced to switch due to the fact that I want a new computer and the ones I want only come in VISTA but for the most part I don't see a reason to switch from XP. Maybe when there are more 64 bit apps I will feel the need to go to Vista and Windows 7.
on Oct 29, 2008
I work in IT at a large retailer and we talked just today regarding upgrading but we're waiting for Win7 before we plunge from XP...  
on Oct 29, 2008
I agree with vStyler Very ugly. Looks like an updated XP.  
on Oct 29, 2008
I recently upgraded to Vista Ultimate from XP and I must say that Windows 7 so far is not worth the time or money to buy.Personally I love Vista Ult. The only snags i've ran into are due to the developers side not the OS and have only ran into one instance where the OS was at fault. Unless M$ pulls a rabbit out of thier @$$ and show off something that makes this OS different from Vista and makes it worth the extra cash count me out for I get pretty much everything I want from here (WC) and from Vista.
on Oct 29, 2008
I really love the look. The taskbar looks awesome.
on Oct 29, 2008
I do too pjdark! I don't get what people are complaining about here! I mean what the hell, people haven't even used the damn thing yet and think it sucks! How the hell can they know if something sucks if they don't use it? Also, they must not of watched the demos very close because the productivity increase is far more important than the look. I love the fact that it will be easier to get things done. Good grief complainers! Get a life! Programs are not all about look and feel all the time! Would you buy a $50,000 car if it had no engine or electrical components, but it was shiny? Damn! LOL!
on Oct 29, 2008

The taskbar looks retarded, wtf is up with that? It's gigantic. And what, now windows are only identified by their icons? Or are those quicklaunch? WTF is it? FAIL

on Oct 29, 2008
I think the Windows 7 team is on the right track -- not only with regard to UI, but also with regard to UX and functionality. Now only if they'll stick to it, we'll have Windows the way Vista should've been. There's still a long way to go, so we'll see what happens by RTM.
on Oct 29, 2008

Now will have to keep XP till Windows 2X020

on Oct 29, 2008

The taskbar looks retarded, wtf is up with that? It's gigantic. And what, now windows are only identified by their icons?
I'm with you on that one Bebi. Maybe it's set to double height?

The pics shown look just like Vista. I hope they do something a bit different before they call it finished.

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