This is the first Microsoft video featuring Jerry Seinfeld. The videos are part of a campaign to improve the image of Microsoft.
Feels awkward and not very funny
Jerry seinfeld aint right and gates is just so static. Meh, i blame the advertising company. I wonder how they are going to use the rest of the 300 million dollars.
The video certainly doesn't help......Bill Gates is about as funny as pocket lint.
In a word, is ...SUCKED
They need to work better.
Gates and Seinfeld?
Where's my tin foil hat? Wait a minute....I've got it on! Oh they've found a way around TIN FOIL!
Wow, that sucked worse than even I could have imagined.
That sucks as nothing has sucked before.
It is very stupid - and probably will be a success because of it.
How true!
LOL . That was .....
I can't describe it.
You guys are too serious. That was funny!
Wow...I'm stupid...but somehow I feel stupiderer for watching that.
Seinfeld is about as funny as a steaming turd in a wetsuit... an upchuck in a space helmet... getting an appendage caught in a zipper.
c'mon, it wasn't that bad, I miss seeing Jerry regularly on tv and bill just looks funny period, acting or not - if you look at it that way, it's really not that bad. They won't be winning an oscar anytime soon but it isn't the worst video I've seen.
The only thing funny in it was the mall churro.