This is the first Microsoft video featuring Jerry Seinfeld.  The videos are part of a campaign to improve the image of Microsoft.


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on Sep 06, 2008

I would suspect that when you have as much money as those two have you end up loosing touch with reality.

I did find one thing funny...the photo on Bill's Clown Club Card is his mug shot when he was arrested in New Mexico in 1977.

on Sep 06, 2008

on Sep 06, 2008

That was mildly entertaining....but what did it have to do with Microsoft or their products??


on Sep 06, 2008

God knows what peoples problems with vista are.

Got a feeling most of 'em visited the same pulblic toilet I once had to.... on the wall somebody had written: "The vista (view) in here is shithouse."  Obviously they've got that bit of graffiti confused with MS' new flagship OS and are slamming Vista as a result.

Well it makes as much sense as the other reasons given for hating it.

As for Seinfeld, well his 'so-called' humour fits in with that bit of graffiti... shithouse!  And what if he wrote it????  Bill might've teamed up with the wrong bloke.

on Sep 07, 2008

Did you “get” the new Microsoft commercial? Apparently, some people didn’t, so Microsoft officials were calling reporters Friday to explain it. The Redwood, Wash., company started airing a commercial Thursday night in which comedian Jerry Seinfeld encounters Bill Gates shopping for real leather shoes at Shoe Circus! - “quality shoes at discount prices, why pay more?” - and helps Gates squeeze into a pair. As they walk out of the store together eating churros, Seinfeld asks Gates if he and the other great brains at Microsoft “are ever going to come out with something that will make our computers moist and chewy like cake so we can just eat them while we’re working?” In response, Gates wiggles his bottom.

The ad barely mentions the word “Microsoft” and never mentions Windows. Nevertheless, the Microsoft officials who phoned reporters Friday said it is indeed a campaign to brand Windows, “the start of a conversation … easily the largest marketing campaign we’ve ever had.” Microsoft plans to hire 155 “gurus” by the end of the year to work in Circuit City, Best Buy and other retailers to help customers pick out PCs, said Eric Hollreiser of Microsoft - presumably the way Seinfeld helped Gates pick out shoes. Microsoft is also working with PC manufacturers to deliver “a compelling Windows experience” - to study how long it takes, for example, for Windows to start up and shut down. Mobile phones and Microsoft’s Web site are also part of the plan. Hollreiser said Microsoft will do “a terrific job of delivering consumer information.”

Source: SF Gate

on Sep 07, 2008

What a couple of goobers!  About as funny as a wet fart in white shorts!

A fart would have been funnier than this video, hell Ballmer's monkey dance was funnier than this....hint...hint....

on Sep 07, 2008

 ..another american celebrity getting payed to shove a product down our throats....whats new?

on Sep 07, 2008

Well it worked. I see comments about this ad in quite a few sites so far... hey viral marketing!

on Sep 07, 2008

hey viral marketing!

...and what better way to get the ball rolling than YouTube?


Personally, I thought it a bit drab.

Meh... *yawn*

on Sep 07, 2008

Well it worked. I see comments about this ad in quite a few sites so far

Hardly... the majority of comments are in the negative... and certainly less than complimentary towards Bill, MS, etc.

Steve Jobs might be a smug little prick, but he has his finger on the marketing/advertising pulse and knows better than Bill how to get the attention of his audience.... given this dismal piece, Bill should ask Jobsy for tips.

on Sep 08, 2008

I thought it was horrible. They need to get Larry David writing those commercials.

on Sep 08, 2008

It took seeing this commercial a half-dozen times to realize it was a Microsoft commercial rather than a commercial about how two wealthy people can throw money way. 

on Sep 08, 2008

I liked it.

Bill was much better than I would expect from someone who isn't an actor.

on Sep 08, 2008

It took seeing this commercial a half-dozen times to realize it was a Microsoft commercial rather than a commercial about how two wealthy people can throw money way.

At first I thought it was an ad for where clowns bought their shoes... turns out I was right.

on Sep 08, 2008


If the goal was to humanize Windows then I think it failed.  Introducing Gates was a mistake.  He looks too much like the PC Guy of the Mac adverts and reinforced the drabness of the PC market.

I'd suggest that sales of Conquisadores have gone up though. 

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