This is the first Microsoft video featuring Jerry Seinfeld. The videos are part of a campaign to improve the image of Microsoft.
I could only get halfway through...I couldn't take the awkward anymore.
That was........ not great.....
Somehow, I can't bring myself to say it sucked, but well, it did. and it sucked badly.
Bit dull...
The videos are part of a campaign to improve the image of Microsoft.
They need Michael J Fox then, cause the only way to improve Microsofts image now is to go back in time and kill Vista before its born!!!
I like this video better:
Oh yeah, it WAS!!!
As for the Seinfeld show, it was less than ordinary, as was the cast excepting Michael Richards, who was the only one with a half ounce of funny in him. In fact, Michael Richards had more funny in him than the entire cast put together.
Why did I watch it? I didn't! It was 'just' on while I was waiting for something else I wanted to watch.
What a couple of goobers! About as funny as a wet fart in white shorts!
I rather liked that show. Sometimes, at least.
A pay toilet in a diarhea ward? A Rubber crutch?
To each his own..Seemed alright..
When youre as rich and famous as these guys you can stop making sense and still prosper.
Another member of the Vista hating sheeple
God knows what peoples problems with vista are. Been a user of xp since it came out and i think vista is performing much better.
But eh... still think they coulda used another advertising company cuz this lot aint doing nothing for me... makes me embarrassed for some reason