Reading through some posts here recently I noticed how a certain resident liberal explained how the rich should have their taxes increased.  While this is nothing new from the left, it's just ridiculous to even think about giving the government more money when they have proved time and time again it's nothing but a total waste machine for taxpayer dollars.

At the same time they say the "rich" should be taxed higher, it is also proclaimed that the "poor" in this country should not have to pay any taxes, and should have full access to the wasteful social programs from the government.  Now it's hard to nail down an exact figure of what liberals consider "poor", but certain ones here are trying to convince others that someone making $30,000 is somehow poor.  It's total nonsense.

If the democrats want to start increasing taxes (which we know they will), then it's time for everyone to start paying their share no matter what their personal circumstances are.  If you take a look at the poor in this country, they have luxuries others can only dream about.  Cell phones, video game systems, computers, etc. are common among these "poor" household, so tell me again how the "poor" cannot afford a minimal tax increase to help pay for the services they use like the rest of us.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 14, 2007
Because you can't get financing for the payment of taxes. If the government had a US Credit Card they could pay their taxes with, there wouldn't be a problem.
on Aug 14, 2007
If you believe people making $30,000 or less are not poor you must be living in China not the USA!
on Aug 14, 2007
Is It Time for the "Poor" to Pay Their "Fair" Share?

Did you ever head that saying, “You Can Not Bleed a Stone”? If a person making 25-30 K is working legally, they are paying payroll taxes, sales taxes property taxes either by owning a home or in the rent they pay. They also pay gasoline tax. The people that are getting away with not paying their share given their income are the top 10%.
on Aug 14, 2007
Here is a real life example of how the Conservatives waste your tax dollars. In 2000 the Sanibel Bridge was inspected and its condition showed it needed to be replaced. That meant a tax increase to fund the project. At that time we had Jeb Bush busily cutting the 1/10 of 1% tax on investments over $500,000 and the GOP controlled Lee County had no stomach for increasing local taxes. The bridge replacement was put off and a little over 2 years ago chunks on concrete began falling into the Gulf of Mexico and it became apparent the Sanibel Bridge was becoming unsafe. There was a panic since the wealthy on Sanibel and Captiva Islands were afraid they would be unable to get to their multi- million dollar homes.

The bridge replacement was put on a fast track and went out to bid. Then came the SHOCK! The costs to replace the bridge was more then double the cost in 2000 because of the increased cost of cement and steel. The refusal to deal with the bridge replacement in 2000 and provide the needed tax revenue resulted in more then a 100% increase in cost to the tax payers. This is an example of real WASTE that the “NO Tax Increase” creed can cause when needed repairs are not completed in a timely way. That is just what is taking place as we ignore the replacement of the ageing infrastructure across our country!
on Aug 14, 2007
If you believe people making $30,000 or less are not poor you must be living in China not the USA!

I lived quite nicely on a few thousand less than that.  If you think someone making $30,000 is "poor" then you need help.

If a person making 25-30 K is working legally, they are paying payroll taxes, sales taxes property taxes either by owning a home or in the rent they pay. They also pay gasoline tax. The people that are getting away with not paying their share given their income are the top 10%.

If you would read into the article, you would note that I am referencing two different things.  Someone making $30,000 is not poor excpet by your standards, which are ridiculous to say the least.  The 10% pay more taxes than anyone, how you think they aren't paying enough is pure liberal nonsense.  People who are not taxed should be since they are big contributors to the problems in our country.

Most, if not all the welfare and entitlement programs need to be eliminated.

Here is a real life example of how the Conservatives waste your tax dollars.

Funny how you don't respond to the blogs about liberals and their government waste.  Don't spam my blog with a copy and paste of an article that nobody reads.  Tell me again how you are a republican.  LOL.

on Aug 14, 2007
they are paying payroll taxes, sales taxes property taxes either by owning a home or in the rent they pay.

i thought you said higher taxes didn't affect the price of things. last time i checked rent was the price of living in a house. i got you this time.
on Aug 14, 2007
2006 Standard deduction + Personal exemption - $5,150 + $3,300 = $8,450
$30,000 - $8,450 = $21,550
2006 Tax Table - $3,009
8.5% State Tax + FICA = $2,550

Okay, so a person making $30,000 pays about $5,500 in taxes, 18.33%.

A married couple with a child making $30,000
$10,300 + $9,900 = $20,200
$30,000 - $20,200 = $9,800
2006 Tax Table - $983
Less (Additional) Child Tax Credit - $983 - $1,000 = $-17
EIC $-17 - $635 = $-652 or -2.17%
8% FICA = $2,400
A couple making $30,000 with a child pays about $1,748 in taxes, or 5.83%

Married people need to start paying their fair share. Especially those single income families, they use up the resources of 3 single people while paying one third of the taxes!
on Aug 14, 2007
HA! I make 45k a year have a wife and 3 kids and pay about $10,000 a year in taxes!
on Aug 14, 2007
Because you can't get financing for the payment of taxes. If the government had a US Credit Card they could pay their taxes with, there wouldn't be a problem.

The federal reserve is owned by bankers such as the richest people in the world: The Rockafella's and Rothschild's. Everything that America spends come from the federal reserve (12 private banks) and America pretty much has a credit card which has put America in debt with the real kings of the United States. I think almost all of the American citizens income tax goes to paying off the interest America owes the Federal Reserve (the federal reserve is not federal it is owned by 12 private banks). The United States is run off of credit, loans and banks and it's really destroying this country because a few powerful men can pretty much do whatever they want and run the show.
on Aug 14, 2007
$3,825 FICA/State...

$18,300 - Tax Schedules say $1,990.
-$1,990 for Child Tax Credit... um... you pay $3,825 if you're in the US. Double if you're self-employed. Less if you get Additional Child Tax Credit.

If you're not in the US, I have no idea.

Unless the children don't qualify, of course. Or you're paying someone else's taxes for them.
on Aug 14, 2007
i thought you said higher taxes didn't affect the price of things. last time i checked rent was the price of living in a house. i got you this time.

I said increasing taxes on the top `10% will not impact the price of consumer goods. It will also not increase by ONE CENT the taxes paid by people making 30K.   

on Aug 14, 2007
You maybe right after I get my tax return it maybe very close to that amount.
on Aug 14, 2007
Married people need to start paying their fair share. Especially those single income families, they use up the resources of 3 single people while paying one third of the taxes!

I disagree, Jythier. Stay at home moms get penalized, when what we need to do is ENCOURAGE stay at home moms. I believe that taking parents out of the home has done a lot of damage to our society.

That's why I favor a national sales tax, btw. I don't believe a single income couple should be penalized for their status, but they shouldn't get a "bonus" either. A sales tax doesn't discriminate.

And I'll tell you the same as I tell everyone else. If you're having children for the tax benefits, you're a piss poor economist. It's not a profitable!

on Aug 14, 2007
i thought you said higher taxes didn't affect the price of things. last time i checked rent was the price of living in a house. i got you this time.

I said increasing taxes on the top `10% will not impact the price of consumer goods. It will also not increase by ONE CENT the taxes paid by people making 30K.

so your saying only 1 type of tax increases prices, what about gas tax. what about sales tax. oh wait it is only the income tax that a business owner will absorb himself. a business that doesn't pass on its expense to its customers.
on Aug 14, 2007
Gid, I disagree too, but I forgot the smiley. Blasted sarcasm!

After all, last year I was that $30k single income family with 1 kid... this year I have 2 kids, and the income is better for sure. The EIC was a nice little bonus the last couple years, but now I've outgrown it and get REAL bonuses... the kind you get from an employer.
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