Reading through some posts here recently I noticed how a certain resident liberal explained how the rich should have their taxes increased.  While this is nothing new from the left, it's just ridiculous to even think about giving the government more money when they have proved time and time again it's nothing but a total waste machine for taxpayer dollars.

At the same time they say the "rich" should be taxed higher, it is also proclaimed that the "poor" in this country should not have to pay any taxes, and should have full access to the wasteful social programs from the government.  Now it's hard to nail down an exact figure of what liberals consider "poor", but certain ones here are trying to convince others that someone making $30,000 is somehow poor.  It's total nonsense.

If the democrats want to start increasing taxes (which we know they will), then it's time for everyone to start paying their share no matter what their personal circumstances are.  If you take a look at the poor in this country, they have luxuries others can only dream about.  Cell phones, video game systems, computers, etc. are common among these "poor" household, so tell me again how the "poor" cannot afford a minimal tax increase to help pay for the services they use like the rest of us.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 14, 2007
I see you got the attention of the insane one.
on Aug 14, 2007
I see you got the attention of the insane one.

I don't know...don't confuse stupidity with insanity. Some of the most brilliant people in the world are quite insane!
on Aug 14, 2007
I see you got the attention of the insane one.

why would you insult insane people.
on Aug 14, 2007
maybe we should do away with the tax return all together. i mean you have lived a year without it anyways.
on Aug 14, 2007
I see you got the attention of the insane one.

Who might the insane one be? LOL...
on Aug 15, 2007

he federal reserve is owned by bankers such as the richest people in the world: The Rockafella's and Rothschild's.

Uh oh!  Moonbeam is back!  Best dust off those tin foil hats, cause the black helicopters are next!

on Aug 15, 2007

Gid, I disagree too, but I forgot the smiley. Blasted sarcasm!

I guess I have been reading too much of you, I caught the sarcasm in your post.  Must be those mind waves you are sending out.

on Aug 15, 2007
If you believe people making $30,000 or less are not poor you must be living in China not the USA!

Well, damn. Where's my socialized medicine? And how come my money has pictures of AMERICAN Presidents on it?

No, China is where you would HAVE us live, Col, to have your socialist utopia. It's not where we actually LIVE!
on Aug 15, 2007
"I guess I have been reading too much of you"

I'm becoming prolific.

"I caught the sarcasm in your post. Must be those mind waves you are sending out."

Good, they're working. Just not to Gid, because it's far too serious a subject with him... especially with his 23 exemptions... how many 1040s does it take to list all your dependents, Gid? <--- remembered it this time.
on Aug 15, 2007
maybe we should do away with the tax return all together. i mean you have lived a year without it anyways.

Hell no, that's my money and I want it!
on Aug 15, 2007
Hell no, that's my money and I want it!

no its the governments money until they give it back.    
on Aug 15, 2007
Good, they're working. Just not to Gid, because it's far too serious a subject with him... especially with his 23 exemptions... how many 1040s does it take to list all your dependents, Gid?

Hey...if we implement a national sales tax, i'll be paying more taxes than you, so BITE!
on Aug 15, 2007
Taxes will never be fair, because nobody can decide what fair is.
on Aug 15, 2007
Taxes will never be fair, because nobody can decide what fair is.

Very true. To liberals, "fair" is the poor getting PAID to be citizens. To the wealthy, "Fair" is everyone paying the same share.

Frankly, the latter view seems more "fair". A sales tax, admittedly, isn't "fair", but as it is based on consumption, it would be less prone to fraud. For those who are rich enough to go overseas to shop, they should have to pay import duties equal to the sales tax.
on Aug 15, 2007
Would you put the sales tax on everything, or just some things? Ie, not taxing food or clothes?

That would make it fair, I think. If you're rich enough to buy something you don't need, you start paying tax. If you're just skating by and need food and clothes to live, you wouldn't be paying tax...

Also, what about rent? Or real estate in general? Sales tax, or not?
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