Reading through some posts here recently I noticed how a certain resident liberal explained how the rich should have their taxes increased.  While this is nothing new from the left, it's just ridiculous to even think about giving the government more money when they have proved time and time again it's nothing but a total waste machine for taxpayer dollars.

At the same time they say the "rich" should be taxed higher, it is also proclaimed that the "poor" in this country should not have to pay any taxes, and should have full access to the wasteful social programs from the government.  Now it's hard to nail down an exact figure of what liberals consider "poor", but certain ones here are trying to convince others that someone making $30,000 is somehow poor.  It's total nonsense.

If the democrats want to start increasing taxes (which we know they will), then it's time for everyone to start paying their share no matter what their personal circumstances are.  If you take a look at the poor in this country, they have luxuries others can only dream about.  Cell phones, video game systems, computers, etc. are common among these "poor" household, so tell me again how the "poor" cannot afford a minimal tax increase to help pay for the services they use like the rest of us.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Aug 17, 2007

he federal reserve is owned by bankers such as the richest people in the world: The Rockafella's and Rothschild's.

Uh oh! Moonbeam is back! Best dust off those tin foil hats, cause the black helicopters are next!

The federal reserve is owned by private banks! It's a known fact so please do not criticize me for stating a known fact...
on Aug 17, 2007
No it won't. They'll simply spend it.

As has been pointed out to you before, we could balance the budget right now by simply not increasing the budgets of federal programs for one year. No cuts.

In fact, we could balance the budget in a few years if we only increased the annual budget at the rate of inflation. But congress doesn't work like that. You give them money, they'll find a way to waste it.

The "tax the rich" crowd never seems to respond to this.
on Aug 17, 2007
The landlord includes his real estate tax in the rent but doesn't give his tenant a proportionate rebate that he writes off on his schedule A.

Actually, in Wisconsin at least, renters get a tax credit for property taxes.
on Aug 18, 2007

The federal reserve is owned by private banks! It's a known fact so please do not criticize me for stating a known fact...

Seems moonbeam was standing out in the last electrical storm!  nice lightening conductor, now can you form a coherant thought?

Earth to Moonbeam, one to beam up!

on Jun 01, 2008
Current U.S Income Tax Rates-
10%- Single Maried Married Filling Head of Household
$0-8,025 $0-16,000 Separately $0-11,540

15%- $8,026- $16,551- $8,026- $11,451-43,650
$32,550 $65,100 $32,550

25%- $32,551- $65,101- $32,551- $43,651-112,650
$78,850 131,450 65,725

Ok,lets look at some facts.Say a maried couple brings in a gross income of $131,450.00 a year.The couple would pay $32,862.50 in anual income tax.Now,
lets say a married couple is making $16,000 a year. The couple would end up
paying $1,600 a year in income tax.It would appear as though this is a fair arrangment.However,examine the two households,and how the taxed money can change their financial circumstances.

Waying the importance of each couples lost income
$16,000-$1,600 Inc./T=$14,400
$1,600 Income Tax/12=$133.33 a Month taken in income tax
133.00 dollars a month can pay the electric bill

$131,450-32,862.50 Inc/T=$98,587.50
$32,862.50/12=$2,738.54 dollars a month taken in income tax
$2,738.54 a month can pay the 30 year mortgage payment on a 1 Million dollar home.

Now whats more important,the electricity vs. the mansion?Hummm...?

If you believe people making $30,000 or less are not poor you must be living in China not the USA!

Oh,well I know people making 30k a year that are perfectly fine

on Jun 01, 2008

 Wow, this was dead almost 10 months before being resurrected.  Impressive.

Now whats more important,the electricity vs. the mansion?Hummm...?

So, it's important to penalize people who bust their ass to make more money?  How do you know that they don't need that money to pay for schooling for their handicapped child or to pay back their student loans for the education that they needed to get the higher paying job?  Since when is it the government's (or an individual's) right to say that somebody's need is more important than another's need?

I wonder at what point we take the last steps to formally be socialist?


on Jun 02, 2008
The couple would pay $32,862.50 in anual income tax

Wrong. You made 2 huge errors (and perhaps more of the lesser variety). Deductions - even for a standard filing you have them, except for when they are phased out. But they would not be for the lowest income filers.

Second, State INcome Tax. It is income tax. Now instead of paying 30%, these slobs are paying over 40%. Then add FICA/Medicare - not called income tax, but it is essentially an income tax. If Mr. and Mrs. were self employed, that would be another 15.3%. Sales tax gets added. Property tax, Car tax, and the rest of the hundredes of taxes - but let's leave that one alone for now.

The big 3 still add up to over 50%. That is fair? And before you jump on it, I am not claiming the low end people are avoiding all of these taxes - except when EITC is factored in.

YOu conveniently use deceptive numbers to try to refute the irrefutable. The hard numbers (that which is actually paid) belie the soft sell of either fairness or low tax rates.
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