Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 68)
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on Jan 13, 2008
Wassuup Daniel !! Thats one sweet WB ...   Can't wait ... Is it done yet ? heheh!!  
on Jan 13, 2008
Hoping someone would make a MAC windows blinds 6.0 skin fully compatible with vista
on Jan 14, 2008
Hoping someone would make a MAC windows blinds 6.0 skin fully compatible with vista

Leo (Vista) which comes with WB6 isn't good enough?
on Jan 17, 2008
ok, an update to Buzzz and where its at currently
on Jan 18, 2008
look very cool SK
on Jan 18, 2008
I'm working on:

Good stuff man, looking forward to that.

Sk, very classy
on Jan 18, 2008
I'm working on Unknown Ruins animated wallpaper, but I'm stuck on it too. Flow Clock is still on hold pending new version of screensaver creator.
on Jan 24, 2008
ok, an update to Buzzz and where its at currently
Ooooo....thats nice! Man....I would love to make some docks for that! Hint hint! Working on the Powder docks now too.
on Jan 25, 2008
I'm working on a major update of my Assimilation WB. An almost total rebuild/facelift of the skin.

Here's the new wallpaper

on Jan 26, 2008
My new DesktopX. The wroking title is The RedEye.
on Jan 26, 2008
I'm testing patterns, this one's a doozy. Working pretty good though.

on Jan 26, 2008
The RedEye.

ehem.... Red Eye
on Jan 26, 2008
ehem.... Red Eye

Yours is called Red Eye, his is The RedEye, yours is a logon, his a dx theme, you are Tycus, he is Po' what. You can't call dibs on a name.     
on Jan 26, 2008
ehem.... Red Eye

I'll color it green and call it the skinhit.
or stripes and call it the Zubaz.
or make it invisible and call it the Jafo (private joke between me and Jafo)
on Jan 26, 2008
Looking good, Po!    

messiah, I gotta figure out how you're using the textures on those Dock backgrounds without 'em getting all distorted when you zoom 'em   
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