Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

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on Jan 30, 2008

Hi just passing through to see what everyone is up to.
on Feb 04, 2008
Okay. I misunderstood and thought I could use SkinStudio to make a widget I could use in DX. I wanted a taskbar for my theme.

But I started getting into it. I spent hours trying to figure just this much out. Can someone tell me why the circled section on the start menu will not match the rest? I have tried everything and setting.

on Feb 05, 2008
Can someone tell me why the circled section on the start menu will not match the rest? I have tried everything and setting.

It could be several things ,but it looks like the background setting if you you in sks6 goto that image>extra settings>BackgroudEffect>semi-transparent (make sure all 5 parts of the start menu have the same back ground effect ex...blur,semi-transparent

Also in the same box you will see size of part make sure these match the exact image size
when you import an image sks wiil not pick up the size automaticly ,this should be set manually for all 5 images in the start menu.

If those dont help send it over and I will take a look!
on Feb 05, 2008
In the works: unltd
on Feb 05, 2008
Great stuff coming up.

on Feb 05, 2008

These are influenced by Buuf(just wanted to see if I could get anywhere near that Master's style)...Click on the image to view full picture(much better than the preview)

on Feb 09, 2008
I have been making changes to my gimmick blind.

on Feb 09, 2008
Jack, I love those icons. Real good job!
on Feb 09, 2008
Messiah, thanks Brother....That means a lot coming from you!
on Feb 10, 2008

on Feb 12, 2008
2 new widgy....
First: with 10day forecast, second: nice weather images...

on Feb 12, 2008
These are influenced by Buuf(just wanted to see if I could get anywhere near that Master's style)...

Personally I actually like these better. Nice job.

Great weather shots with the widgets bilbo.

on Feb 12, 2008
Personally I actually like these better. Nice job.

Wow! Quite a compliment...Thank you  
on Feb 17, 2008

on Feb 18, 2008
Snowman, I likes. Can't wait to see them.
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